The Physical Foundation of Car-following Model ()
Xiaolin Shu,
Shuo Jin,
Ying Zhang,
Hongbo Zhou,
Guanghong Lu
College of Physical Science and Nuclear Engineer, Beihang University, Beijing, 100191, China.
DOI: 10.4236/ce.2012.37B030
Based on the Newton’s law of motion, the motion equation of the microscopic car-following model is
introduced. The moving vehicles comply with the idea
of Newton's equations of motion. But the interaction between vehicles is different
from their traction. The inertia of the car is not its mass. We discuss the differences and present how to treat them. This article can deepen and widen the students' understanding of Newton's laws of motion. It can also provide the materials for
university physical teaching. It is suitable for the students to exploratory
Share and Cite:
Shu, X. , Jin, S. , Zhang, Y. , Zhou, H. and Lu, G. (2012) The Physical Foundation of Car-following Model.
Creative Education,
3, 114-116. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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