1. Introduction
Since the work of Black-Scholes in 1973 see [1] , the financial markets have expanded considerably and traded products are increasingly numerous and sophisticated. Most widespread of these products are the options. The basic options are the options to sell and purchase, respectively called put and call. If option can be exercised at any time until maturity, we speak about American option otherwise it is a European option.
The two researchers provide a method of evaluation of European options by solving a partial derivative equation called (black-Scholes’s equation). However, we cannot get explicit formula for pricing of American options, even the most simple. The formalization of the problem of pricing American options as variational inequality, and its discretization by numerical methods, appeared only rather tardily in the article of Jaillet, Lamberton and Lapeyre see [2] . A little later, the book of Wilmott, Dewynne and Howison see [3] has made it much more accessible the pricing by L.C.P from American Option problem. For the problems at free boundary several numerical results have been obtained for parabolic and elliptic variational and quasi-variational inequality see [4] -[8] .
For our part, we are interested to asymptotic behavior of V.I related to the American options problem. Where we adapted to our problem result obtained in [4] and we eliminated an additional factor. We discretize the space by a space constructed from polynomials of degree 1 and the time by θ- scheme. Subsequently, we demonstrated the error estimate between the continuous solution and the discrete solution of the problem given by:
For, we have
and for, we have
We used the uniform norm, because it is a realistic norm, which gives us the approximation described above and which enables us to locate the free boundary, a crucial thing in practice of the American options.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we give the problem of American options as a parabolic variational inequality. In Section 3, we discretize by the finite elements method and we deal the stability of θ-scheme for our V.I. In Section 4, we adapt to our problem results obtained for similar problems see ([7] [9] ) namely a contraction associated with our problem which allows us to define an algorithm of Bensoussan-Lions [10] . Finally, in Section 5, we establish the estimate of the asymptotic behavior of θ-scheme by the uniform norm for American options problem.
2. Formulation of American Options Problem as Variational Inequality
In this section, we recall the context of our problem (see [11] -[13] ). An American option is a contract which gives the right to receive the payoff at some time, where. This payoff is then given as a function of the prices at the time t of n financial products constituting the underlying asset. Such as these prices are strictly positive, we set
and we express the payoff under the form
is a given regular function.
We assume that the following stochastic differential equation is satisfied by the logarithmic transformation of the prices
where is the interest rate, is invertible Volatility matrix and is a standard ndimensional Brownian motion defined on a probability space
The Continuous Problem
Under some assumptions on financial markets (no-arbitrage principle) see [2] [14] and the above assumptions one can prove, that is a solution of the following parabolic inequality:
Now we will give the variational inequality related to American options problem in a more compact form, where we starts by giving new notations and imposed certain conditions.
By a change of variable, the problem (5) becomes:
Find solution of
where K is a closed convex set defined as follows:
and is a bounded smooth domain in, with boundary.
A is an operator defined over by:
and the coefficients: where and are satisfy the following conditions:
f is a positive function.
For more detail on the parabolic inequality associated with American options problem (see [2] [13] [15] -[17] ).
We can reformulate the problem (6) to the following parabolic variational inequality:
where is a continuous bilinear form associated with operator A defined in (9). Namely,
Theorem 1 (Cf. [10] ): If, the problem (13) has an unique solution Moreover, one has
3. Study of the Discrete Problem
We decomposed into triangles and let denotes the set of all those elements, where is the mesh size. We assume that the family is regular and quasi uniform. Let denote the standard piecewise linear finite element space, and be the matrix with generic coefficients where, , are the basis function of the space, defined by where is a vertex of the considered triangulation.
We introduce the following discrete spaces of finite element constructed from polynomials of degree 1:
We consider rh be the usual interpolation operator defined by:
The discrete maximum principle assumption (d.m.p): We assume that the matrix defined above is an M-matrix (Cf. [18] ).
