Beneficial Experience from Teaching and Education to Research and Development


Teaching and Education (T&E) constitute the most important activity in knowledge transfer from generation to generation. This can explain why government organizations consider the training of highly qualified personnel as one of the most important criteria in the selection of research and development (R&D) grant applications. A university professor should thus not only play the role of researcher, but also that of teacher. T&E and R&D combine to form an inseparable relationship for university professors. By shooting for excellence in T&E, we could get a new perception of a familiar field or initiate a brand new field altogether, which would in turn enhance our research. The quest for excellence in R&D leads to deeper and better understanding of materials taught, and progress in R&D enriches our T&E endeavors. Here, the author shares a beneficial experience from T&E to R&D.

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Li, L. (2012) Beneficial Experience from Teaching and Education to Research and Development. Creative Education, 3, 148-153. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.37B039.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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