Career beliefs of Greek and Non-Greek Vocational Education students


The present study aims at investigating Greek and non-Greek Vocational Education students’ career beliefs. The sample consists of 238 students who attend Greek Secondary Vocational Education schools in the region of Attica. The study also investigates whether various demographic variables (e.g. gender, immigrant status, parents’ educational level) differentiate these beliefs. Career beliefs were assessed by Career Beliefs Patterns Scale-2. Five factors were found to contribute to career beliefs: Culture & common practice, Proficiency beliefs, Control & self-direction beliefs, Persistence beliefs, Fatalism & Socioeconomic status impact. The results revealed statistically significant relationships between the level of career beliefs and gender and immigrant status. Findings are discussed in terms of their practical applications for career counseling.

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Sidiropoulou-Dimakakou, D. , Argyropoulou, K. , Drosos, N. & Terzaki, M. (2012). Career beliefs of Greek and Non-Greek Vocational Education students. Creative Education, 3, 1241-1250. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.37183.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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