Binding Number and Fractional k-Factors of Graphs


In this paper, we consider the relationship between the binding number and the existence of fractional k-factors of graphs. The binding number of G is defined by Woodall as bind( G )=min{ | N G ( X ) | | X | :XV( G ) } . It is proved that a graph G has a fractional 1-factor if bind( G )1 and has a fractional k-factor if bind( G )k 1 k . Furthermore, it is showed that both results are best possible in some sense.

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Chang, R. (2024) Binding Number and Fractional k-Factors of Graphs. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 12, 2594-2600. doi: 10.4236/jamp.2024.127154.

1. Introduction

All graphs considered in this paper are assumed to be infinite and simple. We refer the readers to [1] for the terminologies not defined here. Let G be a graph with vertex set V( G ) and edge set E( G ) . For xV( G ) , the degree of x in G is denoted by d G ( x ) . The minimum vertex degree of G is denoted by δ( G ) . For any SV( G ) , we denote by N G ( S ) the neighborhood set of S in G and we use G[ S ] and GS to denote the subgraph of G induced by S and V( G )S , respectively. A subset S of V( G ) is called an independent set (a covering set) of G if every edge of G is incident with at most (at least) one vertex of S.

Let g and f be two integer-valued functions defined on V( G ) with g( x )f( x ) for any xV( G ) . A spanning subgraph F of G is called a ( g,f ) -factor if g( x ) d F ( x )f( x ) holds for any vertex xV( G ) . A ( g,f ) -factor is called an [ a,b ] -factor if g( x )=a and f( x )=b for any xV( G ) . An [ a,b ] -factor is called a k-factor if a=b=k .

Let h:E( G )[ 0,1 ] be a function, and let k1 be an integer. If ex h( e ) =k holds for each vertex xV( G ) , we call G[ F h ] a fractionalk-factor of G with indicator function h where F h ={ eE( G )|h( e )>0 } . A fractional 1-factor is also called a fractional perfect matching [2].

The binding number of G is defined by Woodall [3] as

bind( G )=min{ | N G ( X ) | | X | :XV( G ) } . It is trivial by the definition that bind( G )c implies that for every subset XV( G ) , we have either N G ( X )=V( G ) or | N G ( X ) |c| X | . It is also obvious that if bind( G )>1 , then G is connected. Many authors have investigated the relationship between binding number and the existence of factors in graphs. For more information, please refer to [4]-[6]. We begin with some known results.

Anderson gave a sufficient condition for the existence of 1-factors.

Theorem 1.1. ([7]) If a graph G has even order and bind( G ) 4 3 , then G has a 1-factor.

Woodall showed the relationship of the binding number and the existence of a Hamiltonian cycle in a graph. In [8] obtained the binding number condition for restricted matching extension in graphs.

Katerinis and Woodal [9] and Katerinis [10] found the minimum degree and binding number conditions for a graph to have k-factors. Zhou obtained the binding number condition for a graph to be ID-k-factor-critical [11].

[12] considered binding number and the existence of f-factors in graphs. The researchers discussed binding number and the existence of ( g,f ) -factors in graphs [13] and binding number and the existence of ( g,f ) -factors with prescribed properties in graphs [14]. The authors studied binding number and the existence of fractional ( g,f ) -factor-critical in graphs [15]. Recently, the researchers considered binding number conditions and various factors ([16]-[18]).

In this paper, we consider the relationship between the binding number and the existence of fractional k-factors in G. Our main results are the following two theorems.

Theorem 1.2. Let G be a connected graph with | V( G ) |2 , then G has a fractional perfect matching if bind( G )1 .

Theorem 1.3. Let k2 be an integer. A Graph G with | V( G ) |k+1 has a fractional k-factor if bind( G )k 1 k .

2. Preliminary Lemmas

Liu and Zhang gave a necessary and sufficient condition for a graph to have a fractional k-factor in [19].

Lemma 2.1. ([19]) Let k1 be an integer. A graph G has a fractional k-factor if and only if for any subset S of V( G ) ,

k| T | d GS ( T )k| S |

where T={ xV( G )S| d GS ( x )k1 } .

In particular, for k=1 , Scheinermman obtained the following result.

Lemma 2.2. A graph G has a fractional perfect matching if and only if for any subset S of V( G ) ,

i( GS )| S |

where i( GS )={ xV( G )S| d GS ( x )=0 } .

