1. Introduction
With standard notations of differential geometry, let
be vector bundles over a manifold X with dimension n with sections
, tangent bundle T and cotangent bundle
. We shall denote by
the q-jet bundle of E with sections
transforming like the q-derivatives
. If
is a bundle morphism, we shall consider the system
of order q on E. The r-prolongation
obtained by differentiating formally r times the given ordinary (OD) or partial (PD) defining equations of
will be the kernel of the composite morphism
. The symbol
is the r-prolongation of the symbol
and the kernel of the composite morphism
obtained by restriction. The Spencer operator
is obtained by using the fact that
and that
is an affine vector bundle over
modelled on
. We shall always suppose that
is an epimorphism and introduce the vector bundle
. The system
is aid to be formally integrable (FI) if
prolongations do not bring new equations of order
other than the ones obtained after only r prolongations, for any
, that is all the equations of order
can be obtained by differentiating r times only the given equations of order q for any
. The system is said to be “involutive” if it is FI and the symbol
is involutive, a purely algebraic property.
The next problem is to define the CC operator
in such a way that the CC of
is of the form
. As shown in many books ( [1] - [7]) and papers ( [8] [9] [10] [11]), such a problem may be quite difficult because the order of the generating CC may be quite high. Proceeding in this way, we may construct the CC
and so on. When the system
or the operator
are involutive, the successive CC operators can only be at most
which are first order and involutive operators.
A second problem shown on the motivating examples is that “jumps” in the successive orders may appear, even on elementary examples. Now, if the map
depends on constant (or variable) parameters
, then the study of the two previous problems becomes much harder because the ranks of the matrices
may also highly depend on the parameters as we shall see. The case of the Killing operator for the Minkowski metric is well known but the study of the Killing operator for the Schwarzschild and Kerr metrics is rather recent and striking as it proves that both the numbers of generating second order CC and the numbers of generating third order CC may change [12] [13] [14] [15]. We provide a few reasons for which we totally disagree with these publications, in particular with ( [13]), as we already explained in the Introduction of ( [11]).
1) Our first doubts came after a look at the core of ( [12]) containing 10 pages (plus 2 pages in Appendix A) of awfully technical computational notations that we have never seen after more than 40 years dealing with systems of PDE. Looking at the details it is clear that the authors always try to bring any differential complex back to the de Rham (or Poincaré in France) complex for the exterior derivative in order to avoid dealing with the Spencer δ-cohomology.
2) Our second doubts came from the systematic reference to certain specific purely physical tools such as Teukolsky scalars, Cartan/Penrose/Weyl complex spinors, Newman-Penrose formalism or Killing Yano tensors, despite the claim that the search for CC has nothing to do with GR and is a purely mathematical problem of formal integrability that we explained to the authors when lecturing at the AEI (Albert Einstein Institute, Potsdam) in 2017.
3) Our third doubts came from an elementary example (See [11], end of Introduction) that we shall revisit in the following motivating examples. Indeed, a (difficult) theorem of homological algebra is saying that the only intrinsic concept that can be attached to a module is made by the extension modules that do not depend on the resolution used for their computation. In the present situation, the two
parameters in the Kerr metric just disappear in the final system provided by the Theorem 1.1 below, exactly like in the example just quoted. Hence we could not get more information than by using the tensor product of the Poincaré sequence by the Lie algebra of 2-dimensional translations, that is nothing because the parameters no longer appear.
4) Last but not least and “cherry on the cake”, if we agree with the numbers of second order CC, we disagree with the numbers of third order CC. It was thus a challenge for computing these numbers independently of any relativistic argument. It has also been a surprise to discover that the long recent preprint (arXiv: 2207.12959) was again taking for granted the results of ( [13]).
