1. Introduction
Let G = (V, E) be simple graph. A vertex k-coloring of G is a mapping from V(G) to the set
such that any two adjacent vertices are mapped to different integers. The smallest integer k for which a k-coloring exists is called the chromatic number of G, denoted by c(G). The d-distance between two distinct vertices u and v, d(u, v) is the number of edges of the shortest path joining them. The d-distance k-coloring, also called distance (d, k)-coloring, is a k-coloring of the graph G, that is, any two vertices within distance d in G receive different colors. The d-distance chromatic number of G is exactly the chromatic number of G under the d-distance condition, denoted by cd(G). For a simple graph G, the dth power of G, (Gd of G) is defined such that
and two vertices u and v are adjacent in Gd if and only if the distance between u and v in G is at most d. Clearly, the following inequality is holds:
The theory of plane graph coloring has a long history, extending back to the middle of the 19thcentury. In 1969, Florica Kramer and Horst Kramer [1] [2] defined the chromatic number
relative to distance d of a graph G(V, E) to be the minimum number of colors which are sufficient for coloring the vertices of G in such a way that any two vertices of G of distance not greater than d have distinct colors. In 1977, Wegner [3] , studied the problem of distance coloring of planar graphs. Alon and Mohar [4] considered the maximum possible chromatic number of G2, as G ranges over all graphs with maximum degree d and girth g. Bonamy et al. [5] , studied the 2-distance coloring of sparse graphs. They proved that every graph with maximum degree Δ at least 4 and maximum average degree less that 7/3 admits a 2-distance (Δ + 1)-coloring. Okamoto and Zhang [6] , considered the 2-distance chromatic number of graphs when deleted an edge or a vertex. In [7] , Jacko gave the exact value of cd(G) of hexagonal lattice graph when d is odd and some value when d is even. Borodin and Ivanova [8] , proved that every planar graph with g ≥ 6 and ∆ ≥ 18 is (∆ + 2)-colorable. Dantas et al. [9] , studied the total coloring of generalized Petersen graphs and shown that “almost all” generalized Petersen graphs have a total chromatic number 4. Miao and Fan, [10] , gave an upper bound of the chromatic number cd(G). Many papers have been devoted to it during the last decade, see for example [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] .
In this paper, all graphs are finite, simple and undirected. For a graph G, we denote by V(G), E(G), d(u,v), ∆(G), diam(G), Gd and
its vertex set, edge set, the distance between u and v which is the length of shortest path connecting them, the maximum vertex degree, the diameter of G, the power of G and d-distance coloring of G.
Theorem 1.1. [1] : For a graph
we have
if and only if the graph G is satisfying one of the following conditions:
2) G is a path of length greater than d.
3) G is a cycle of length a multiple of (d + 1). □
Theorem 1.2. [10] : When
, there exist only two connected graphs of order n:
The path
and the cycle
Theorem 1.3. [10] : Let G be a graph. Then
Lemma 1.1. [6] : Let G be a nontrivial graph and d a positive integer.
1) If H a subgraph of G, then
equals the order of G if and only if G is connected and
. □
Definition 1.1. [9] : For integers n and k with
. The Generalized Petersen Graph
has vertices and respectively Edges given by:
We will call
) the outer (respectively inner) subgraph of
. Note that we take the skip
, because of the obvious isomorphism
2. Main Results
Our main results here are to establish the exact chromatic number
(d = 1, 2) for k = 1, 2, 3 and arbitrary n.
Theorem 2.1.
Proof. Let
, observe from Definition 1.1, that Generalized Petersen Graphs composed of one outer cycle and several inner cycles dependent on k. So, when k = 1 there is one inner cycle, then G composed of two cycles of size n. There are two cases:
Case 1: n is even, immediately from Theorem 1.1 we have
(because d = 1) then
We define a function f with colors in the set {1, 2} for ai and bi as follows:
By (1) and (2) we get
Case 2: n is odd, from Theorem 1.2, we have
. Then
We define a function f with colors in the set {1, 2, 3} for ai and bi as follows:
. (4)
From (3) and (4), gets
. As example see Figure 1.
Theorem 2.2:
Proof. Let
. We have
is an induced subgraph of G and from Theorem 1.2, gets
. So,
We define a function f with colors in the set
for ai and bi as follows:
By follow-up the coloring to the right, for
there is only a single color as
So, for each vertex there is only a single color:
Observe that we have a repeat of the same order of the colors for each 4-inner (4-outer) vertices. Consider G with
. Assume that
for each
we define a subset
of V(G) by
then there is a function f with colors in the set
define as follows:
We have four cases according to the value of n modulo 4:
Case 1: r = 0. Then
. By function f is
From (5) and (6), we get
Case 2: r = 1. There are two leftover vertices in
. By function f we have
which is a contradiction with
. Moreover
. So, each of
needs deferent color then
. We define
, where
is a function with colors in the set {3, 4, 5} define as follows:
Then we get
= when
Case 3: For r = 2, we have two subcases:
Case 3.1: r = 2 and n > 6, a similar argument, there is a contradiction for
. Then,
. We define
is a function with colors in the set
define as follows:
Then we get
, see Figure 2.
