The Conditional Poisson Process and the Erlang and Negative Binomial Distributions ()
1. Introduction
There is much current interest in compounding or mixing distributions and their applications. Indeed, the early history of statistics was greatly concerned with the problem [3] . The work by Greenwood and Yule [4] in the more modern era has been followed up with new results and extensive applications [5] , including many based on the Poisson distribution because of its centrality in statistical analysis and probability modeling [6] [7] [8] [9] . The present derivations supply new insights into the structure of this type of modeling by revealing how compounded Poisson variables produce a negative binomial distribution.
There is a relatively simple fact about mixture distributions which says that if the mean of a conditional Poisson random variable has an Erlang distri- bution, then the unconditional distribution of this variable is negative binomial. In particular,
Theorem 1. Let
. Suppose that the random variable
has the Erlang distribution with probability density function
and that, given that
has the Poisson distribution with probability mass function
Then, the unconditional distribution of
is that of the number of failures before the
success in Bernoulli trials with success probability
. That is,
The proof involves an application of the law of total probability which conditions on the value of
. That is, an integration of the product of (1) and (2) yields (3). This result appears in many different settings ( [10] , pp. 194-195; [11] , p. 191; [2] , pp. 332-333; [12] , p. 84).
Could this result have been guessed? This proof provides no intuitive under- standing as to why it is true. One purpose of this paper is to give another proof of Theorem 1 which provides such an understanding. In that proof, two indepen- dent Poisson processes are carefully chosen and the memoryless property of their exponentially distributed interarrival times is used to conclude that the events in these processes may be regarded as Bernoulli trials. In Section 3, without using the memoryless property, another proof that these events are Bernoulli trials has been provided.
2. Proof of Theorem 1
This section contains an alternative proof of Theorem 1 which can facilitate one’s intuitive understanding of this result. The proof uses properties of the Poisson process and exponential distribution to obtain (3).
, let
be a Poisson process with rate
, and let
be an independent Poisson process with rate
. One may think of the events in the first process as “successes” and those in the second as “failures”. Using the well-known facts [2] that the interarrival times in the first (second) process are independent exponentially distributed random variables with rate
) and the memoryless property of the exponential distri- bution ( [2] , pp. 150, 159; [10] , p. 102) one may regard these successes and failures as being Bernoulli trials. That is, the trials are independent, and the probability of success is the same on each trial. Intuitively, the process proba- bilistically restarts itself at any point in time. Specifically, suppose an event has just occurred in one of the two processes. Then, regardless of the amount of time that has elapsed since the last event in the other process, the distribution of the amount of time remaining until the next event occurs in the other process is exponential with the rate for that process. Hence, independently of what has occurred up to that point of time, the probability that the next event is a success is the probability that an exponential random variable with rate
is less than an independent exponential random variable with rate
, and this probability is
easily seen to be
( [12] , p. 287). A proof (which does not make direct
reference to the memoryless property) that the events in the two processes constitute Bernoulli trials is given in Section 3.
Since the sum of
independent exponential random variables each having rate
has the Erlang distribution in (1), one may think of
as being the time of occurrence of the
event in the process
. That is,
is the occurrence time of the
success ( [2] , p. 150). Given that
, the conditional distributions of both
are the same Poisson distribution with mean
. By conditioning on
, the unconditional distribu- tion of
is the same as the unconditional distribution of
. The proof now follows by observing that
is the number of failures before the time of the
3. Proof That the Trials Are Bernoulli
This section contains a proof, which does not depend on the memoryless property, that the events in two independent Poisson processes may be regarded as Bernoulli trials.
Theorem 2. Consider two independent Poisson processes with respective rates
in which the events that occur in either process are called trials and are referred to as successes or failures according as they come from the first or second process. Then the trials are independent and the probability of
success is
on each trial. That is, these trials are Bernoulli trials.
Before proving Theorem 2, the following two lemmas are needed.
Lemma 1. For nonnegative integers
Proof. The number of possible choices of
distinct numbers from the
. By conditioning on the value of the
largest number chosen, one can see that this number of choices is also given by
. □
Lemma 2. Using the terminology in Theorem 2, let
be the event that there are exactly
successes among the first
trials. Then
Proof. Let
be the time between the
st event and the
th event (i.e., the
th interarrival time) in the
th process. Also, let
be the respective times until the
th success and
th failure, so that
By conditioning on the independent random variables
, and using the fact that the interarrival times in a Poisson process are independent random variables, it follows that the last probability is
are the pdf’s of
, respectively. Now, use the fact that
are independent and have respective exponential distributions with failure rates
. If
, it follows that
By conditioning on the value of
, it can be concluded that
Similarly, if
and hence
Using the fact that
have Erlang distributions with respective shape parameters
and respective scale parameters
, substituting (5) and (6) into (4) leads to
To evaluate the first double integral in (7), one can use the fact that the waiting time until the
event in a Poisson process with rate
if and only if the number of events in this process that occur by time
is at most
, and that this number has a Poisson distribution with mean
. Hence the first integral in (7) is
where the penultimate equation follows from the fact that the integral in the preceding expression is one, and the last equation follows by an application of Lemma 1. By interchanging
, and once again applying Lemma 1, it can be concluded in a similar manner that the value of the second double integral in (7) is
From (7), (8) and (9), it now follows that
The case
is easy and left to the reader. The argument just presented assumes that
. The cases
are simpler and are also left to the reader. The proof of Lemma 2 is complete. □
Proof of Theorem 2. It will now be shown by induction on
that for
, the first
trials are independent and that the probability of success on each of
these trials is
First, suppose
. Set
in Lemma 2 to conclude that
and hence
in Lemma 2 to see that
and set
to obtain
Adding the last two probabilities gives
The independence of the first two trials now follows from (10), (11) and (12), and consequently Theorem 2 is true for
Suppose that Theorem 2 is true for some
. The first
trials are there- fore Bernoulli trials, so that the number of successes has a binomial distribution. Specifically,
From Lemma 2, we can condition on the number of successes in the first
trials to see that
It follows that on each of the first
trials, the probability of success is
. Furthermore, it follows from Lemma 2, (13), and (14) that for
from which one may conclude that the first
trials are independent. The proof of Theorem 2 is now complete.
4. Conclusion
In this paper, a new proof has been provided for the fact that, in the hierarchical model of a Poisson random variable
whose mean has an Erlang distribution, the unconditional distribution of
is negative binomial. A new proof that the events in two independent Poisson processes may be regarded as Bernoulli trials has also been provided. The distinguishing feature of this proof is that it does not make use of the memoryless property of the exponential distribution.