Global Existence, Uniqueness of Weak Solutions and Determining Functionals for Nonlinear Wave Equations ()
1. Introduction
In this paper we study the initial-boundary value problem for the following nonlinear wave equation
with boundary conditions
and initial conditions
is a strong structural damping term,
is nonlinear source term and
is a nonlinear strain term.
An other version of problems (1.1)-(1.3) was studied in [1-4]. In [1] Chen et al worked that the following initial boundary value problem
has a global solution and there exists a compact global attractor with finite dimension. In [2] Karachalios and Staurakalis studied the local existence for (1.1) with
ut is a damping term and without nonlinear source term. In [3] Çelebi and Uğurlu gave the existence of a wide collection of finite sets of functionals on the phase space
that completely determines asymptotic behavior of solutions to the strongly damped nonlinear wave equations. In [4] Chueshov presented the approach of a set of determining functionals containing determining modes and nodes that completely determines the long-time behavior of some first and second order evolution equations.
Similar results of determining modes for similar equations have been obtained in [5-7].
In this article, we take the problem defined by (1.1)- (1.3) which was not investigated in above mentioned articles. Our problem has nonlinear strain and source terms. The control of long time behavior is achieved due to the presence of restoring forces
In Section 2 under conditions

we prove the global existence and uniqueness of a weak solution u of the problems (1.1)-(1.3). In Section 3 we study determining modes on the phase space
by using energy methods and the concept of the completeness defect.
2. The Global Existence and Uniqueness of Weak Solutions
be the usual Hilbert space of square integrable functions with the standard
and inner product
the Laplacian operator on L2 with domain
A is a sectorial operator and that
is a bounded linear operator defined in
see [8]. The nonlinear source term
satisfies the following conditions

there exists a constant
such that

Finally we denote
with the standard product norm
in Y by
Then the following Lemma1 is valid [9].
Lemma 1
is a sectorial operator on Y.
We define a map
to Y by
Using the Sobolev embedding theorem, we can see that
is locally Lipschitz continuous. Thus we apply the existence theorem in [8] to get the solutions of initial value problem for the following system in Y:
Now, we have the following theorem.
Theorem 2 (Local existence) For
there exists
such that
for a.e.
and u satisfies (1.1)-(1.3). Moreover, if
is maximal, then either
is unbounded on 
Now for the proof of the Theorem 4 (Global Existence) we give the following Lemma 3. In the proofs of Lemma 3 and Theorem 4 (Global Existence) we repeat a similar technique used in [1].
Lemma 3 For
there exist constants

such that for 
where u is the solution of (1.1)-(1.3).
Proof. Let
is a constant to be determined. Thus (1.1) becomes
Taking the inner product of both sides of (2.6) with v and integrating the resulting equation, we have
Now we will estimate
such that
is first eigenvalue of the following problem

From (2.8) and (2.9) with
, we get
We use Young inequality, Poincaré inequality and (2.10) in (2.11) we find
Similarly, we obtain
Then (2.7), (2.12) and (2.13) yield
Using Gronwall’s inequality, we have
we can find that
by using the Sobolev embedding theorem. Thus using (2.13) in (2.15) we obtain

