Transport in Astrophysics: V. On the Red Sun at Horizon ()
1. Introduction
The red color of the sun at the horizon raises some astrophysical questions that should be solved:
1) What is the mechanism that changes the color of the sun from yellow to red?
2) What is the role of the declination angle in this change of color?
The solar spectrum at the top of the atmosphere is here assumed to be modeled by the Planck distribution which dates back to 1901 [1] . The Planck distribution is an active field of research and we select some topics under discussion: A careful examination of the maximum in emissivity in the following domains: frequencies, wavelength and wave number [2] ; a parametrization of the peaks in emissivity with the Lambert function [3] ; a parametrization of the fraction of the total power emitted by a blackbody in a given spectral band with the polylogarithm function [4] ; a semi-analytical method to calculate the total radiance received from a black body between two frequencies [5] ; a careful analysis of the Planck distribution in order to explain three features of the Solar photons: refrangibility, heat effect and chemical effect [6] . In order to answer the posed questions, we review in Section 2 the existing data on the density of the atmosphere and we analyze in Section 3 the behavior of the density of matter along three lines of sight: horizon, zenith and variable declination angle. The losses in energy along the line of sight are evaluated in the framework of a blackbody distribution for frequencies, see Section 4, and a blackbody distribution for wavelengths, see Section 5. Section 6 derives the temperature of the sun’s spectrum for the air mass zero (AM0).
2. The Density Profile of the Atmosphere
We assume that the atmosphere has a density of the type
where r is the altitude above the sea level,
and s are two numerical parameters to be found from the available data. In order to find the above parameters we processed the data of the U.S. standard atmosphere as reported in Conversely a ray of the sun in the travel from the top of the atmosphere interacts with a growing density of air
is a constant and r varies between 0 at the top of the atmosphere and t, the thickness of the atmosphere. In both cases r is evaluated along a line which crosses the center of Earth and Table 1 reports the numerical values for the atmosphere here adopted. A first application is the average density of the atmosphere evaluated along the two directions of a radial line which crosses the center of Earth
The above result means that the average density at zenith is equal in both directions.
Table 1. Numerical values for the parameters in SI.
3. The Involved Geometry
We start with the observer situated on the Earth’s surface at the center of an X-Y frame with coordinates (0, 0). A first line represents the line of sight of the sun
where the angle
in rad grows in the counterclockwise direction. The sun at
the horizon has an angle
and sun at the zenith has an angle
; in astronomy
is named elevation angle.
A second line
crosses the center of the Earth (0, −a) with a representing the Earth’s radius, see the numerical value in Table 1, and
a counter-clockwise angle in rad. The two lines are reported in Figure 1. A first circle represents the Earth’s surface
and a second circle represents the end of the atmosphere
We now analyze two directions of sight, zenith and horizon, and then the line of sight as function of the angle of sight
3.1. Two Directions
We limit ourselves to the zenith,
, and to the horizon,
, in order to
Figure 1. The first green line of sight with gradient equal to
and the second gray line which connects the center of Earth to the atmosphere, gradient equal to
obtain first results in a simple way. The intersection of the line
with the second circle (7),
is at
which means that at the horizon the line of sight is ≈12.6 bigger in respect to the zenith. A way to parameterize the second line, see Equation (5), which crosses the center of the Earth is
is the intercept with the line
which varies between 0 and
, see Equation (8). The distance as going from outside to inside in the atmosphere along the above line to the line
is function of
we have
and when
we have
; Figure 2 reports an example of evaluation of
A second application is the average density of the atmosphere evaluated along the line of sight for the horizon which is
Figure 2. First circle in red, second circle in blue, line which connect the center of Earth to y = 0 in gray and thick line which represents the distance on which to evaluate the density in green.
The above numerical result allows to say that the average density along the line of sight for the horizon is ≈2.97 time bigger than that along the line of sight of the zenith. The line of sight along the zenith direction is
and along the horizon direction is
3.2. Variable Angle of Sight
The angle
characterizes the line of sight, see Equation (4), and the intersection of the above line with the second circle, see Equation (7), (
), is at
The second line which crosses the center of the Earth, see Equation (5), has a minimum angle
which means that the range of
and Figure 3 reports the value of
as function of the angle
in degree.
The intersection, (
), between the line which represents the line of sight, see Equation (4), and that one which represents the radial direction in respect to the center of Earth, see Equation (5), is at
Figure 3. The value of
as function of the angle
in degree, parameters as in Table 1.
The intersection, (
), between the line which represents the radial direction in respect to the center of Earth, see Equation (5), and the second circle, see Equation (7), is at
As a consequence of the above intersection the distance
as evaluated on line crossing the Earth from outside the atmosphere to the intersection of the two lines is
We are now ready to evaluate the average density of the atmosphere along the line of sight
which is defined as
as given by Equation (14). The above integral does not have an analytical solution and therefore we introduce the following fit for the numerical integration
see Figure 4. The percentage error of the fit,
, is
degree and
4. The Planck Distribution in Frequencies
The Planck distribution for the spectral radiance [1] [7] ,
, is
is the frequency, c the light velocity, h the Planck constant, T the temperature and k the Boltzmann constant. The numerical values of the above physical constants are reported in Table 2 in SI units [8] .
