Developing Concrete Research Proposals and Facilitating Self-Directed Learning via Concept Mapping


Self-direction in learning and writing viable research proposals are considered by higher education institutions as essential skills for graduate students to start their careers as researchers. This is an evidence-based practice study focuses on the use of concept mapping to facilitate self-directed learning and enhance research proposal writing in teacher education. An action mixed methods research design was used in this study with quantitative and qualitative data. Participants were 29 graduate students who were enrolled in a core course aimed to provide learners with an in-depth understanding of research methods. All students, at the beginning of the course, were asked to write a research proposal and complete the Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale (SDLRS). They then were given training in the use of concept mapping technique throughout the course to develop research proposals. Students’ scores prior to and after the intervention were compared. Results indicate that students developed significantly more concrete research proposals, and displayed higher scores at post-intervention assessment. Findings of this study value and support the use of concept mapping to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the knowledge of their area of study as they reflect on every element of their proposals.

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Alkahtani, K. (2013). Developing Concrete Research Proposals and Facilitating Self-Directed Learning via Concept Mapping. Creative Education, 4, 110-116. doi: 10.4236/ce.2013.42016.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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