We obtained the following result in [20].

Lemma 2.3. ([20]) Let G be a graph and H=G[ T ] such that d G ( x )=k1 for every xV( H ) and no component of H is isomorphic to K k where TV( G ) and k2 . Then H has a maximal independent set I and a covering set C=V( G )I satisfying

| V( H ) |( k 1 k+1 ) i + j=0 k2 ( j+1 ) i j ,| C |( k1 1 k+1 ) i + j=0 k2 j i j ,

where i =| I |=| { x|xI, d H ( x )=k1= d G ( x ) } | , i j =| { x|x I =I I , d H ( x )=j< d G ( x ) } | .

Lemma 2.4. ([21]) Let G be a graph and H=G[ T ] such that δ( H )1 and 1 d G ( x )k1 for every xV( H ) where TV( G ) and k2 . Let T 1 ,, T k1 be a partition of the vertices of H satisfying d G ( x )=j for each x T j where we allow some T j to be empty. If each component of H has a vertex of degree at most k2 in G, then H has a maximal independent set I and a covering set C=V( H )I such that

j=1 k1 ( kj ) c j j=1 k1 ( k2 )( kj ) i j

where c j =| C T j | and i j =| I T j | for j=1,,k1 .

3. Proof of Theorems

Suppose that G satisfies the conditions in Theorem 1.2, but G has no fractional perfect matching. By Lemma 2.2, there exists a subset S of V( G ) such that i( GS )>| S | . We choose X as the set of isolated vertices of GS , that is, | X |=i( GS ) . Since G is connected, it follows that S , and | N G ( X ) |SV( G ) .

According to the definition of bind( G ) , we obtain bind( G ) | N G ( X ) | | X | | S | i( GS ) <1 , contradicting with bind( G )1 .

Proof of Theorem 1.3. Suppose that G satisfies the conditions in Theorem 1.3, but G has no fractional k-factors. From Lemma 2.1, there exists a subset S of V( G ) such that

k| T | d GS ( T )>k| S |, (1)

where T={ xV( G )S| d GS ( x )k1 } .

Let m be the number of the components of H =G[ T ] which are isomorphic to K k , we may assume that C 1 , C 2 ,, C m are these components. Let T 0 ={ xV( H )| d GS ( x )=0 } and H= H m K k T 0 .

If | V( H ) |=0 , by (1) we get k| T 0 |+mk>k| S | , that is, | S || T 0 |+m1 .

If m=0 , | S |<| T 0 | . Set X= T 0 , then | X |=| T 0 | and N G ( X )S , N G ( X )V( G ) . We obtain that bind( G ) | N G ( X ) | | X | | S | | T 0 | <1 , a contradiction.

If m1 , let X= C 1 C m1 { x } T 0 where x is an arbitrary vertex of C m , then | X |=( m1 )k+1+| T 0 | and N G ( X ) C 1 C m1 ( C m { x } )S , N G ( X )V( G ) . This follows that

bind( G ) | N G ( X ) | | X | mk1+| S | ( m1 )k+1+| T 0 | mk1+m1+| T 0 | ( m1 )k+1+| T 0 | .

When k2 ,

( ( m1 )k+1+| T 0 | )( k 1 k )( mk1+m1+| T 0 | ) ( ( m1 )k+1 )( k 1 k )( mk1+m1 )=( m1 )( k 2 k2 )+1 1 k >0.

That is, bind( G )<k 1 k , a contradiction.

Now we consider that | V( H ) |>0 . Let H= H 1 H 2 where H1 is the union of components of H which satisfies that d GS ( x )=k1 for any vertex xV( H 1 ) and H 2 =H H 1 . By Lemma 2.3, H1 has a maximal independent set I1 and the covering set C 1 =V( H 1 ) I 1 such that

| V( H 1 ) |( k 1 k+1 ) i + j=0 k2 ( j+1 ) i j ,| C 1 |( k1 1 k+1 ) i + j=0 k2 j i j ,

where i =| I |=| { x|x I 1 , d H 1 ( x )=k1= d GS ( x ) } | , i j =| { x|x I = I 1 I 1 , d H 1 ( x )=j< d GS ( x ) } | .

