1. Introduction
A new redesign backstepping technique, backstepping technique based on error is presented in this paper, which also adopts backstepping design process, but doesn’t construct the system, control Lyapunov function; the design of the virtue controller depends on the corresponding errors which are designed to satisfy some expected behaviors. The method is also more flexible than DSC. Based on some results of [13] , we deduce six different error equations by changing the result of the virtue control law arbitrarily while guaranteeing the system behaviors such as stability.
In this paper, we call backstepping technique based on control Lyapunov functions as conventional backstepping, and call backstepping technique based on error as error backstepping. Section 2 presents the design and six results of error backstepping, in Section 3 an example shows the effectiveness of these six versions, and Section 4 concludes this paper.
2. Backstepping Technique Based on Error
Consider a usual strictly feedback nonlinear system as follows:
, when
. The design objective is to make
The backstepping design process is as follows.
Step 1: Consider the control goal
, take
as the first virtual control and pretend that
satisfies the following equation.
Define the first tracking error
is wanted to converge to zero exponentially, therefore select the desired behaviour to be
is chosen to satisfy the required dynamic characteristic.
Then the following equality corresponds to desired behaviour
Step 2: but we cannot just choose
to be
, so we “step back” one integrator to the
equation. Choose
as the second virtual control to solve the
tracking problem.
Define the second tracking error:
The error
is also wanted to converge to zero exponentially, and select the desired behaviour to be:
is chosen to satisfy the required dynamic characteristic.
Then the following equality corresponds to desired behavior.
Step i: Choose
as the i virtual control to solve the
tracking problem. Define the i tracking error
Select its time derivative to satisfy the following behaviou
to satisfy the required behaviour
Then has
Step n: Choose u to solve the
tracking problem. Define the n tracking error:
Its derivative satisfies. ![]()
In fact:
The last equality corresponds to what we are forcing.
The deduced error equation is:
, then
Proposition 2.1: When choose parameters
and ![]()
is constant. It is obvious that errors
converge to origin exponentially, that is,
Proposition 2.2: When
is the function of
, and when select appropriate parameters
, It can make errors
globally stable at origin, then
Proof: error Equation (19) is in short as
, where
Its time derivative is
If parameters
, then
, so all the errors converge to origin globally.
End of proof.
Proposition 2.3: Assume the expression of virtual control (14) is changed into:
, when choose the parameters
is the function of the corresponding states, errors
converge to origin globally, and
Proof: when virtual control (24) takes place (14) in recursive procedure, the new error equation is changed into
It is the same as (2.27). Then all the errors converge to origin globally.
End of proof.
Proposition 3.4: Similarly assume the expression of virtual control (8) is changed into:
, and
is the function of the corresponding states, then the new error equation is:
When choose the parameters
, errors
are globally asymptotically stable at origin, and
Introduce a positive definite quadratic function
It can be obtained
converge to origin globally, so errors are globally asymptotically stable at origin and
End of proof.
Proposition 2.5: The virtual control can also be choose as
, and
is the function of the corresponding states, then the new error equation is:
When choose parameters
and the following inequality is satisfied
c are globally asymptotically stable at origin, and
as follows:
Then it can be obtained
Introduce a positive definite function
, where
is chosen as
, then
, where
, then the time derivative of
It is obvious that
is a diagonal matrix, and the i diagonal unit is
, from (35) and (36), we deduced that
Substituting (42) into (43), it can be deduced that
is negative definite, so errors
converge to origin globally.
End of proof.
Proposition 2.6: The virtual control can also be choose as
, and
is the function of the corresponding states, then the new error equation is:
When choose parameters
and the following inequality is satisfied
are globally asymptotically stable at origin, and
Proof: it is similar to the proof of Proposition 2.5.
3. Numerical Simulation
Consider the following two-order system:
The control objective is to design a state feedback control to asymptotically stabilize the origin.
We adopt backstepping technique based on error to design control law. The calculated results are presented in Table 1 by choosing parameters
. If the initial conditions are
, the simulated results are shown in Figure 1.
As it is shown in Figure 1 the transients of state variables
and error variables
are stable, they get to origin in finite time. It is also shown that when the system structure or the control law is simple the transients of state variables
converge to origin perfectly.
4. Conclusion
The backstepping technique based on error is the expansion of the backstepping technique, it adopts backstepping design process, but the design of the virtue controller depends on the corresponding errors which are designed to satisfy some expected behaviors. This method makes the design systematical and structural, and it can change the result of the virtue control law arbitrarily in six forms while guaranteeing the system stability. The method can be used for both stabilization control problems and tracking control problems. Subjects of future research include the discussions of systems that contain uncertain terms, unknown parameters or unmeasured signals.