Continued Education to Integrate the Educational Laptop: Reflections on Educational Practice Change


This paper presents the analysis and reflection of continuous formation for the use of educational laptop by teacher, and is held in the context of the implementation of the Project one computer per student (PROUCA), a pilot project-phase-II, in one of the public schools of the city of Terenos, MS, Brazil. This is a qualitative research of a case study type conducted from the analysis of the plans lesson made by two teachers throughout the training provided for the use of educational laptop, of the interactions with the tutor during training and information obtained in interviews semi-structured realized after training. The results suggest that the training contributed to the appropriation of the knowledge concerning the use and handling of the laptop features related to technical and pedagogical aspects and promoted the reflection on practice. The analysis showed that there was an increase in teachers’ planning, related to the content worked in the Modules and in the interactions with the tutor, but it was not enough to cause significant change in the pedagogy of theirs classroom practices, highlighting the need for continuing training with situations that prioritize the discussions of teachers’ pedagogical conceptions.

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Gobara, S. and Camilotti, D. (2013) Continued Education to Integrate the Educational Laptop: Reflections on Educational Practice Change. Creative Education, 4, 61-71. doi: 10.4236/ce.2013.410A010.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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