Fuzzy Logic–Based Scheme for Load Balancing in Grid Services


Load balancing is essential for efficient utilization of resources and enhancing the responsiveness of a computational grid, especially that hosts of services most frequently used, i.e. food, health and nutrition. Various techniques have been developed and applied; each has its own limitations due to the dynamic nature of the grid. Efficient load balancing can be achieved by an effective measure of the node’s/cluster’s utilization. In this paper, as a part of an NSTIP project # 10-INF1381-04 and in order to assess of FAQIH framework ability to support the load balance in a computational grid that hosts of food, health and nutrition inquire services. We detail the design and implementation of a proposed fuzzy-logic-based scheme for dynamic load balancing in grid computing services. The proposed scheme works by using a fuzzy logic inference system which uses some metrics to capture the variability of loads and specifies the state of each node per a cluster. Then, based on the overall nodes’ states, the state of the corresponding cluster will be defined in order to assign the newly arrived inquires such that load balancing among different clusters and nodes is accomplished. Many experiments are conducted to investigate the effectiveness of the proposed fuzzy-logic-based scheme to support the load balance where the results show that the proposed scheme achieves really satisfactory and consistently load balance than of other randomize approaches in grid computing services.

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T. Helmy, H. Al-Jamimi, B. Ahmed and H. Loqman, "Fuzzy Logic–Based Scheme for Load Balancing in Grid Services," Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, Vol. 5 No. 12B, 2012, pp. 149-156. doi: 10.4236/jsea.2012.512B029.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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