Academic Program Assessment: A Case Study of a Pragmatic Approach


Accreditation criteria of Information Technology programs require effective learning outcomes assessment and evaluation with rigorous processes, well documented results, broad faculty participation, and complete coverage of the assessment and evaluation cycle. This paper describes a model that theCollegeofInformation Technologyat Ajman University of Science and Technology uses to implement a complete outcome-based assessment and evaluation plan of its programs. The plan contains detailed accounts of procedures and tools used to measure the achievements of program learning outcomes. Information which is gathered from exam results, faculty, students, alumni, internship, and employers are used to measure the level of achievement of each learning outcome from a different perspective. A final decision is made with respect to each learning outcome. This decision is based on combining the results of the various relevant measurement tools for that outcome. The assessment model described in this paper was used for the successful accreditation of all programs offered by thecollegeofInformation Technologyand adopted by other colleges at the University.

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Mehdi, R. and AbouNaaj, M. (2013) Academic Program Assessment: A Case Study of a Pragmatic Approach. Creative Education, 4, 71-81. doi: 10.4236/ce.2013.41010.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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