A Literature Review of Stochastic Programming and Unit Commitment


The study of unit commitment (UC) aims to find reasonable schedules for generators to optimize power systems’ operation. Many papers have been published that solve UC through different methods. Articles that systematically summarize UC problems’ progress in order to update researchers interested in this field are needed. Because of its promising performance, stochastic programming (SP) has become increasingly researched. Most papers, however, present SP’s UC solving approaches differently, which masks their relationships and makes it hard for new researchers to quickly obtain a general idea. Therefore, this paper tries to give a structured bibliographic survey of SP’s applications in UC problems.

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Dai, H. , Zhang, N. and Su, W. (2015) A Literature Review of Stochastic Programming and Unit Commitment. Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, 3, 206-214. doi: 10.4236/jpee.2015.34029.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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