1. Introduction
The cycle multiplicity is the maximum number of line disjoint subgraphs contained in G so that each subgraph is not acyclic. This number is called the cycle multiplicity of G denoted by
. The formula for cycle multiplicity of complete and complete bipartite graph is given in [2] . In [3] , authors found an upper bound for the line and middle graph of any graph. Also they obtained the formula for line and total graph of any forest. Recently, M.M. Akbar Ali and S.P Anayappan discuss cycle multiplicity of total graph of
in [1] . In [4] , Li Yinkui determines the cycle multiplicity of some Cartesian product graphs. In [5] , Song’s result improves the theorem of Ma and Yan by optimizing the lower bound of
be connected graps, the Cartesian product
is a graph which has vertex set
with two vertices
adjacent if for exactly one i,
is an edge in
. The total graph
of G is a such graph that the vertex set of
and two vertices
in the vertex set of
are adjacent in
in case one of the following holds: 1)
are in
and x is adjacent to y in G. 2)
are in
are adjacent in G. 3) x is in
, y is in
, and
are incident in G.
As we all know that Cartesian product graphs and total graphs play important role in research of Graph Theory and Networks. In this paper, we determine the cycle multiplicity of Cartesian product graph
and then get the formula of cycle multiplicity for total graph of
Through this paper, we consider finite, simple, undirected graph. For any real number r,
denote the largest integer not exceeding r and the least integer not less than r, respectively. The other notations and terminology can be found in [6] .
2. Cycle Multiplicity of Km × Kn
In this section, we determine the cycle multiplicity of
. First we give some useful Lemmas.
Lemma 1. [2] Let Kn is a complete graph with order n. Then the cycle multiplicity of Kn is
Lemma 2. Let
be the vertex set of complete graph Kn. Suppose
is a maximum cycle set of Kn. Then
1) If
with no free edges;
2) If
with no free edges;
3) If
free edges
4) If
free edges
Proof: If n is odd. By Lemma 2.1, we know that
. If
with no free edge since
, thus (1) hold. If
with no free edge since
, this means (2) hold.
If n is even. Since every vertex
has odd degree and is incident with at least one edge not belong to any cycle in
. By the maximality of
we know that the free edges of
are just diagonal edges of Kn such as
. Thus the number of edges of
is not more than
. Combine this with
, (3) and (4) are hold where n is even.
Now we prove our main result as fellow.
Lemma 1. Let Kn be a complete graph with order n. Then
Proof: Denote
by G and vertex
. By
we denote subgraphs induced by
, respectively. It is clear that
. So both of
are spanning subgraphs of G. Now we distinguish two cases to complete the proof.
Case 1: Both of m, n are even.
Since the
and the
are two classes edge disjoint spanning subgraphs of G, there are at most
edge disjoint cycles in
, denoted this cycle set by
. By Lemma 2.2, we know that
is consisted of 3-cycles and 4-cycles, and there will be mn free edges respect to
, such as
in every
in every
Follow this procedure, we expand cycle set
by using mn free edges. Since all free edges are diagonal edges of
, the shortest cycle we can form by using free edges is 4-cycle. This implies that we get at most
edge disjoint 4-cycles. Thus the total number of edge disjoint cycles in G is at most
. Combine this with Lemma 2.1, we get
On the other hand, because the
and the
are edge disjoint spanning subgraphs of G, we can find
edge disjoint cycles in G, denote this cycle set as
. By Lemma 2.2, there are mn free edges respect
. Using these free edges can form
edge disjoint 4-cycles such as
. By the definition of cycle multiplicity and Lemma 2.1, we have
when both of m, n are even.
3. Cycle Multiplicity of Total Graph of Complete Bipartite Graph Km × Kn
Theorem 2. Let
be a total graph of graph G. Then cycle multiplicity of
, where
is line graph of G.
Proof. For convenience narrate we denote
such that
. By the definition of total graph we know that graph G and its line graph
are both subgraphs of total graph
and no vertex of
having thus edges of both G and
incident to it. Hence the line set of
may be partitioned into three sets and we call an edge of
a G-edge, L-edge, or I-edge according to its belong to G, to
, or to neither G nor
, respectively. Now to each G-edge we may obviously associate two I-edge, which altogether form a distinct triangle such as
. Thus we can obtain
edge disjoint triangles by using G-edge and I-edge. Next we consider to use L-edge to form line disjoint cycles. Clearly the edge induced subgraph of
by L-edge is line graph
of graph G, so we get
is more than
add the number of line disjoint cycle in
On the other hand, since any 3-cycle in
not exclusively formed by L-edge has only two I-edges and one G-edge. Hence the up bound for
may be obtained by adding the maximum number of line disjoint cycles formed exclusively with L-edges. As, by
, We can obtain that
is less than or equal to the sum of
, where CM(L(G)) is the maximum number of line disjoint cycles in
. Thus we have
By Theorem 2.1 and 3.1 we immediately get the cycle multiplicity of
Corollary 3. Let
be the total graph of complete bipartite graph
. Then cycle multiplicity of
Corollary 4. Let
be the total graph of complete bipartite graph
. Then cycle multiplicity of
The authors would like to thank anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and suggests to improve the quality of the article. This work supported by QHFRP No. 2022-ZJ-753.