Constrained Feedback Stabilization for Bilinear Parabolic Systems ()
1. Introduction
Bilinear systems represent a small, but important subset of nonlinear systems within which linear systems coexist as a special subclass. Adopting a bilinear model retains a well structured framework, which contains the well- known notional concepts such as time constants and steady-state behaviour. When adopting a bilinear approach, these concepts become operation-dependent quantities which can be appropriately modelled. Bilinear system models represent an important class of nonlinear models that are defined to be linear in both state and control when considered independently, with the nonlinearity (or bilinearity) arising from coupled terms involving products of system state and control (see [1] [2] ). By formulating the model appropriately, the bilinear term could also be represented by products of system output and control input, i.e. the output is defined as a system state. There are numerous combinations of product terms that could be considered, thus potentially increasing the model complexity. However, it has been found in practice that a minimal number of product terms can provide an adequate model for the purpose of control. Bilinear model structures are able to represent nonlinear phenomena more accurately than linear models, and thereby extend the range of satisfactory performance. In this paper, we are concerned with the question of the stabilization by a constrained feedback control for bilinear parabolic systems that can be described in the following form:
on a real Hilbert space
with inner product
; and corresponding norm
, where the linear operator
generates a contraction semigroup
. While the real valued function
represents a control. A function
, is a mild solution of the system (1) if and only if the solution
of the system (1) satisfies the variation of parameters formula:
(see [3] ). By choosing an adequate feedback control
in such a way, the corresponding solution
of the system (1) converges to zero when
, for all
. For finite-dimensional bilinear systems associated to a skew-adjoint matrix
, the question of stabilization has been treated in [4] , under the condition:
is defined recursively as
Using the following assumptions:
the problem of stabilization has been studied in [5] . In [3] , when the linear operator
is compact and
is a contraction semigroup, then using the quadratic feedback control
a weak stabilization result is obtained under the weak observability condition:
In the case where
is sequentially continuous from
endowed with the weak topology) to
, the quadratic feedback control (2) weakly stabilizes the system (1), provided that the following weak observability assumption (4) holds (see [3] ). Under the exact observability assumption
The strong stabilization result with the following decay estimate
large enough, has been obtained using the quadratic feedback control (5) (see [6] ). However, in this way the convergence of the resulting closed loop state is not better than (8). In [7] the rational decay rates are established i.e. using the following feedback control:
It has been shown in [8] that, where the resolvent of the operator
is compact, and
is abounded linear, self-adjoint and monotone, the constrained feedback control law
strongly stabilizes the system (1), provided that the assumption (6) holds. It has been established in [7] that, if
the linear operator
generates a contraction semigroup
, then the system (1) is strongly
stable with the explicit decay estimate (8), using the control (9), provided that the estimate (7) holds. Here, we will establish an explicit decay estimate of the stabilized state and the robustness of the control (9) for a large class of bilinear systems as considered in [3] [8] [9] . The method used in this paper is based on decomposing the system (1) into two suitable subsystems: the stable part and the unstable one. Then, we will show that one can concentrate on the determination of a stabilizing control for the so-called unstable part which maintains the exponential stability of the stable part. The rest of this article is as follows: in Section 2, we will give the main hypotheses that allow the decomposition of the system (1) into two subsystems. Then, under the compactness hypothesis of the operator
, we will give a weaker variant of the condition (6) which achieves strong stabilization of the system (1). In Section 3, we will show that under a weaker version of (6), we obtain the stabilization with the decay estimate (8). Section 4 concerns the robustness of the stabilizing controls. The last section is devoted to an illustrating example and simulations.
2. Stabilization Results
Let us now recall the following definition concerning the asymptotic behavior of the system (1).
2.1. Definition
The system (1) is weakly (resp. strongly) stabilizable if there exists a feedback control
such that the corresponding mild solution
of the system (1) satisfies the properties:
1. For each initial state
of the system (1) there exists a unique mild solution defined for all
of the system (1),
is an equilibrium state of the system (1),
, weakly (resp. strongly), as
, for all
In the sequel of this section, we will present an appropriate decomposition of the state space
and the system (1) via the spectral properties of the operator
, and we apply this approach to study the stabilization pro- blem of the system (1). In [10] - [12] , it has been shown that if the spectrum
can be decomposed
, then the state space
can be decomposed according to
is given by
is a curve surrounding
and for all
is the eigenvector associated to
the eigenvalue
. The projection operators
commute with
, and we have
. Also, for all
, we set
. For linear systems, it
has been shown that the initial system can be decomposed into two subsystems on
. If
satisfies the spectrum growth assumption:
Which is equivalent to:
denotes the semigroup generated by
, then stabilizing the whole system turns out to stabilizing its projection on
(see [13] ). In the sequel, we suppose that the operator
It is easily verified that the condition (14) is equivalent to the fact that the linear operator
commutes with
. We note that the condition (14) also holds in the special case:
. Let us consider that the system (1) can be decomposed in the following two subsystems:
in the state spaces
respectively, and
. It has been proved that stabilizing a linear system turns out to stabilizing its unstable part (see [13] ).