The purpose of this paper is thus to revisit these works by using new homological techniques ( [4] [5] [7] [16]). It is a matter of fact that they do not agree with the previous ones for the third order CC. In order to escape from such an unpleasant situation, we have written this paper in such a way that we are only using elementary combinatorics and diagram chasing. However, an equally important second purpose is to question the proper target of the quoted publications. Indeed, important concepts such as extension modules have been introduced in homological algebra and can be extended to the differential framework. Thanks to a quite difficult theorem ( [4] [17]), they are the only intrinsic results that could be obtained independently of the differential sequence that could be used, provided that
is the same, that is even if one is using another system with the same solutions. Equivalently, this amounts to say, in a few words but a more advanced language, if we are keeping the same differential module M but changing its presentation.
However, as we shall see, there are even simple academic systems depending on parameters but such that a convenient system (say involutive) may no longer depend on the parameters. Also, in a totally independent way still not acknowledged, E. Vessiot has shown in ( [18]) that certain operators may depend on geometric objects satisfying non-linear structure equations that are depending on certain Vessiot structure constants c. The simplest example is the condition of constant Riemannian curvature ( [1] [19]) which is necessary in order that the Killing system becomes FI but we shall prove that the case of contact structures is similar. In such situations, we shall prove that the extension modules only depend on these constants.
We now recall the main results and definitions that are absolutely needed for the applications.
With canonical epimorphism
, the various prolongations are described by the following commutative and exact “introductory diagram” used in the sequel:
Chasing along the diagonal of this diagram while applying the standard “snake” lemma, we obtain the useful “long exact connecting sequence” also often used in the sequel:
which is thus connecting in a tricky way FI (lower left) with CC (upper right).
A key step in the procedure for constructing differential sequences will be to use the following (difficult) theorems and corollary (For Spencer cohomology and acyclicity or involutivity (See [1] [3] [5] for details and compare to [20] [21]) (See [7] [8] [11] for more details):
THEOREM 1.1: Let a system
be given and set
. If
is a vector bundle and
is 2-acyclic, then we have
. Accordingly, there is a finite Prolongation/Projection (PP) algorithm providing two integers
by successive increase of each of them such that the new system
has the same solutions as
but is FI with a 2-acyclic or involutive symbol and thus first order CC. It follows that the maximum order of
is thus equal to
as we used
prolongations but it may be lower because certain CC may generate the higher order ones as will be seen in the motivating examples.
DEFINITION 1.2: A differential sequence is said to be formally exact if it is exact on the jet level composition of the prolongations involved. A formally exact sequence is said to be strictly exact if all the operators/systems involved are FI (See [22] for more details). A strictly exact sequence is called canonical if all the operators/systems are involutive.
is the Spencer operator, we have:
are two systems of respective orders q and
, then
if and onlty if
DEFINITION 1.4: Let us “cut” the preceding introductory diagram by means of a central vertical line and define
. Chasing in this diagram, we notice that
induces an epimorphism
. However, a chase in this diagram proves that the kernel of this epimorphism is not
is FI (care). For this reason, we shall define it to be exactly
is the number of new generating CC of order
COROLLARY 1.6: The system
becomes FI with a 2-acyclic or involutive symbol and
when r is large enough.