Case 3.2: r = 2 and n = 6. There are two cycles of order 6 and know that
. Without loss of generality, assuming that
. Then the vertices a2, a3, a5, a6, b1, b2, b6, can’t take the color 1. Moreover, at most one of a4, b3, b4, b5 can be coloring by 1. This implies that each color has only two vertices from
. So, needs 6 colors for 12 vertices. Furthermore,
Case 4: For r = 3, there are two subcases:
Case 4.1: n ≥ 7. For a function coloring f there is a contradiction in
. Then
. We define
is a function with colors in the set
define as follows:
Case 4.2: n = 3. Then,
. By Lemma 1.1, we get
. □
Theorem 2.3:
Proof: Let
. We have
is an induced subgraph of G. Then by Theorem 1.2, is
. So,
We define a function f as follows:
We have three cases according to the value of n modulo 3:
Case 1: r = 0. By definition f we have
By (7) together with (8), gets
Case 2: r = 1. Then there is a contradiction for
. We define
. This implies that
Case 3: r = 2. There is a problem with colors the vertices
We define
, where
is a function with colors in the set
define as follows:
By the last result together with (7), we get
. □
Theorem 2.4:
Proof: Let
. G including
as an induced subgraph. We have
. Then by Lemma 1.1, we get
. Furthermore
We define a function f with colors in the set
as follows:
Then for
there are two cases:
Case a:
. (By coloring to the right). So,
has only a single color as
. Follow-up coloring inner (outer) vertices each vertex will have only a single color as follows:
By continue we will have a repeat of the same order of the colors for each 10-inner (10-outer) vertices.
Case b:
. By coloring to the left. So, we back to consider the Case 1.
We will consider G with
. Assume that
. Now, for each
we define a subset
of V(G) by
Then there is a function f define as follows:
We have ten cases according to the value of n modulo 10:
Case 1: r = 0. Then
. Moreover, by define f we have
From (9) and (10) we get
Case 2: r = 1. There are two leftover vertices in
. By function f,
which is a contradiction with
, and
. So each of
needs deferent color then
. We define
is a function with colors in the set
define as follows:
Then we get
Case 3: r = 2. There are four leftover vertices in
, which are a contradiction with
. This implies that
is a function with colors in the set
define as follows:
. See Figure 3.
Case 4: r = 3. By same argument there is a contradiction for
. Which implies that
. So, we define
where that
is a function with colors in the set
define as follows:
Then we get
Case 5: r = 4. There is a contradiction for
. We define
is a function with colors in the set
define as follows:
We get
Case 6: When r = 5 we have two subcases:
Case 6.1: r = 5 and
. The contradiction is for
. We will need at least three new deferent colors for them, then
. We define
is a function with colors in the set
define as follows:
. See Figure 4.
Case 6. 2: r = 5 and n = 5. We have diam(G) = 2. So, Lemma 1.1, gets
Case 7: r = 6. A contradiction for
. We define
is a function with color 6. So,
, gets
Notice when n = 6 we have the same argument but
, so the vertices will take the sequence of colors for (outer, inner)vertices as follows (1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6).
Case 8: r = 7. A contradiction is only for
. Let
. Where
. Moreover,
. Also when n = 7 we get
by the same condition with sequence of colors (outer, inner) vertices as following (1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 3, 5, 6, 4, 5, 5, 2, 2, 6).
Case 9: r = 8. A contradiction is for
, then
. We define
is a function with colors in the set
define as follows:
And so, gets
Also notice when n = 8 we have the same argument but
, so the vertices will take the sequence of colors for (outer, inner) vertices as follows (1, 2, 3, 1, 6, 4, 5, 6, 4, 4, 5, 5, 2, 2, 3, 3).
Case 10: r = 9. There is a contradiction for
. Let us define
, with
is a function with colors in the set
define as follows:
As before when n = 9 we get
, by the same condition with sequence of colors (outer, inner) vertices as follows (1, 2, 3, 1, 6, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 2, 2, 1, 6, 6).
