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Appendix A: Extrinsic benefits:
E1* Using Internet shopping is convenient.
E2* Using Internet shopping saves me time.
E3 Using Internet shopping would make it easier for me to shop or find information.
E4* Using Internet shopping would enable me to shop or find information more quickly than using traditional stores.
E5* Using Internet shopping saves me money.
E6* Internet shopping offers lower prices than tradi-tional stores for the same products.
E7* Internet shopping allows me to interact with other customers in EC communities.
E8* I should be given chances to interact with other like-minded people when I purchase through the Internet.
E9* Internet shopping recommends other things to purchase that other like-minded people appreci-ate.
E10* Internet shopping allows me to exchange ideas as well as compare experiences.
E11 Internet shopping recognizes me when I pur-chase through the Internet again.
Intrinsic benefits:
I1* I enjoy using Internet shopping.
I2* I am very happy to purchase products through Internet shopping.
I3* I am delighted with my experience of Internet shopping.
I4* Interacting with Internet shopping stimulates my curiosity.
I5* Internet shopping provides me with the products and supplemental information that I am inter-ested in.
I6 When I purchase through the Internet, Internet shopping websites offer me options to perform tasks in different ways.
I7 When I purchase through the Internet, it gives me opportunities to make myself appear fash-ionable.
I8* I like to boast of being the first one who pos-sesses a product. * Scales remained in exploratory factor analysis.