2. Motivating Examples
EXAMPLE 2.1: Let
and introduce the trivial vector bundle E with local coordinates
for a section over the base manifold X with local coordinates
. Let us consider the linear second order system
defined by the two linearly independent equations
where a is an arbitrary constant parameter. Using crossed derivatives, we get the second order system
defined by the PD equations
which is easily seen not to be involutive. Framing essential results and Janet tabulars, we have two possibilities:
: We obtain the following second order homogeneous involutive system:
with the only first order homogeneous involutive CC
leading to the Janet sequence:
We let the reader check as an easy exercise that
which is of order 2 does not generate the CC of
which is of order 1 and thus
: We obtain the second order system
defined by
with a strict inclusion
. We may define
and obtain the involutive and finite type system in δ-regular coordinates:
Counting the dimensions, we have the following strict inclusions by comparing the dimensions:
LEMMA 2.2: The symbol
is involutive with
. Moreover, we have
Proof: Using jet notation, the 4 parametric jets of
. The 4 parametric jets of
are now
and so on. Accordingly, the dimension of
is 1 because the only parametric jet is
. We have the short exact sequence
and the symbol of
is involutive. It follows from the (difficult) Theorem 1.1 (See [1], Theorem 2.4.5 p 70 and proposition 2.5.1 p 76 with
) that
, a result leading to
by counting the dimensions. As
does not depend any longer on the parameter, the general solution is easily seen to be of the form
and is thus only depending on two arbitrary constants, contrary to what could be imagined from this lemma but in a coherent way with the fact that
After differentiating twice, we could be waiting for CC of order 3. However, we obtain the 4 CC:
The last CC that we shall call “identity to zero” must not be taking into account. The second CC is just the derivative with respect to
of the third CC which amounts to
which is a second order CC amounting to the first. Hence we get the only generating CC operator
which is thus formally surjective.
For helping the reader, we recall that basic elementary combinatorics arguments are giving
Using these diagrams, we obtain successively till we stop:
Hence, the number of generating CC of order 1 is zero and the number of generating CC of strict order 2 is
in a coherent way.
, we obtain the commutative diagram:
with dimensions:
The upper symbol sequence is not exact at
even though the two other sequences are exact on the jet level. As a byproduct we have the exact sequences
Such a result can be checked directly through the identity:
We obtain therefore the formally exact sequence we were looking for, namely:
The surprising fact is that, in this case,
generates the CC of
. Indeed, multiplying by the Lagrange multiplier test function
and integrating by parts, we obtain the second order operator
and thus
. Substituting, we finally get the only second order CC
In the differential module framework over the commutative ring
of differential operators with coefficients in the trivially differential field
, we have the free resolution:
of the differential module M with
and Euler-Poincaré characteristic
. We recall that
is a differential module for the Spencer operator
(See [7] [23] for more details). Only “fingers” could have been used!
The two following examples will show how the differential extension modules may depend on the Vessiot structure constants.
EXAMPLE 2.3: With
, let us consider the Lie operator
. The corresponding first order system:
is involutive whenever
where now d is the exterior derivative and
We notice that
provide the same system of Lie equations if and only if
and thus
, a result showing that the only critical value of c is
We have the formally exact differential sequence:
or the resolution:
respectively by
, we obtain
in the form:
Then, multiplying
, we obtain
We have therefore to consider the two cases:
: We have the new CC
. It follows that the torsion module
is generated by the residue of
and we may thus suppose that
. As for
, this torsion module is just defined by the system
and thus
: We must have the new CC:
It follows that
is now generated by the residue of
. Finally,
is defined by
and thus
Hence, both
highly depend on the Vessiot structure constant c.
EXAMPLE 2.4: (Contact transformations)
or simply
, we may introduce the 1-form
and consider the system of finite Lie equations defined by
. Eliminating the factor
and linearizing at the q-jet of the identity, we obtain a first order system
made by
below which is not even formally integrable (using
instead of d):
with one equation of class 3 and one equation of class 2. Strikingly, the symbol
is involutive with characters
, a result leading to
and more generally
. However, the system
is not formally integrable and thus not involutive. The PP procedure brings
below and we get the involutive system
of infinitesimal Lie equations having the same solutions, which is already in δ-regular coordinates:
with two equations of class 3, one equation of class 2 and thus one CC of order 1 described by the trivially involutive first order operator
The link existing between these two approaches is not evident as it highly depends on the fact that
, according to the (quite difficult) theorem 2.4.5 of (See [7], p 70) that must be compared to [5] [24]. Setting
, the inclusion
induces an epimorphism
and we have the commutative diagram when
The operator
is formally surjective, a snake chase proves that the columns are exact and the bottom sequence is exact as it is just providing the formally exact Janet sequence:
Hence, it remains to check that the central row is also exact. For this, we notice that:
and check that
, a result leading to the sequence:
Now, it is well known that this contact operator
allowing to define the contact module M admits an injective parametrization by one arbitrary potential function
as follows:
and thus
. We have obtained the following locally exact differential sequence ( [8]):
which is not a Janet sequence because the first operator is not involutive.
