The Empirical Research of Factors Influencing Share of Wallet in the B2B Market
Aiwu Cheng, Lei Han, Cheng Cao
DOI: 10.4236/jssm.2011.42020   PDF    HTML     8,690 Downloads   16,371 Views   Citations


Share of wallet is a key factor in Customer relationship management system (CRM) which is an important application of E-business. Research has found that share of wallet is an important indicator to measure customer loyalty and cus-tomer potential value. On the basis of the existent marketing literatures, this study analyzes the variables influencing share of wallet according the traits of the B2B market. This paper brings forward interrelated hypotheses and concep-tual model,then test the hypotheses with enterprises survey in the B2B market. Finally we use path analysis to find the principal factors influencing share of wallet and the relationships in them. The results of this research provide theo-retical foundation to upgrade CRM management level of the B2B enterprises, and there is a certain reference value to predict share of wallet in customer lifetime value’s (CLV) measurement.

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Cheng, A. , Han, L. and Cao, C. (2011) The Empirical Research of Factors Influencing Share of Wallet in the B2B Market. Journal of Service Science and Management, 4, 165-173. doi: 10.4236/jssm.2011.42020.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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