2.2. Remark
For finite-dimensional systems, the conditions (6) and (7) are equivalent (see [5] [10] ). However, in infinite- dimensional case, and if
is compact, then the condition (7) is impossible. Indeed, if
is an orthonormal basis of
, then applying (7) for
and using the fact that
, weakly as
, we obtain the contradiction:
The following result concerns the strong stabilization of the system (1).
2.3. Theorem
generates a linear
-contraction semigroup
allows the decomposition (10) of
such that (13) holds,
be compact such that
Then, the constrained feedback control law:
strongly stabilizes the system (1).
The system (1) controlled by (18) possesses a unique mild solution
defined on a maximal interval
and given by the variation of constants formula
corresponds to (18) (see [9] ).
is a contraction semigroup, we get:
It follows from (20) that
From (19) and using the fact that
is a contraction semigroup and the Gronwall inequality, we deduce that the map
is continuous from
. Then (21) holds for all
by density argument, and hence
(see [14] ). Now, let us show that
, weakly as
. Let
such that
weakly converges in
and let
such that
, weakly as
. (The ex- istence of the sequence
are ensured by (21) and by the fact that space
is reflexive.) Taking
as initial state in (19) and using superposition property of the solution, and via the dominated conver-
gence theorem, we obtain
. It follows from (17) that
. Hence
, weakly as
, and since
, we have
, as
. For the component
we have
Then for all
, we have:
It follows from (13) that
From Gronwall inequality, we obtain:
, we deduce that
, as
, as
3. A Decay Rate Estimate of the Stabilized State
In what follows, we will study the strong stabilizability of the system (1) with the decay estimate (8).
Before we state our main result, the following lemmas will be needed (see [15] ).
3.1. Lemma
be a sequence of positive real numbers satisfying
are constants. Then there exists a positive constant
(depending on
) such that
Let us now recall the following existing result (see [9] ).
3.2. Lemma
generate a contraction semigroup
and let
be linear operator from
into itself. Then the system (1), controlled by (18) possesses a unique mild solution
for each
which satisfies
For almost all
Our main result in this section is stated as follows:
3.3. Theorem
generates a linear
such that
is a semigroup of isometries and (13) holds,
allows the decomposition (10) of
such that for all
, we have
Then the constrained feedback control law:
strongly stabilizes the system (1) with the explicit decay estimate (8).
Let us consider the system:
Multiplying the system (29) by
, integrating over
and using the fact that
is a semigroup of isometries, we obtain:
which proves that the real function
is decreasing on
, and we have
Hence, the system (29) admits a unique mild solution defined for almost all
(see [9] ).
Integrating now the inequality (30) over the interval
, for
, we get:
using now the estimate (26), we deduce that
for some
. Using now the fact that
, then the assumption (27) is equivalent to
From (32) and (33) we have
using the fact that the map
is decreasing on
, we obtain:
which implies that
, the last inequality can be written as
From Lemma.3.1 we have
designed the integer part of
), then we obtain
, which gives
For the component
, we shall show that
is defined for all
and exponentially converges to 0, as
. The system (1) excited by the constrained feedback control (28) admits a unique mild solution defined for almost all
in a maximal interval
defined by
It follows from (13) that
For almost all
. The Gronwall inequality then yields:
, it follows from (36) that
is bounded on
, and therefore
(36) holds for all
. Hence, from (34) and (36), the solution of (1) satisfies the estimate (8). This completes the proof of Theorem 3.3.
3.4. Remark
1. Since the function
decreasing in
, we have
In this case, we have
Hence, using (13) the system (1) is exponentially stable.
