Geo-Spatial Database Creation for Wazirabad Canal Command Area
Chalumuri Ramesh Naidu, M. V. S. S. Giridhar
DOI: 10.4236/jgis.2011.34025   PDF    HTML     6,218 Downloads   11,062 Views   Citations


GIS assist in specific planning and decision-making processes in irrigation through the input, spatial analysis and output of relevant information. The real strength of GIS is its ability to integrate information. This integration power makes the scope of GIS almost infinite. The unique integration capability of GIS allows disparate data sets to be brought together to create a complete picture of a situation. GIS technology illustrates relationships, patterns and connections that are not necessarily obvious in any one data set but are amazingly apparent once the data sets are integrated. GIS also helps us to assess the performance of the irrigation command areas. GIS based system helps a canal to analyze the spatial information about its engineers and farmers to improve planning, management and supply of water resources to its corresponding blocks. In order to manage the water efficiently in the command area, it is needless to say that calculation and evaluation of water demands in detail at block and minor level to be given overriding priority. Blocks and Chak boundaries can be delineated from the Digital Elevation Model using GIS techniques. These boundaries will help to plan and allocate the water resources to improve the water allocation strategies and in turn water use efficiency and can make inter-canal comparisons. The delineated block boundaries can be refined exactly using the drainage, topography and existing canal network in GIS platform.

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Naidu, C. and Giridhar, M. (2011) Geo-Spatial Database Creation for Wazirabad Canal Command Area. Journal of Geographic Information System, 3, 290-297. doi: 10.4236/jgis.2011.34025.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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