Using Problem Based Learning to Develop Class Projects in Upper Level Social Science Courses: A Case Study with Recommendations


Problem Based Learning is often used as the pedagogy for an entire course. However, instructors wanting to try PBL for the first time may find this intimidating. An alternative is to use this pedagogy for a class project and not the entire class. Students in an upper level psychology course used Problem Based Learning to create a transitional facility for ex-offenders in a rural county where currently none exists. Students gained insight into community services, the needs of the target population, and how to match clients’ need with services in the community. This project can be used as a model for instructors in the fields of psychology, sociology and social work.

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McMay, D. , Gradel, K. and Scott, C. (2013) Using Problem Based Learning to Develop Class Projects in Upper Level Social Science Courses: A Case Study with Recommendations. Creative Education, 4, 62-70. doi: 10.4236/ce.2013.41009.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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