1. Introduction
The inverse problem addressed in [1] , Theorem 1, pages 481-483, where the uniqueness of the potential
and the condition of value boundary:
were established, for the second problem of boundary value which will be named simply Problem 2 (similarly the first problem of boundary value will be named Problem 1: with hypotheses:
, the boundary condition:
and the potential
is given in the Problem 1.
Similarly now assuming that distribution spectral function R extends when
, see [4] , Chapter 2, Section 3, page 153, Problem 6 A and the boundary condition
in the Problem 1, that is
Then the uniqueness of the potential
is established for the Problem 2
Conditions Sufficient to establish the uniqueness of the potential and boundary conditions in Theorem 1, established above will be named Generalized Theorem 1.
Now if we name Problem 1 for
to the boundary value problem:
and the solutions
, respective for
. We obtain de reformulation of results in terms of the Transformation Operators.
The final conclusion of [1] , formula (42), Thm 1, page 483, Section 4,
and Generalized Theorem 1 can rewrite in a formula for a solution
of the Problem 2, for
of the following manner
are solutions of the Problem 1, for
respectively. The Wronskian
Now in terms of the transformation operators. Let us define
is the solution of the Problem 2, for
. For
solution know of the Problem 2,
denote a fixed solution of Problem 1, in both problems: fixed
then the equation above suggests the following transformation operator
with the property that a solution
for the Problem 1 is transformed in a solution
for the Problem 2, for
In a complementary way to our approach and following a series of problems proposed by [4] , Chapter 2, Section 3, Problems: 4, 5, 6. Pages 149-153 that the formulation of Marchenko will be named. One get the Theorem 1, which is formulated in terms of the transformation operators as follows: if we assumed that
denote a fixed solution de Problem 1 for
denota an arbitrary solution of Problem 1 and
, then defined us the operator
is the solution of the equation:
Two Examples for Theorem 1 are proposed, in the context of the previous Marchenko’s formulation. Example 1 for the Problem 1 corresponds to Schrödinger Equation on the Half-Line with a regular potential
, that is,
which will be denoted by the abbreviation (RSEHL) to which we have added the singular term
, obtain us the named Reduced Radial Schrödinger Equation (RRSE)
for the partial wave of angular momentum l and wave number k. See [5] , Chapter 1, Sections 1.1-1.3, 1.5, pages 1-10, 13-16. And it will correspond to the Example 2 for the Problem 2 the (RSEHL)
The two proposed examples for the above for Theorem 1 are constructed by using the regular solution
and the Jost solution
for (RRSQ) and its properties, the pair of solutions
for the parameters
will be built and the asymptotic developments and estimates are made in neighborhoods of zero and infinity respectively. The Wronskian
and the solution
will be expressed in terms of the function of Jost
and its properties. See [5] , Chapter 1, Sections 1.4-1.5, pages 11-16. Subsequently, the asymptotic developments and estimates are made in neighborhoods of zero and infinity for the terms
of potential
. When performing the previous calculation using the sum of the respective asymptotic developments, the elimination of the singular term of the potencial
is obtained in the case of the neighborhood of zero and bounded terms and exponentially decrease fast enought are added for the potential
in a neighborhood of infinity.
The elimination of the singular term
and the addition of an exponential decay term and a bounded term when
of the potential
in the Example 1, when applying the transformation operator
transforms the potential
into the regular potential
in the Problem 2, as a consequence of the potential obtained
in Theorem 1. Where it is used strongly the fundamental properties of preserving the initial data
in Problem 1, as well as, the preservation of spectral and scattering properties in both Problems 1 and 2, by the operator
. See [1] , Section 6, pages 486-487.
The previous fact, constitutes a fundamental part of the previous Marchenko’s formulation and gives the possibility of extending the
Estimates for the (RSEHL) established in [6] was proved with the potential
to be real and regular (RSEHL) now for the Reduced Radial Schrödinger Equation (RRSE). That is, the RRSE is transformed into the equation RSEHL through the transformation operator
. And the following generalization of Theorem 2.1 of [6] is obtained.
Theorem 2. (The
estimate). Supponse that V is regular and
of moreover,
, then
The article is organized as follows. In Section 2: Existence of the transformation operator
, Theorem 1 is demonstrated in which for the solution given by
one get a formula for the potential
In Section 3: the two examples: Reducced Radial Schrödinger Equation (RRSE) and Schrödinger Equation on the Half-Line (RSEHL), the Example for the potential
stated in Theorem 1 are constructed calculating the terms:
using the regular solution
, the solution of Jost
, the function of Jost
and its properties, for (RRSE) in the (Problem 1). In section 4 the demonstration of Theorem 2 is given. In Section 5, we establish the Conclusions and Open Problems. An appendix has been added in which, the asymptotic developments and estimates are made in neighborhoods of zero and infinity of the addends that form the potential
are obtained.
Warning: In order to respect the notations of the texts [3] [4] and [5] throughout the paper we will use the letters
the potential regular, indistinctly.