We obtain therefore a resolution of M ( [22]):
but also a resolution which is not strictly exact because
is not even formally integrable ( [22]):
As M is free and thus projective, the respective adjoint sequences are also exact. Applying
, we obtain a split exact sequence of free right (care) differential modules. Passing from right to left differential modules by using the side changing procedure
, it follows that the adjoint sequence is exact too, though not strictly exact. As such a result does not depend on the differential sequence used, according to a (difficult) general theorem in homological algebra, we shall prove it directly through a (delicate) technical explicit computation for the first of the two previous ones and let the reader prove it similarly for the other.
For this, let us multiply
by a test function
and integrate by parts in order to obtain:
This operator is injective but not involutive as the corresponding system
is far from being even formally integrable. In a coherent way with the standard second Spencer sequence ( [1] [2]), the corresponding involutive operator is
as follows, with 6 first order CC for itself but first and second order for
after substitution, that is a second order system which is not FI.
· 1 identity to zero
· 2 first order CC, namely
which are differentially independent because, when
is given arbitrarily, the first is providing
while the second is providing
· 2 second order CC that are just prolongations of the two previous first order ones.
· 1 second order CC
Using the previous second order CC
, we finally get the new first order CC
which is a differential consequence of the two previous first order CC because we have (by chance!) the involutive system:
providing the only first order CC:
As a byproduct, we can find the formally exact differential sequence:
which is exactly the adjoint of the first differential sequence we have provided.
Coming back to the Vessiot structure equations, we notice that
is not invariant by the contact Lie pseudogroup and cannot be considered as an associated geometric object. We have shown in ( [2], pp. 684-691) that the corresponding geometric object is a 1-form density
leading to the system of infinitesimal Lie equations in Medolaghi form:
that may be also written as:
and to the only Vessiot structure equation, still not known today:
with the only structure constant c. In the present contact situation, we may choose
and get
but we may also choose
and get
, these two choices both bringing an involutive system. Let us prove that the situation becomes completely different with the new system:
having the only CC
Multilying the three previous equations by the three test functions
, the only CC by the test function
and integrating by parts, we get the adjoint operators:
It follows that
with a strict inclusion and
. Similarly,
is defined by
and thus
Our problem will be now to construct and compare the differential sequences:
For this, linearizing the only Vessiot structure equation, we get the CC operator
and the corresponding system
in the form:
Multiplying on the left by the test function
and integrating by parts, we get the operator
in the form:
We obtain the crucial formula
showing how the previous sequences are essentially depending on the Vessiot structure constant c. Indeed, if
, then
and the operator
is injective. This is the case when
. On the contrary, if
, then the operator
may not be injective as can be seen by choosing
. Indeed, in this case we get a kernel defined by
Finally, in order to exhibit the generating CC of
, we just need to substitute
in the previous equations
. On the other side, multiplying the equations
by test functions
and integrating by parts, we get
in the form:
We let the reader check, as a tricky exercise, that we have indeed
and it remains to prove that
generates the CC of
. It is in such a situation that we can measure the usefulness of homological algebra and we only prove this result directly when
. In this case, the kernel of
is easily seen to be defined by:
while, setting now
and substituting, the CC of
seem to be only defined by the two PD equations:
The strange fact is that such a system is not formally integrable and one has to differentiate the second PD equation with respect to
and substract the first PD equation differentiated with respect to
in order to get the additional PD equation:
and find an isomorphic involutive system, a result showing that the differential sequence and its formal adjoint are both formally exact though not strictly exact. We conclude this example with the following striking result ([arXiv: 1803.09610]):
THEOREM 2.5: The contact differential sequence and its formal adjoint are both split long exact sequences of free and thus projective modules, if and only if
Proof: As we have just proved that
was generating the CC of
, we may look for the CC of
in order to recover the parametrization of
given at the beginning of this example.
