Relevance of Mastery Learning (ML) in Teaching of English (Case Study of the University of Guilan, Iran)


The main purpose of the study was to gather, analyze and interpret the perceptions of the students about mastery learning (ML) held by 240 students randomly selected from each of the populations of different faculties in Guilan University. Guilan University was chosen because the researchers have some valuable experiences about English learning and are familiar with students’ weakness in English learning. The students of high ability were allocated to “A” and “B” classes, average to “C” and “D” classes and low to “E” and “F” classes respectively. Two Academic Staff Members were assigned to teach the six classes of English. Students could take 3 classes with each academic. Results showed that based on research results on deep and surface, biased learners increasingly which became surface learners did worse compare with deep learners. On the other hand, surface students of low ability seem to be motivated to study as they are given more chances to secure a pass. Thus, although the findings of this paper indicate that mastery learning promotes better quantitative results in English for surface learners, there are dangers. One of the main aims of learning to increase higher level cognitive processes seems actually to be discouraged in this mode.

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Sadeghi, A. and Sadeghi, A. (2012) Relevance of Mastery Learning (ML) in Teaching of English (Case Study of the University of Guilan, Iran). Creative Education, 3, 41-44. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.31007.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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