Research on Chinese Modernization Reform Strategy of Integrating National Traditional Sports into Aerobics Textbooks in Universities


In order to better achieve the teaching goal of public physical education class in universities, enhance the influence of Chinese civilization communication, and make national culture and national self-confidence deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in the teaching process, through literature research, case study, data analysis and practice, this paper concludes that the reform of aerobics teaching materials in universities is imperative, and the most effective method is to integrate with Chinese traditional culture in music introduction, action arrangement and ideological and political design.

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Wang, C. and Zhang, R. (2023) Research on Chinese Modernization Reform Strategy of Integrating National Traditional Sports into Aerobics Textbooks in Universities. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 11, 44-51. doi: 10.4236/jss.2023.111005.

1. Introduction

Aerobics, as a foreign modern sports project, has its unique cultural characteristics and is deeply loved by the public. This project almost covers the public physical education class of colleges and universities in China. With the vigorous development of school physical education in China, the teaching objectives of public physical education class in colleges and universities are constantly upgraded and improved. The existing aerobics teaching materials in colleges and universities can no longer meet the needs of teachers and students in teaching and learning, and there are some problems, such as single background music and rhythm, smooth movement intensity and density, and insufficient ideological and political goals. National traditional sports were formed under the infiltration and influence of Chinese traditional culture. Compared with contemporary western competitive sports, it has completely different ways of thinking and values, and the characteristics of national traditional sports, such as regionality, distinct nationality, rich folk customs, fitness and entertainment, etc. The national culture carried by national traditional sports has already been deeply rooted in all ethnic groups, which can’t be completely compared with any modern sports. In order to better achieve the goal of college physical education curriculum, undertake the inheritance, dissemination and creation of national traditional sports, and realize the two-way Chinese modernization of national traditional sports and aerobics, it is imperative to reform the teaching materials of aerobics course, an imported sports item in colleges and universities. This study, through the current university public physical education aerobics teaching materials research, puts forward some solutions to the key factors of rationalizing the teaching objectives of national traditional physical education in line with the national conditions.

2. The Development Trend of Ethnic Traditional Sports

General Secretary put forward in the report of the 20th National Congress: Enhance the influence of Chinese civilization. Adhere to the stand of Chinese culture, refine and display the spiritual symbol and cultural essence of Chinese civilization, speed up the construction of Chinese discourse and Chinese narrative system, tell Chinese stories well, spread Chinese voices well, and show a credible, lovely and respectable image of China. Deepen exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, and promote Chinese culture to better go global. National traditional sports are the organic carrier of national culture, which has various forms and rich contents, and has strong education, fitness and entertainment, competitive performance and economic value. It is of great significance for inheriting culture and developing national traditional culture, inspiring national spirit, maintaining national feelings, enhancing national cohesion and promoting people’s all-round development.

As an indispensable part of the national cultural system, national traditional sports have the basic characteristics of nationality and inheritance. With the continuous deepening of national education reform, physical education in colleges and universities should be innovated and developed at the same time. Taking the inheritance of excellent national culture as the guide, actively integrating humanistic spirit and national fine tradition, and deepening the reform of national physical education teaching mode in colleges and universities can make college physical education have deep educational significance and value (Tu & Fan, 2021: p. 95). Colleges and universities are effective carriers for popularizing and inheriting traditional sports of ethnic minorities, Traditional sports bases for ethnic minorities in colleges and universities should give full play to the advantages of scientific research and education, Using high technology to transform traditional sports equipment of ethnic minorities, promote the scientific and rational rules of traditional sports of ethnic minorities, train teachers of traditional sports of ethnic minorities, strengthen the propaganda and foreign exchange of traditional sports of ethnic minorities, undertake the task of inheriting, spreading and creating traditional sports of ethnic minorities, display and carry forward excellent traditional sports culture of ethnic minorities, and promote the construction of harmonious society (Luo & Zheng, 2011: p. 82).

3. The Teaching Textbook Status of Universities Aerobics

In the teaching of aerobics in colleges and universities, the existing teaching problems mainly focus on the following two aspects. First, the enthusiasm of students to participate in aerobics is not high. Because the teaching content of aerobics is boring, there is not much teaching knowledge, mainly based on action, Students must practice basic movements again and again. Coupled with the similarity of each action, As a result, the initiative of college students to participate in aerobics has gradually decreased (Li, 2019: p. 72). At present, most of the aerobics curriculum design of public physical education class in colleges and universities focuses on the basic hand footwork of aerobics in the early stage, and most of the later teaching materials choose the “2019 Edition of Mass Aerobics Exercise Standard Level Action” (Table 1 is referred to as 2019 Mass) for adults; The third set of national aerobics mass exercise standards (Table 1 is referred to as the third set of mass) is the main teaching content of adult first-class, second-class, third-class or self-made aerobics routines. According to the teaching practice and teaching feedback research of the above teaching materials, it is found that the above teaching materials selection and teaching methods have the following common characteristics:

3.1. Monotonous of Background Music and Rhythm

Most of the background music chooses single beat music, That is, only music without lyrics and light and heavy beats, There are simple musical changes, But the overall style of music is consistent and the repetition rate of music is high,

Table 1. Music and action characteristics of existing teaching materials.