First of all, as proved in [2], two geometric objects
provide the same system
if and only if
for a constant parameter
, a result providing
. Accordingly, the only possible critical value of the Vessiot structure constant is
Now, as already noticed, we have
is injective if and only if
. It follows that the differential module defined by
is projective and the sequences split if we are able to construct
and to prove that it is an injective operator. For this, changing slightly our previous notations, we notice that the symbol map of
is (using d instead of
Using standard notations of classical geometry, we may rewrite it as:
Hence, after one prolongation on the symbol level, we get the only CC:
After substitution and a tedious computation, one finally obtains:
We may thus obtain
in the form:
and this operator is injective whenever
because we have the lift
The situation is similar in arbitrary dimension
with 1-form
as we have again one Vessiot structure constant c and the injective parametrization:
We have the locally exact split differential sequence:
and we refer again to ( [2]) because, when
, we have to use a 2-contravariant skewsymmetric tensor density.
It follows that contact geometry must be entirely revisited in the light of these new results.
EXAMPLE 2.6: (Macaulay examples revisited).
, let us consider the linear homogeneous second order operator
with corresponding system
which is trivially formally integrable (FI). It is easy to check that
. Hence,
and thus
are FI but not involutive. Then
is trivially involutive with
and a full basis of parametric jets is
. We have proved in ( [6]) that there are three second order CC with only one second order CC. The corresponding formally exact differential sequence is:
and the minimum free differential resolution of the corresponding differential module M is:
where p is the canonical projection. The situation is much more tricky if we consider now the new third order differential operator
. Indeed, it is easy to check that the sequence:
is exact because both bundles have the same dimension equal to 3. It follows that
is 3-acyclic and it follows that the 21 CC are described by an operator of order 1. However, the corresponding system has a symbol which is not 2-acyclic. We have proved in ( [6]) that the next CC are of order 2, and so on. By chance, it happens that the next operator
is involutive and we may start a Janet sequence with first order involutive operators
in the differential sequence:
in which we have specified the dimensions of the bundles and the orders of the successive operators. We finally notice again that
We invite the reader to consider the similar example when
. Indeed, if we consider the second order system
, we have
with the basis of parametric jets
. In this case,
is FI but not involutive while
is trivially involutive with Janet sequence
3. Kerr Metric
Let us recall a few facts from Riemannian geometry. A metric
is providing the Christoffel symbols
as geometric objects according to the forgotten work of E. Vessiot in 1903 ( [1] [18] [19]). The Riemann tensor
is a section of the Spencer δ-cohomology vector bundle
because it is also killed by the Spencer surjective map
and has thus
components because
. Needless to say that these definitions are far from the ones that can be found in any place (books or papers) dealing with GR ( [7] [8]).
Now, the linearization
induces a linearization
and a linearization
. With
for objects and d for their linearization, we have:
and thus, because
is a tensor::
by introducing the covariant derivative
. We recall that
or, equivalently, that
is a
-connection with
, a result allowing to move down the index k in the previous formulas (See [17] [18] [22] for more details).
We may thus take into account the Bianchi identities implied by the cyclic sums on
and their respective linearizations
as described below. Both
and B are sections of the Spencer cohomogy vector bundle
defined by the short exact sequence:
that is 20 when
and the coboundary bundle is
Such results cannot be even imagined by somebody not aware of the δ-acyclicity ( [9] [10] [11]).
We have the linearized cyclic sums of covariant derivatives both with their respective symbolic descriptions, not to be confused with the non-linear corresponding ones:
In order to recapitulate these new concepts obtained after one, two or three prolongations, we have successively
and the respective linearizations
The purpose of this section will be to consider the Killing operator
and the corresponding Killing system
is the Kerr metric. In particular, we shall exhibit the successive inclusions
with dimensions
by means of elementary combinatorics and diagram chasing exactly like in the previous motivating examples.