and choosing
we get (2.5).■
Now we can prove the global existence of the problems (1.1)-(1.3).
Theorem 4 (Global Existence) For
there exists a global solution u of problems (1.1)-(1.3) satisfying
Proof. In Theorem 2 (Local Existence) we know that
for a.e.
In Lemma 3 we find that
are uniformly bounded for all
Now we prove the global existence of the solution u. To do this we need to show that
is uniformly bounded for 
Now, taking the inner product of both sides (1.1) in
, we have
Then we multiply both sides of (2.17) by
and add to (2.7) to obtain
Using Poincaré inequality and (2.10) in (2.18), we have
Then thanks to Young inequality we obtain
in (2.22) we get
Using (2.19), (2.23) and Gronwall’s inequality we get
Thus (2.24) and Lemma 3 imply that
is uniformly bounded in
because of
for some constant
and we have
Finally, using Sobolev embedding theorem and Lemma 3 we obtain that
is uniformly bounded in
Theorem 5 (Uniqueness of weak solution) A weak solution of (1.1)-(1.3) is unique.
Proof. Let u and v be two distinct solutions to (1.1)- (1.3) for the same initial and boundary data. We define the difference of these solutions as
Then from (1.1)-(1.3), w satisfies
Taking the inner product of (2.26) by
and integrating by parts gives
By means of the inequality
which holds for all
it follows from (2.29) that
Thus we get
Consequently the differential form of Gronwall’s inequality implies to give
3. Existence of Determining Functionals
Now we give some definitions, theorems and corollary for proving existence of determining functionals.
Definition 6 [4] Let
be a finite set of linear continuous functionals on
We will say that
is a set of determining functionals for (1.1)-(1.3) when for any two solutions
the conditions
Definition 7 [4] Let V and H be the reflexive Banach spaces and V be continuously and densely embedded into H. Let
be a set of linear functionals on V. We define the completeness defect
of the set
with respect to the pair of the spaces V and H by the formula
The following assertion gives the spectral characterization of the completeness defect in the case when V and H are the Hilbert spaces.
Theorem 8 [4] Let V and H be the separable Hilbert spaces such that V is compactly and densely embedded into H. Let K be the self-adjoint, positive and compact operator in the space V defined by the equality

Then the completeness defect
of a set
of linear functionals on V can be evaluated by the formula

is the orthoprojector in the space V on the annihilator

is the maximal eigenvalue of the operator S.
Corollary 9 [4] Let the conditions of Theorem 8 be hold and let us denote by
the orthonormal basis in the space V that consists of the eigenvectors of the operator K:
Then the completeness defect of the set of functionals,

can be evaluated by the formula

The following theorem establishes a relation between the completeness defect and the set 
Theorem 10 [4] Let
be the completeness defect of a set
of linear functionals on V with respect to H. Then there exists a positive constant
such that
for any
is the closed linear span of the set
the dual space of V and
is the norm in 
The following version of Gronwall’s lemma is also needed to determine behavior of solutions as 
Lemma 11 [4] Let
be a locally integrable real valued function on
satisfying for some
the following conditions
. Further, let κ be a real valued locally integrable function defined on
such that
Suppose that
is an absolutely continuous non-negative function on
such that
Now we can prove the main result concerning existence of a set of determining functionals of solutions to problems (1.1)-(1.3).
Theorem 12 Let
be a set of linear continuous functionals on the space
and let
be a positive number satisfying
R3, R5 positive constants. Then,
is a set of determining functionals for (1.1)-(1.3).
Proof. Let u and v be two solutions of problems (1.1)- (1.3). Let
be the difference of these solutions. Thus w satisfies (2.26)-(2.28). Now taking the
inner product of (2.26) by
we get
Using (2.30) and Young inequality in right hand side of (3.10) we obtain
On the other hand, the
inner product of (2.26) by
and integration by parts over
We assume that for some
and any small v, v1,
the nonlinear function
where C is independent of v, v1, v2 [10]. Using (2.30) and (3.13) in (3.12) we have
Using the Hölder, Young and Sobolev inequalities in right hand side of (3.14) we obtain the estimate
is the constant in the Sobolev inequality. Since
there exists a positive constant D such that
Then we get
Adding (3.16) to (3.11) and using Poincaré inequality we obtain
are positive constants and

in (3.17) leads to
denote the completeness defect between
and that is
From Theorem 10 we have
for all
Squaring both sides of (3.20) and using Cauchy’s inequality we obtain
Combining (3.21) in (3.18) leads to
Then we choose
as small as possible so that
Hence, from (3.22) we have
and using Poincaré inequality in (3.23) we find
Now we find upper and lower bounds for the functional
owing to the Cauchy-Schwartz and the Cauchy inequalities:
Therefore, using (3.25) and from the definition of
, we can find that
Hence, from (3.26) we can obtain that there exists a positive constant

such that
Applying Lemma 11 to (3.27) with

and using a result of Lemma 11 we see that if

tends to zero as
Thus we obtain that


As a result from Definition 6, the set
defined on
is a set of determining functionals for (1.1)-(1.3). Therefore we complete the proof of Theorem 12.■
4. Acknowledgements
The author thanks Professor A. Okay Çelebi for valuable hints and discussions.