Psychological Foundations of Creative Education
Valentin Ageyev
“Kainar” University, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
DOI: 10.4236/ce.2012.31001   PDF    HTML     7,136 Downloads   14,975 Views   Citations


The article suggests considering the translating (consuming) character of contemporary education as its problem. The consuming character of education, exactly, is asserted to be the source of all educational problems. The effort is made to differentiate between the education based on appropriation (consumption of the knowledge and social experience existing in the society) and education based on generation (creativeness, i.e. self-dependent creation of the new knowledge). It is pointed out that under conditions of appropriating (culture-consuming) education it is impossible to raise the ability to create and foresee. This problem can only be solved under conditions of creative (culture-generating) education. This article cites the results of experimental education under the conditions of creative education. The conclusion is drawn on the perspectivity of the educational creative systems elaboration.

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Ageyev, V. (2012) Psychological Foundations of Creative Education. Creative Education, 3, 1-9. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.31001.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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