We now write the Kerr metric in Boyer-Lindquist coordinates:
as usual and we recover the Schwarschild metric when
. We notice that t or
do not appear in the coefficients of the metric. We shall simplify the coordinate system by using the so-called “rational polynomial” coefficients as follows:
We obtain over the differential field
with now
. For a later use, it is also possible to set
Framing the leading derivatives and setting
, we obtain:
Looking at the symbol
, elementary linear combinatorics allow to prove ( [10] [11]):
Then, multiplying
and adding, we finally obtain:
Using the rational coefficients in the differential field
, the nonzero components of the corresponding Riemann tensor can be found in textbooks. Among them, we have:
As they will be used in the sequel, we also provide a few components vanishing for the S-metric:
We finally exhibit the 8 vanishing components of the Riemann tensor:
Introducing the formal Lie derivative
and using the fact that
is a tensor, the system
contains the new equations:
but we have to take into account the ten identities to zero obtained because
, namely:
We check the identity
and we have:
We obtain therefore
but we have also
The following invariants are obtained successively in a coherent way:
Also, as
, then
can be both divided by a and we get the new invariant:
These results are leading to
, thus to
after substitution. In the case of the S-metric, we have only
as an equation of zero order.
The following relations allow to keep only the four parametric jets
on the right side:
if we use the fact that
in the inverse metric.
Taking now into account that
, we have proved in ( [10]) that the 6 second order equations
are only depending on the 3 equations
by using
. We obtain in particular the two equations:
Using the fact that we have now:
We may multiply the first equation by
, the second by
and sum in order to obtain:
Using the previous identities for
, we obtain therefore:
As this relation was satisfied
, we must introduce the new equation:
As we have
, we obtain therefore a linear equation of the form:
Similarly, we have also:
and we obtain therefore a linear equation of the form:
In the case of the S-metric, that is when
, we obtain respectively
as in [18] because
. The previous linear system has thus a rank equal to 2 and we obtain therefore because
It remains to study the following 4 linear equations, namely ( [10]):
THEOREM 3.1: The rank of the previous system with respect to the 4 jet coordinates
is equal to 2, for both the S and K-metrics. We have the two striking identities:
We may define the so-called algebroid bracket for sections
by setting ( [1] [2] [3] [6]):
In this formula, “
” is the interior multiplication of a 1-form by a vector and we let the reader check that the right member does not depend on the respective lifts when the algebraic bracket is defined by linearity from the standard bracket of vector fields by the formula:
Now, we know that if
is a system of infinitesimal Lie equations, then we have the algebroid bracket and its link with the prolongation/projection (PP) procedure ( [1] [2] [6] [7]):
, it follows that
is such that
because we have obtained a total of 6 new different first order equations. Using the first general diagram of the Introduction, we discover that the operator defining
CC of order 2, a result obtained totally independently of the specific GR technical objects (Teukolski scalars, Killing-Yano tensors) introduced in ( [12] [13] [14] [15]).
We have on sections (care) the 16 (linear) equations
as follows ( [11]):
The coefficients of the linear equations
involved depend on the Riemann tensor as in ( [11]). Accordingly, we may choose only the 2 parametric jets
to which we must add
in any case as they are not appearing in the Killing equations.
The system is not involutive because its symbol is finite type but non-zero.
Using one more prolongation, all the sections (care again) vanish but
, a result leading to
in a coherent way with the only nonzero Killing vectors
. We have indeed:
Taking therefore into account that the metric only depends on
we obtain after three prolongations the first order system
which is trivially involutive because all the first order jets vanish but
Surprisingly and contrary to the situation found for the S metric, we have now an involutive first order system with only solutions
and notice that
does not depend any longer on the parameters
. The difficulty is to know what second members must be used along the procedure met for all the motivating examples. In particular, we have again identities to zero like
and thus at least 6 third order CC coming from the 6 following components of the Spencer operator, namely:
a result that cannot be even imagined from ( [12] [13] [14] [15]). Of course, proceeding like in the motivating examples, we must substitute in the right members
the values obtained from
and set for example
by the corresponding linear combinations of the Riemann tensor already obtained for the right members of the two zero order equations.