Finally, we conclude that:
Theorem 2.5:
Proof. Let
. There are two cases:
Case 1:
. From Theorem 1.2, we have
. Then
We define a function f with colors in the set {1, 2} for
From (11) and (12), gets
Case 2:
. From Theorem 1.2, we have
. Moreover,
, where
. (14)
From (13) and (14) is
. □
Theorem 2.6:
Proof. Let
is an induced subgraph of G and
. This implies that
. (15)
Without loss of generality, we define a function f as follows:
. By follow-up the coloring to the right, for
there are two cases
Case 1:
. Then, there are two cases for
. So, if
then absolutely
. For coloring
we need another color because it has the four colors as neighbors. If
, then
. Furthermore, for coloring
we need another color. So to avoiding the fifth color we have to take the second case.
Case 2:
. There are two cases for
, we have two subcases:
Case 2.1:
. Absolutely
. If we take
, but we need another color for
. Also if we take
then we need new color for
Case 2.2:
. For each vertex there is only a single color:
. Observe that, we have a repeat of the same order of the colors for each (4-outer) and (4-inner) vertices as respectively for colors
. Consider G with
. Assume that
for each
, we define a subset
of V(G) by
then there is a function f define as follows:
We have four cases according to the value of n modulo 4:
Case 2.2.1: r = 0. Then
. By function f we have
From (15) and (16) we get
Case 2.2.2: r = 1. Then there are two leftover vertices in
, by function f we get
which is a contradiction with
. So each of
needs deferent color then
. We define
is a function with colors in the set {2, 3, 4, 5} define as follows:
Then gets
Case 2.2.3: r = 2. Here, we will consider
, {we delete the details of the general case because they are too long}.
We have
. Suppose
. It is easy to prove that each color can be given at most to four vertices. This implies that each color has exactly four vertices. {If drawing
as following form: (outer cycle, inner cycle) respectively,
such that
we gets the same graph (
, i.e.,
}. Furthermore, no more three vertices from (outer cycle, inner cycle) respectively, can be take the same color.
Assume that there are five sets of colors, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, i.e., f(v) = i if and only
). We will study the cases for one of Di. If Di contain r vertices of outer cycle and q vertices of inner cycle, then we called Di is (r-outer, q-inner). Without loss of generality, we consider D1. Thus, we distinguish two cases:
Case a: D1 is (3-outer, 1-inner).
(This Case is similar by symmetry to D1 is (1-outer, 3-inner).
Let’s start with
then we have (up to isomorphism)
, and
. Thus,
. We have two cases:
Case a.1:
. Two cases are similar by symmetry. Let
. Then
. Then
, a contradiction with our hypothesis,
Case a.2:
are belonging to the same set, let
. There are two subcases
Case a.2.1:
. Then
. So,
, a contradiction with
Case a.2.2:
. Then
. This implies that
, again gets a contradiction with
Case b: D1 is (2-outer, 2-inner).
Assume that
. We have three cases to choose the second vertex from outer cycle.
Case b.1:
. (We have the same result if we take
). Just one of
can belongs to
. So,
has three vertices and that means a contradiction with our proof that each set is from size 4.
Case b.2:
. (We have the same result if we take
). Then
. Also,
Case b.2.1:
. Then
. Thus,
, a contradiction with
Case b.2.2:
. Then
. Thus, we get
, a contradiction with
Case b.3:
. Then no vertex in inner cycle can take the color 1. We get a contradiction with our proof that each set is from size 4.
Finally, we conclude that
. To prove that
, we take a function
as follows:
Then we get
. See Figure 5.
Case 2.2.4: r = 3. we have two subcases:
Case r = 3 and n > 7. The contradiction in
. We define
is a function with colors in the set {4, 5}, define as follows:
Then we get
for n > 7.
Case r = 3 and n = 7. In this case we have
induced subgraph from
. Furthermore,
. Let take the cycle
and give it the fife color as follows:
, so for
there are two cases
or 5.
. Then for
we have two choices 1 or 5. For the first choice
we get
. But for
there are two colors 2 or 5. If
, then we will need a new color for
. Also, if
. Obviously, we need a new color for
. For second choice
. If
we have for
two colors 2 or 3 if we take the color 2 then needs a new color for the vertices
. Also, if we take the color 3 we will need a new color for
can only take the color 2. If
. Moreover, we will need a new color for
then for
we have two choices 1 or 4. For
we get
Then we need a new color for
. For second choice
. If
, then we have for
two colors 2 or 3. If we take the color 2 we will need a new color for the vertices
. Also, if we take the color 3 we will need a new color for
. If
, then
,so we will need a new color for
. We conclude that for all the cases, needs six colors. Furthermore,
. To prove that
, we take a function
as follows:
Finally, we get
The authors would like to thank the referees for their careful reading of the paper and their helpful comments.