Among them, the adult-level music of “2019 Edition of Mass Aerobics Exercise Standard Level Action” is repeated four times with 30-second music as the basic segment, the repetition rate of music use is as high as 80%. Although the remake is obvious and the rhythm is easy to distinguish, it is found in the teaching process that it is difficult for some students to follow the music and movements for the newly taught music. If the music is not played again or at the beginning of the paragraph in the continuous teaching, students cannot follow up at any time, which increases the learning difficulty of students at the beginner and advanced stage; Secondly, in the aspect of action memory, a single background music can’t help action memory. In teaching, teachers have to repeat passwords until students memorize them before trying music cooperation, which increases the difficulty of teachers’ teaching; Finally, the background music style is relatively unified. Some background music has no segmentation points, and a song or a single style has no distinctive features and memory points.

3.2. Low Strength and Low Frequency of Movements

The duration of prescribed routines and self-made routines varies. Most of them are around 3 points. The specified set of action intensity and action density are from simple to difficult according to the level. The action intensity and action density of self-made routines are designed according to the level of students in our school. However, on the whole, it has the characteristics of smooth movement intensity and density. Taking the above four promotion sets as examples, the repetition rate of movements is above 35%, and the adult level of “2019 edition of mass aerobics exercise standard level movements” reaches 50%, mostly within eight beats, which are divided into two parts with different left and right directions and identical movements. Because there is no change in the density of the single movement of music rhythm, and because the characteristics of aerobics projects and students’ physique and movement difficulty design tend to be consistent, long-term study and practice will lead to boring emotions to a certain extent, and the single movement effect of rhythm will gradually weaken in long-term practice.

3.3. The Target Shortage of Ideological and Political Education

The ideological and political goals of college physical education public courses mostly focus on the common ideological and political goals of sports events, For example, cultivate students’ patriotism, team consciousness, collectivist sense of honor, and cultivate the idea of obeying rules and respecting etiquette, so as to help college students establish correct ideals and beliefs. Practicing socialist core values, as a public compulsory course in schools, should take college students’ physical exercise as the main means, cultivate students’ core literacy through reasonable physical education and scientific physical exercise process, and help students enjoy fun, strengthen their physique, improve their personality and temper their will in physical exercise.

The ideological and political teaching objectives of the project itself are mostly reflected in sports ability, healthy behavior and sports morality, such as strengthening students’ understanding and expression ability of physical beauty, posture beauty, movement beauty, music beauty and demeanor beauty, cultivating students’ correct aesthetic concept and optimistic and enterprising spirit, and cultivating beautiful sentiment; Improve health awareness, develop good exercise, diet, work and rest and hygiene habits, control weight, stay away from bad habits, prevent sports injuries and diseases, and maintain a good attitude; Learning to use health knowledge can regulate one’s emotions, form a healthy and civilized lifestyle, and establish lifelong sports thoughts; Cultivate students’ sportsmanship and patriotism that understand rules, respect etiquette, bear hardships and stand hard work, and work hard; Cultivate students’ good sports morality such as obeying rules, being civilized and polite, respecting each other, teamwork and correct view of winning and losing (Huang, 2002: p. 154). However, in the development process of aerobics itself, more ideological and political integration points combining music, movements and the course itself can be excavated to enhance the influence of Chinese civilization communication, so that national self-confidence can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in the teaching process.

4. The Strategy of Integrate Ethnic Traditional Element and Aerobics

4.1. Rationally Bring in Traditional Ethnic Music

Aerobics is a sport integrating music, dance and fitness. In terms of music, aerobics music styles are divided into disco, jazz, rock music, light music, symphony and folk music. The style of music plays a leading role in the creation of aerobics movements and the choice of themes (Chen, 2022: p. 135). It is also very common to integrate national music into aerobics music. Among the 8 teams in the aerobic dance finals of the 15th Aerobics World Championships, 5 teams including Russia, France and Hungary chose national music in the main theme or the second style. Folk music can highlight the individualized characteristics of different teams, and can also reflect the novelty of complete sets of movements.

