Framework of User Participation for the Interface Design in the SaaS Layer ()
1. Introduction
Cloud computing is defined as a large scale distributed computing, which is virtualized, dynamically scalable, managed computing power and the services are offered to external clients over the internet [1].
The information technologies are an essential part of any business and it is commonly accepted that technological solutions are needed. More and more software applications are supported by the cloud computing requiring greater effort to attract users to interact more and better with everyday environments that arise from different contexts. Therefore, it requires new approaches to satisfy the users [2]. Users must have an important role in the development of software products. Usable products can be designed by incorporating attributes known to benefit users in a particular context of use [3].
Companies are choosing this new cloud computing technology to offer their application services called software as a service (SaaS), which is why companies are experimenting with the use of multiple software applications in their departaments, which have little or no control over the applications [4]. Also, different designs of the SaaS layer are being created so it can be customized.
The SaaS layer offers its services in a software model of a web based application, and its objective is to serve a large quantity of users [5]. The SaaS layer can be used by users with several levels of experience and tasks.
The interface designs create a good communication and collaboration between users, which is why the design must be centered on the user. Interface designs use rules that include topics such as [6]: Industrial and educational psychology, graphic design, writing techniques, ergonomics, and sociology, among others. An effective interface lowers frustration, fear and user mistakes when he interacts with software. Therefore, if the characteristics of the users are known, product based on their necessities can be developed, improving organization productivity. The experience of the user with the software must be a cohesive, intuitive and pleasant [7].
In this paper, we proposed to take into account the users in the development of an interface for the SaaS layer. The design must be centered on the user, which is why we take into account the elements of the user experience model [7] because the users are the main purpose in the development of the different stages of the interface model.
In Section 2, general details of the SaaS layer are shown. In Section 3, the different types of users that participate and their importance are shown; in Section 4 the elements of user experience layer model will be described. In Section 5, a framework of the participants in the development of the interfaces of a SaaS product will be defined. Finally, in Section 6 we mention some conclusions.
2. Software Services in the Cloud
Cloud computing offers three layers of services, infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS) [1,8]. SaaS is the layer that immediately visualizes the user in the cloud, so it represents the user interface [8].
The SaaS layer has changed the way to store and access software applications, since they are already stored in remote servers and are accessed through the internet [9]. But, the traditional software applications are installed directly on the client’s computer.
The SaaS layer is divided into two main categories, business oriented services and client oriented services. Business oriented services sell software to companies, through a subscription. These services are related to business process such as product or application management services for customer relationship management. The other type of SaaS service, client oriented services, offers software for the general public, this services are acquired through a subscription or free of charge [9].
Cloud computing [10] defines some characteristics based on the resources to offer SaaS. These characteristics are the following:
• Details of the resources are unknown for the users, for example: the hardware or software version.
• The lack of resources is not a reason for concern for the user.
• In some cases, payments are made for the use of the resources.
These resources are necessary so the user can utilize SaaS. SaaS layer is designed to offer services at any time or place, in which the SaaS provider uses necessary resources and provides the adequate maintenance [11].
SaaS has been successful, counting with several software applications such as video conference, customer relationship management, accounting, emailing, and human resources among others [12].
SaaS application work for clients that are interested on improving their applications integration system, therefore, SaaS applications can be used by several users [13,14].
3. Users
SaaS is a multi-user software model, which permits different clients, from a single user up to a group of users from a large company, to use the same software [13].
The user represents the main actor and any other user registered or unregistered in software as a service.
3.1. SaaS Layer Users
The SaaS layer offers applications that the client can interact with, the main types of SaaS users are [15]:
• Organizational: user that accesses business interest services and these services are administrated by a client user.
• Client: represents the client subscriber, he is the service administrator for a specific application, accesses and configures the software services. Also, the client assigns the user privileges, in a company scenario.
• Visitors: user that utilizes a given time to test software. Counts with access to some applications that are found in the SaaS layer. This type of users can register or authenticate themselves to be able to use cloud services.
Figure 1 shows SaaS users, these users are defined according to the tasks they can perform in the SaaS layer.