Theorem 2 (Cf. [19] ): Let us assume that the bilinear form is weakly coercive in there exists two constants and such that
3.1. Discretization
We discretize the space by a space discretization of finite dimensional constructed from polynomials of degree 1 and for the regularity of the solution see [20] . In a second step, we discretize the problem with respect to time using the θ-scheme. Therefore, we search a sequence of elements which approaches, with initial data
We apply the finite element method to approximate inequality (13), and the semi-discrete P.V.I takes the form of
Now, we apply the θ-scheme on the semi-discrete problem (20); for any and, we have for
We have that is admissible because
Thus we can rewrite (21) as: for and
Thus, our problem (24) is equivalent to the following coercive discrete elliptic variational inequality:
Such that
3.2. Stability Analysis of θ-Scheme for the P.V.I
The study of the stability of θ-scheme for the American options problem is adapted to [4] .
It is possible to analyze stabilitytaking advantage of the structure of eigenvalues of the bilinear form and wecall that W is compactly embedded in since is bounded.
Let the eigenvectors of form a complete orthonormal basis of in the finite dimensional problem. At each time step, can be expressed as well:
Moreover, let be the -orthogonal projection of into, that is, , one has
We are now in a position to prove the stability for, choosing in (21), thus we have for
For each, the inequalities (27) is equivalent to
Since are the eigenfunctions means
If one solves relative to, we find:
This inequality system stable if and only if
that is to say
So that this relation satisfied for all the eigenvalues of the bilinear form, we have to choose their highest value, we take it for
Lemma 1 (Cf. [4] ):
For the θ-scheme way is stable unconditionally i.e., stable
And if the θ-scheme is stable unless
(spectral radius of).
Notice that this condition is always satisfied if. Hence, taking the absolute value of (30), we have
also we deduce that
Remark 1 (Cf. [4] ):
We assume that the coerciveness assumption (19) is satisfied with, and for each, we find
4. Existence and Uniqueness for Discrete P.V.I
We consider that and are respectively the stationary solutions of the following continue and discrete inequalities:
where the bilinear form satisfies the coercivity condition.
Theorem 3 (Cf. [9] ): Under the previous assumptions, and the maximum principle, there exists a constant C independent of h such that
4.1. A Fixed Point Mapping Associated with Discrete Problem
We consider the mapping
where is the unique solution of the following discrete coercive V.I: find
Lemma 2 (Cf. [6] ): Under the d.m.p we have if then
Proposition 1: Under the previous hypotheses and notations, if we set, the mapping is a contraction in, i.e.,
Therefore, Th admits a unique fixed point, which coincides with the solution of discrete coercive V.I (25).
Proof: For and, we consider (respectively, solution to discrete coercive variational inequality (25) with right-hand side (respectively).
Now, set
So using Lemma 2 gives
On the other hand, one has
Indeed, is solution of
Similarly, interchanging the roles of and we also get
which is the desired result.
Remark 2: If we set, the mapping is a contraction in, i.e.,
Therefore, admits a unique fixed point, which coincides with the solution of discrete coercive V.I (25).
Proof: Under condition of stability, we have shown the θ-scheme is stable if and only if thus it can be easily show that
also it can be found that
which is the desired result.
4.2. Iterative Discrete Algorithm
We choose as the solution of the following discrete equation
where is a regular function given.
Now we give our following discrete algorithm
where is the solution of the problem (25).
Remark 3 cf. [7] : If we choose in (45) we get Bensoussan’s algorithm.
Proposition 2: Under the previous hypotheses and notations, we have the following estimate of convergence
And if
Proof: We set a first case, and we have
We assume that
For a second case one can easily show that
which is the desired result.
5. Asymptotic Behavior
This section is devoted to the proof of principal result of the present paper, where we prove the theorem of the asymptotic behavior in -norm for parabolic variational inequalities.
Now, we evaluate the variation in between, the discrete solution calculated at the moment and, the continuous solution of (39).
Theorem 4: (The principal result). Under conditions of Theorem (3) and Proposition (2), we have for the first case
and for the second case
where C is a constant independent of h and k.
Proof: We have
Using the Theorem (3) and the Proposition (2), we have for
and for we have
6. Perspective
In the following, we will consolidate our theoretical results by numerical simulation, which allows us to locate the free boundary, a very interesting thing in practice to calculate the price of the American options.
The authors would like to thank the editor and referees for her/his careful reading and relevant remarks which permit them to improve the paper.