On the other hand, we may assume that δ( H 2 )1 . Since Δ( H 2 )k1 , let T j ={ x V( H 2 )| GS ( x )=j } for 1jk1 . By the definition of H2 we know that there exists one vertex with degree at most k2 in GS from each component of H2. According to Lemma 2.4, H2 has a maximal independent set I2 and the covering set C 2 =V( H 2 ) I 2 such that

j=1 k1 ( kj ) c j j=1 k1 ( k2 )( kj ) i j (2)

where c j =| C 2 T j | and i j =| I 2 T j | for j=1,,k1 .

Set W=V( G )ST and U=S C 1 ( N G ( I 1 )W ) C 2 ( N G ( I 2 )W ) . Then

| U || S |+| C 1 |+ j=0 k2 ( k1j ) i j + j=0 k1 j i j .

Let X be the set of isolated vertices of GU , then . Set X= X C 1 C m , then and N G ( X )U C 1 C m , N G ( X )V( G ) . By the definition of bind( G ) we have | U |+mk| N G ( X ) |bind( G )| X | . Therefore


From (1) we have k( t 0 +m )+| V( H 1 ) |+ j=1 k1 ( kj ) i j + j=1 k1 ( kj ) c j k| S | .

Combined with (3),

k( t 0 +m )+| V( H 1 ) |+k| C 1 |+ j=0 k2 k( k1j ) i j + j=1 k1 ( kj ) c j >kbind( G )( t 0 +mk+ i 1 + j=0 k2 i j )+ j=1 k1 ( kbind( G )kjk+j ) i j m k 2 .

By the notation of bind( G ) , we have

| V( H 1 ) |+k| C 1 |+ j=0 k2 k( k1j ) i j + j=1 k1 ( kj ) c j >kbind( G )( i 1 + j=0 k2 i j )+ j=1 k1 ( kbind( G )kjk+j ) i j .

By Lemma 2.3, we get that

| V( H 1 ) |+k| C 1 |+ j=0 k2 k( k1j ) i j ( k 1 k+1 +k( k1 1 k+1 ) ) i 1 + j=0 k2 ( j+1+kj ) i j + j=0 k2 k( k1j ) i j =( k 2 1 ) i 1 + j=0 k2 ( k 2 k+j+1 ) i j .

Combined with (2),

j=1 k1 ( k2 )( kj ) i j +( k 2 1 ) i 1 + j=0 k2 ( k 2 k+j+1 ) i j >kbind( G )( i 1 + j=0 k2 i j )+ j=1 k1 ( kbind( G )kjk+j ) i j ( k 2 1 ) i 1 +kbind( G ) j=0 k2 i j + j=1 k1 ( kbind( G )kjk+j ) i j .

We have

Thus at least one of the following two cases must hold.

Case 1. There exists at least one j satisfying ( k2 )( kj )>kbind( G )kjk+j . It follows that bind( G )< k 2 k+j k k 1 k ( jk1 ), a contradiction.

Case 2. k 2 1>kbind( G ) . In this case we have bind( G )<k 1 k , a contradiction.

The proof of Theorem 1.3 is complete.

Remark. The result in Theorem 1.2 is sharp. To see this, consider the graph G 1 = K n ( n+1 ) K 1 where n is an arbitrary positive integer. We can immediately obtain that bind( G 1 )= n n+1 <1 and bind( G 1 ) is arbitrary close to 1 when n is enough. If we choose S=V( K n ) , then i( GS )=n+1>| S | . It follows that G1 has no fractional perfect matching by Lemma 2.2.

To see Theorem 1.3 is also sharp, we construct the following graph G2: If k=2 , let V( G 2 )=V( A )V( B )V( C ) where A= K ( nk+1 )( k1 ) = K 2n+1 , B=( nk+1 ) K 1 =( 2n+1 ) K 1 and C= K n( k1 ) = K n . Set other edges in G2 are a perfect matching between A and B and all the pairs between B and C. This follows that bind( G 2 )= ( nk+1 )( k1 )+n( k1 ) nk+1 ( k=2 ) . It is easy to see that bind( G 2 )<k 1 k and bind( G 2 ) can be made arbitrary close to k 1 k when n is large enough ( k=2 ). Let S=C , by Lemma 2.1 G2 has no fractional k-factor ( k=2 ).

4. Conclusion

Therefore, we conclude that a graph G has a fractional 1-factor if bind( G )1 and has a fractional k-factor if bind( G )k 1 k . Furthermore, it is showed that both results are best possible in some sense.

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.


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