Music is the soul of national aerobics dance, which requires the players to have the ability to perceive and distinguish music, and music sense is one of the factors affecting the performance of the players. The complete set of movements in national aerobics dance interprets the emotions in music; Excellent contestants can integrate their body movements and emotions into the music, bringing an audio-visual feast to the audience (Liu, 2021: p. 130). Make full use of the characteristics of different changes in tune rhythm and speed among different music, add the innovation of national style music to the existing music, and make full use of the connection between each paragraph, so as to achieve better teaching effect of music and action. For example, in the existing complete set of movements, large repetitive or similar music is added with national music, and the gentle part of national music is used to operate strong and difficult movements.

4.2. Scientific Arrangement the Movements of Traditional Ethic

With the “2018 Popular Routine National Aerobics” issued by the Cultural Propaganda Department of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission in 2018, That is, the traditional dance elements of Mongolian, Tibetan, Uygur, Zhuang, Miao, Yi, Korean and other ethnic minorities in Chinese classical dance and Chinese folk dance are integrated in the mass aerobics and aerobics pace, which not only embodies the characteristics of “strength, health and beauty” of aerobics, but also highlights the charm of the excellent traditional culture and dance art of the Chinese nation.

An empirical study on the creation of complete sets of movements in national aerobics, Sha Yufang and Ni Li started with collecting and sorting out aerobics data elements, refined national aerobics action materials, integrated individual refined movements with basic aerobics footwork, and combined with costume selection and modification of national aerobics routines. Make an empirical study of action creation (Yuan, 2019). Taking the “Aerobics Class II” routine compiled by our school as an example, in the 21st and 23rd eight beats of the original exercises, on the basis of keeping the original leg movements unchanged, the upper limb movements are created with national elements. The original action is to lift both arms horizontally, set up palms with both hands, and complete the arm crossing action twice in each eight beats. Now the action can be changed to the Uygur one-handed “cat washing face” action and the Uygur “appearance” action; On the basis that the lower limb pace of the 29th and 31st eight beats of the original exercise is the same as the side parallel step, the original upper limb movement is changed from the original arm flexion and back lifting four times to the Wa people’s arm flexion and downward pressing rhythm.

4.3. “Leaving Blank” Design of Ideological and Political Classroom

“Leaving blank” is a commonly used technique in the creation of Chinese art works, which means that in order to make the whole picture and composition of the works more harmonious and exquisite, the corresponding blank is deliberately left, leaving room for imagination. The design of “blank space” provides the possibility for the ideological and political classroom to moisten things silently, which is more reflected before and after class. In the process of filling the “blank space”, in the independent research of finding the national cultural background and integrating national movements, the national traditional culture and professional knowledge are organically integrated and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Make a “blank space” design in the new course content, it is one of the ways to realize the flip classroom. There are many reference precedents for this kind of “blank space”. In recent years, in the regulations of national-level sports exercises and dance competitions, there are “two eight beats in the prelude and the ending part of the prescribed actions. Action design can appear, but the action design style must be consistent with the prescribed action style”. This kind of rule description corresponds to the curriculum design of aerobics, which can leave blank the prelude, interlude and ending parts of the complete set of movements, or leave blank the repeated parts of the complete set, and arrange 2 - 4 blank designs ranging from 8 beats according to the difficulty of the complete set. Let students create their own aerobics after class according to the methods they have learned. It not only provides practical experience for creating aerobics theory, but also changes the teaching subject to let students lead classroom teaching. Through the integration of theory and practice, in-class and out-of-class, online and offline triple integrated teaching mode, it realizes multi-subject and multi-way participation in ideological and political teaching, and enhances students’ participation and enthusiasm.

5. Conclusion

To sum up, it is the two-way demand to realize the Chinese modernization of national traditional sports and aerobics projects to realize the teaching material reform of aerobics in universities through the integration of national traditional sports. Through rational integration of national music in selecting background music of aerobics teaching materials, the auditory impact of national culture is further deepened; Through the scientific addition of national characteristic elements in the prescribed action design, the true feeling of national traditional elements can be enhanced; By using the “blank space” design in routine arrangement, students can be provided with more space to play their individuality, cultivate students’ stronger sense of autonomous learning, and realize the organic combination of theory and practice. Through the integration of ideological and political education and the moderate transformation of teaching subjects, we can achieve the goal of college physical education and aerobics courses, further innovate thinking, break first and stand later, and complete the gradual upgrading of higher education teaching.


Thanks to Liaoning Institute of Science and Technology for its financial and policy support for these two projects: Liaoning Institute of Science and Technology 2022 Undergraduate Teaching Reform Research Project: “Serving Local Areas and Revitalizing National Traditional Sports” Benxi Ethnic Traditional Sports Practice Base Construction Research and Practice (Project No.: 49). First-class Course in Liaoning Province: Aerobics.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.


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