Along with the examples, we recall below all the diagrams that must be introduced successively:
Applying the Spencer δ-map to the top sequence, we get the commutative diagram in which the two central columns are exact:
Using a (delicate) snake chase, we obtain the long exact sequence:
and the long exact connecting diagram:
allowing to compare the geometry of the Kerr metric (lower sequence) to the classical geometry of the Minkowski metric (upper sequence). In the later case we recall that the Bianchi indentities provide a section
. Moreover, we have
if we define
by the following commutative and exact diagram obtained by cutting the fundamental diagram and going one step further on in the sequences in order to replace the R and Q by
with dimensions:
Accordingly, the number 14 of second order CC plus the number of differentially independent third order CC obtained by one prolongation of these second order CC is equal to
. However, if we denote by y the number of new generating CC of third order that are not differential consequences of the CC of second order already found, we must have
and thus
As we have 4 divergence identities for the Einstein operator, we obtain therefore
, contrary to ( [12] [13] [14] [15]). We have already provided these new third order CC as 6 components of the Spencer operator.
Similarly, in the case of the S-metric, we have
with respective dimensions
and we obtain:
In the case of the M-metric (See [1] [6] [7] for more details), we have
with respective dimensions
and we obtain:
in a coherent way with the number of components of the Riemann tensor (20) and the number of Bianchi identities (20) when
. The corresponding Killing system is FI if and only if the following Vessiot structure equations
with the only constant c are satisfied, that is the well known constant Riemannian curvature condition ( [19]).
4. Conclusion
E. Vessiot discovered the so-called Vessiot structure equations as early as in 1903 and, only a few years later, E. Cartan discovered the so-called Maurer-Cartan structure equations. Both are depending on a certain number of constants like the single geometric structure constant of the constant Riemannian curvature for the first and the many algebraic structure constants of Lie algebra for the second. However, Cartan and followers never acknowledged the existence of another approach which is therefore still totally ignored today, in particular by physicists ( [11] [19]). Now, it is well known that the structure constants of a Lie algebra play a fundamental part in the Chevalley-Eilenberg cohomology of Lie algebras and their deformation theory ( [6]). It was thus a challenge to associate the Vessiot structure constants with other homological properties related to systems of Lie equations, namely the extension modules determined by Lie operators. As a striking consequence, such a possibility opens a new way to understand and revisit the various contradictory works done during the last fifty years or so by different groups of researchers, using respectively Cartan, Gröbner or Janet bases while looking for a modern interpretation of the work done by C. Lanczos from 1938 to 1962. However, the reader must not forget that the Weyl tensor was not known by Lanczos, even as late as in 1967, and that it was not possible to discover any solution of the parametrization problem by potentials through double duality before 1990/1995, that is too late for the many people already engaged in this type of research ( [16]). As for the study of the Killing operator, the intrinsic understanding of such a technical problem that we achieved has strictly nothing to do with GR. Indeed, thanks to a difficult theorem of homological algebra, the intrinsic properties of the resolution of a differential module M only depend on M itself but not on the resolution. Roughly, the only important thing is the group, not the metric. In actual practice, the resolutions by themselves no longer depend on the respective Kerr, Schwarzschild or Minkowski parameters. The same comment can be done on the link existing between electromagnetism and the conformal group ( [24] [25] [26]) because the conformal sequence must be entirely revisited in order to agree with computer algebra results obtained by A. Quadrat (See [6], Appendix 2 and [27]). We finally hope that this paper will open a new domain for applying computer algebra and we are offering a collection of useful but tricky test examples.