2. Existence of the Transformation Operator
Theorem 1. Let’s consider two Sturm-Liouville equations
continuous only in the interior points of
. Consider in particular, the following pair of boundary value problems of Sturm-Liouville on the Half Line
are continuous on
. If
is a fixed solution of the first Equation (2) for
and let
an arbitrary solution of (2) for
, then
is solution of (3) for
where the Wronskian
. Then
satisfies the equation
Remark 2. In order to facilitate the reading we will carry out the abuse of the
Proof. Since
, then
that is,
then let’s calculate
that is
Using (34) let’s calculate
That is
Now using (31), (32), (33), Equation (36) can be written as
One can expressed
in terms of Wronskian
then (26) and (28) imply that
From Equation (27)
And from (41) it is obtained
that is
Now, replacing (43) in (37) we get
Using the representation for a given solution
in (28)
we get the equation
then the right member of Equation (44) can be written as
That is
Let us observe that
from (26) and (28). Then
is solution for the Equation (25) for
. Rewriting (24) one get
Then we can rewrite the right term of the Equation (46) as
associating the terms and using the equations given in (24) and (25) one get
Then we yield the equation sought
that is
one yield to the initial Equation (29)
and the potential (30).
then the potential
can also be represented as
it is uniquely determined.
Finally, according to (27) we define the corresponding transformation operator as
3. The Two Examples: Reducced Radial Schrödinger Equation and Schrödinger Equation on the Half-Line
The named Problem 1 of Theorem 1 of the preceding section is equivalent to the following system of boundary value problems on the Half Line
The previous system corresponds to the reducced radial Schrödinger equation
for the partial wave of angular momentum l and wave number k.
This equation and the solution has the following properties:
1) The potential
is regular, that is
2) The solution
exists and it is the only one which vanishes at the origin.
3) For physical reasons know in scattering theory, the physical wave function
, also must vanish at the origin.
4) The asymptotic behavior is of
, is the phase shift, is a real quantity which depends of energy k and the momentum l, that is,
5) The momentum angular fixed
and all (positive) values of
6) The Jost solution becomes:
7) In the case
, the Jost solution is given by
8) The regular solution
, near
, is given by the boundary condition
See [Ch-S] [5] , Chapter 1, Sections: 1.1-1.5, 1.7 pages 1-16, 19. If
the solution
is proposed as
it follows that
Next let
denote a fixed solution of the j-th equation for
, and let
denote an arbitrary solution of the first equation. Then for
are solutions for the equation
Now, from Equation (74),
That is,
That is
Now since
the corresponding summations
of the potential
(calculated in Appendix), Are given by
Next we defined the solution
In terms of the Jost function
Let’s start with the Wroskin
that is
that is
That is
The calculation of
is shown in Appendix. The result obtained is:
Now let’s write the solution
obtained in Appendix:
That is,
it is obtained (see Appendix)
According to Appendix one gets the next asymptotic relation
For the case
Let’s consider the term
If we define
Let the infimum
such that
, (111)
!which is impossible!
it is obtained that
That is
So our final conclusion is, that we have obtained the uniqueness of this potential which is regular when
and, bounded with exponentially decreases fast enough when
4. The Estimates
for the Reduced Radial Equation of Schrödinger
Theorem 2. (The
estimates). Suppose that
is regular and
of moreover,
, then
Proof. For Theorem 1, the operator
transforms the potential
in univocally determinated potential
And if
is solution of (120) then
is solution of
we have
That is
which is Schrödinger Equation on the Half-Line (RSEHL) for
For the case
The sum of the terms added to the potential
form a term bound with exponentially decreases fast enough which allow that
See [5] , Chapter 1, Secc 1.1, formula (1.1.3), page 2 which guarantees that the equation (RSEHL) is also fulfilled in this case. Therefore (121) and (122) are satisfied.
5. Conclusions and Open Problems
As a comment by J. Bourgain in [7] , page 27, the importance of the
estimates is mentioned, in the context of search of global solutions for the equations of non-linear Schrödinger. In particular, the obtained ones in [8] perform the form
Also, in [7] , page 27, it is mentioned that “it would be most interesting to prove the analogue (19) in low dimension
. This is certainly a project of independent importance”. In [3] and [6] these estimations were demonstrated for the case
on the line and half-line respectively. See [1] , page 487. Now we have established the
estimates for the case Reduced Radial Schrödinger Equation (RRSE).
Finally as an open problem the possibility of extending the
estimates for the (RSEHL) but now adding an analytical perturbation to the potential
; as mentioned in [2] , 13 Open Problems, page 55, where is considered the differential operator
Since according to the Analytic Perturbation Theory the potential
can be written
where all the
are real valued,
is locally integrable,
is uniformly locally integrable and
is majorized by
. Then a closed form
can be constructed and the associated selfadjoint operator (self-adjoint extension) H of L in
with an appropriate domain (including the boundary condition
). See [9] , Chapter 7, Section 8, pages 408-409.
Dedicated to Professor Vladimir Alexandrovich Marchenko to celebrate his ninety-seventh birthday: born July 7, 1922. Sponsor: Fellow Sistema Nacional de Investigadores.
The author is grateful to the anonymous referees for their valuable comments. Also, to Miguel Navarro Saad and Gustavo Gómez Ros for their valuable help in technical editing and drafting the manuscript respectively. Especially to Jasmyn Chen, Editorial Assistant of APM for her generous willingness and professionalism.
Next, the calculations of the addends
that form the potential
will be shown.
It starts with
and since
That is
That is
Now since
let us calculate each of the
terms. Since
first let’s calculate the terms
That is
That is
Now let’s calculate the term:
That is