Figure 4. The value of the average density of the atmosphere as function of the angle
in degree, parameters as in Table 1. The red full line represents the fit as given by Equation (22) and the blue square the numerical integration.
Table 2. Numerical values for the parameters connected with the Planck distribution in SI.
The spectral radiance has a maximum,
, at
where W is the Lambert W function, after [9] ; with the data of Table 2.
which is in the near infrared region. We now analyze how is possible to decrease the frequency of the sun at zenith characterized by the yellow color with frequency
to the red frequency,
, at horizon, see Table 2 for the numerical values. The ratio
, see parameters in Table 2, is the target of the following simulation. The Bouguer-Beer-Lambert law [10] [11] [12] is very useful in spectrophotometry
is the initial intensity of the light, I is the intensity of the light after traveling the distance d and
is a coefficient of absorption expressed in unit neper, see formula (1) in [13] . The parameter
can be expressed as
is a coefficient of attenuation and
the concentration. Here we assume that the energy E of a photon which travels the atmosphere decreases according to the following ODE
is the averaged density of matter in kg/m3 and
the attenuation coefficient for energy in m2/kg. A usual assumption is
which produces the following ODE in frequency
see formula (5) in [14] . The above ODE is solved assuming the initial condition
Figure 5 reports the decrease in frequency at the zenith which is minimum and Figure 6 reports the decrease in frequency at the zenith which covers the yellow-red transition.
Figure 5. The decrease in frequency as function of the distance at the zenith, (
), parameters as in Table 1.
Figure 6. The decrease in frequency as function of the distance at horizon, (
), parameters as in Table 1.
We are now ready to display the evolution of the spectral radiance adopting the following rules:
1) We select an initial frequency at the top of the atmosphere.
2) We evaluate the spectral radiance for the initial frequency.
3) We evaluate the final frequency in a given direction with formula (29) adopting the appropriate density and line of sight which are functions of the angle
4) The spectral radiance of the final frequency is that of the initial frequency evaluated at point [2] .
As an example, Figure 7 reports the overall spectral radiance in three directions of sight.
5. The Planck Distribution in Wavelengths
The Planck distribution in wavelengths is
and the maximum,
, is at
Figure 7. The modified spectral radiance at the horizon (
degree), red line, at
degree, orange line and at the zenith (
degree), yellow line.
As a practical application at the temperature here adopted of 5772 K the maximum of the radiance is at 502.039 × 10−9 m or 502.039 nm. We start from Equation (28) in order to obtain the ODE for the increase in wavelength
The above ODE is solved assuming the initial condition
We are now ready to display the evolution of the spectrum adopting the following rules:
1) We select an initial wavelength at the top of the atmosphere.
2) We evaluate the spectral radiance for the initial wavelength.
3) We evaluate the final wavelength in a given direction with formula (33) adopting the appropriate density and line of sight which are functions of the angle
4) The spectral radiance of the final wavelength is that of the initial wavelength evaluated at point [2] .
As an example Figure 8 reports the overall spectrum on three directions of sight.
6. Temperature Determination
The solar cell measurements require an accurate knowledge of the solar spectrum at the top of the atmosphere, as an example at 35 km, which is called air mass zero (AM0) [15] . The data of AMO can be found, as an example, digitizing ASTM E-490 on a search engine, and are displayed as a green point in Figure 9. We fit the AM0 data with the following function
Figure 8. The theoretical spectrum at the horizon (
degree), red line, at
degree, orange line and at the zenith (
degree), yellow line, the wavelengths are expressed in nm.
Figure 9. Spectral radiance versus wavelength in nm for AM0, green points, and theoretical fit, red line.
where B is a constant which allows to match the data. The temperature and the constant can be found through the Levenberg-Marquardt method (subroutine MRQMIN in [16] ) and turn out to be
. The above value of temperature has a percent error of 5.27% on the value here adopted of 5772 K.
7. Conclusions
The average density of the atmosphere
The evaluation of the average density of the atmosphere is simple along a radial direction which crosses the center of Earth but complicated along a given elevation angle, see Equation (22) for a numerical approximation.
The decrease in frequencies
The ODE for the decrease in frequency due to the Bouguer-Beer-Lambert law, see Equation (28), allows the yellow-red transition for the sun at the horizon. Due to the fact that the initial value of the spectral radiance is maintained, all the spectrum is shifted toward lower frequencies, see as an example Figure 7.
The increase in wavelengths
The ODE for the increase in wavelengths, see Equation (33), explains the yellow-red transition. Also here the initial value of the spectral radiance is maintained and as a consequence all the spectrum is shifted toward bigger wavelengths, see as an example Figure 8.