Argument Estimates of Multivalent Functions Involving a Certain Fractional Derivative Operator ()
1. Introduction
Let denote the class of functions of the form
which are analytic in the open unit disk. Also let denote the class of all analytic functions with which are defined on.
Let a, b and c be complex numbers with. Then the Gaussian hypergeometric function is defined by
where is the Pochhammer symbol defined, in terms of the Gamma function, by
The hypergeometric function is analytic in and if a or b is a negative integer, then it reduces to a polynomial.
There are a number of definitions for fractional calculus operators in the literature (cf., e.g., [1] and [2] ). We use here the Saigo type fractional derivative operator defined as follows ([3] ; see also [4] ):
Definition 1. Let and. Then the generalized fractional derivative operator of a function is defined by
The function is an analytic function in a simply-connected region of the z-plane containing the origin, with the order
for, and the multiplicity of is removed by requiring that to be real when.
Definition 2. Under the hypotheses of Definition 1, the fractional derivative operator of a function is defined by
With the aid of the above definitions, we define a modification of the fractional derivative operator by
for and. Then it is observed that also maps onto itself as follows:
It is easily verified from (1.6) that
Note that, and, where is the fractional derivative operator defined by Srivastava and Aouf [5] .
In this manuscript, we drive interesting argument results of multivalent functions defined by fractional derivative operator.
2. Main Results
In order to establish our results, we require the following lemma due to Lashin [6] .
Lemma 1 [6] . Let be analytic in, with and . Further suppose that and
We begin by proving the following result.
Theorem 1. Let, and, and let. Suppose that satisfies the condition
Proof. If we define the function by
then is analytic in, with and. Making use of the logarithmic differentiation on both sides of (2.5), we have
By applying the identity (1.7) in (2.6), we observe that
Hence, by using Lemma 1, we conclude that
which completes the proof of Theorem 1.
Remark 1. Putting, and in Theorem 1, we obtain the result due to Lashin ([6] , Theorem 2.2).
Taking and in Theorem 1, we have the following corollary.
Corollary 1. Let, and. Suppose that satisfies the condition
Theorem 2. Let, , and. Suppose that satisfies the condition
Proof. If we set
then is analytic in, with and. By using the logarithmic differentiation on both sides of (2.9), we obtain
Thus, in view of Lemma 1, we have
which evidently proves Theorem 2.
Remark 2. Setting and in Theorem 2, we get the result obtained by Goyal and Goswami ([7] , Corollary 3.6).
Putting in Theorem 2, we obtain the following result.
Corollary 2. Let. Suppose that satisfies the condition
Finally, we consider the generalized Bernardi-Libera-Livingston integral operator defined by (cf. [8] [9] and [10] )
Theorem 3. Let, , and, and let. Suppose that satisfies the condition
Proof. From (2.10) we observe that
If we let
then is analytic in, with and. Differentiating both sides of (2.14) logarithmically, it follows that
Hence, by applying the same arguments as in the proof of Theorem 1 with (2.13) and (2.15), we obtain
which proves Theorem 3.
This work was supported by Daegu National University of Education Research Grant in 2014.