2. The constrained feedback control (28) depends only on the unstable part
and we have
3. The constrained feedback control (28) satisfies
4. We note that (27) is weaker than (6). The converse is not true as we can see taking an orthonormal basis
5. In the case
is nonlinear and locally Lipschitz, such that
, then using the same techniques as in [9] , we can obtain the result of Theorem 3.3, if the estimate (7) is changed to (33).
4. Robustness
In this section, we study the robustness of the controls (18) and (28), under a class of perturbations of the system (1).
4.1. Strong Robustness
In this part, we consider the strong robustness of the feedback (18). Then, we will show that the stability property of the system (1) remains invariant under a certain class of bounded perturbations.
Let us consider the following perturbed system
where the linear bounded operator
is such that the system (37) is decomposed into two following subsystems:
The following main result concerns the strong stability of the system (37).
4.2. Proposition
generates a linear
-contraction semigroup
such that (13) holds,
2. The operator
is compact such that (6) holds,
3. The linear operator
is compact and satisfying
Then the system (37) is strongly stabilizable.
First, let us note that 0 remains an equilibrium state of the perturbed system (37), which can be written in the form:
are locally Lipschitz, so is
. Also
is dissipative:
The assumption
, together with (6) guarantees the following implication
Then the weak stability of the perturbed system (37) follows from Theorem 2.4 of Ball [3] , and since
, we have
, as
. For the component
of the solution
of the system (37), and for all
, we have:
It follows from (13) that
From Gronwall inequality, we obtain:
, we obtain
, as
. Hence, the solution
of the system (37) strongly converges to
4.3. A Polynomial Decay Estimate for the Perturbed System
Our second main result in this section is stated as follows:
4.4. Proposition
generate a linear
such that
is a semigroup of isometries and (13) holds,
allows the decomposition (10) of
satisfies (27),
, for all
Then the constrained feedback control (28) strongly stabilizes the system (37) with the explicit decay estimate (8).
Let us consider the system:
Multiplying the system (43) by
and integrating over
and using the fact that
is a semigroup of isometries and the hypothesis:
, we obtain:
which gives
. Then, the system (43) admits a unique global mild solution
fined for almost all
. By the same argument as in the proof of Theorem 3.3, the solution
of the system (37) satisfies:
which completes the proof of Proposition 4.2.
5. Application and Simulations
5.1. An Application
In this part, we will give an illustrating example of the established results.
Let us consider the following 1-d bilinear heat equation:
is the temperature profile at time
. We suppose that the system is controlled via the flow of a liquid
in an adequate metallic pipeline. Here we take the state space
and the operator
is defined by
, with
. The domain of
gives the ho-
mogeneous Neumann boundary condition imposed at the ends of the bar which require specifying how the heat flows out of the bar and means that both ends are insulated. The spectrum of
is given by the simple eigen-
and eigenfunctions
for all
. Then the subspace
is the one-dimensional space spanned by the eigenfunction
, and we have
(the identity) and hence
, is a semigroup of isometries. The operator of control
, is defined by:
, such that
(see [16] ). From the relation:
, we can see that (27) holds if
. To examine the estimate (8), remarking for the scalar functions
we have
which implies that
, we obtain
Integrating now the last equality from 0 to
, we get
from (47), we deduce that the nonnegative scalar map
is decreasing for all
, and we have
which means that
Furthermore, the control in this case is defined by
, the functions
are characterized by
and satisfy
which implies that
Hence, the system (45) is strongly stable with the decay rate estimate (8).
Let us reconsider the above example with the perturbation
defined by:
It is clear that the function
satisfies the conditions of Proposition 4.2.1. Then the perturbed closed-loop system remains stable, i.e., the control (48) still stabilizes the perturbed system i.e., the control (48) is strongly robust.
5.2. Simulations
In this part, taking in the system (45), the operator
Then we obtain the results shown in Figures 1-5.
Figure 3. The norm of the stabilized state.
6. Conclusion
In this work, we have considered the problem of strong stabilization with polynomial decay rate of the stabilized state for bilinear parabolic systems that can be decomposed in the stable and unstable parts (15) and (16) under a weaker condition (27). We have also considered the problem of using a stabilizing feedback control for the unstable part (15) only that can make the whole system (1) stable. Various questions remain open. This is the case
of stabilization for nonlinear systems. Finally, we have studied the robustness problem of the stabilizing controls with respect to a class of perturbations, but a confrontation to more realistic situations remain done. This leads us to consider the stabilization problem for stochastic bilinear system.