A. Yamada, “Inequalities for Gram Matrices and Their Applications to Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces,” Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 17, No. 2, 2013, pp. 427-430.
has been cited by the following article:
TITLE: A Matrix Inequality for the Inversions of the Restrictions of a Positive Definite Hermitian Matrix
AUTHORS: Weixiong Mai, Mo Yan, Tao Qian, Matteo Dalla Riva, Saburou Saitoh
KEYWORDS: Reproducing Kernel; Positive Definite Hermitian Matrix; Quadratic Inequality; Inversion of Positive Definite Hermitian Matrix; Restriction of Positive Definite Hermitian Matrix; Schur Complement; Block Matrix
JOURNAL NAME: Advances in Linear Algebra & Matrix Theory, Vol.3 No.4, December 19, 2013
ABSTRACT: We exploit the theory of reproducing kernels to deduce a matrix inequality for the inverse of the restriction of a positive definite Hermitian matrix.
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