Factors Affecting Green Purchase Behaviour and Future Marketing Strategy


With the popularization of sustainable development, promoting green consumption is an inevitable requirement of the new development concept. The purpose of this paper is to explore the influencing factors of green consumption behavior. The study shows that contextual factors, subjective norms, perceived usefulness, and reference groups positively influence consumers’ green consumption behavior. Based on the above conclusions, suggestions for promoting green consumption are put forward in terms of green product production, low-carbon way publicity, policy mechanism development, and green culture marketing to meet consumer expectations and guide green consumption behavior.

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Liang, G. (2024) Factors Affecting Green Purchase Behaviour and Future Marketing Strategy. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 14, 194-213. doi: 10.4236/ajibm.2024.142010.

1. Introduction

This paper endeavors to delve into the multifaceted realm of factors influencing consumers’ green purchasing behavior, with a broader objective of integrating marketing practices with sustainable development to formulate viable marketing strategies. The trajectory of consumer development is undergoing a profound shift, emphasizing the imperative of constructing a consumption model that not only satisfies human needs but also aligns seamlessly with ecological civilization and sustainable development. Amidst this evolving landscape, green consumption emerges as a noteworthy paradigm, garnering escalating attention and recognition.

Green consumption, a nascent pattern of consumption, epitomizes a conscious approach wherein consumers prioritize ecological protection and sustainable development throughout the lifecycle of goods—from purchase and utilization to post-processing. The overarching goal is to minimize the adverse impact of consumption behavior on the environment. Central to the exploration of green consumption in this study is the examination of consumers’ green purchasing behavior, a critical facet in the adoption of environmentally conscious practices.

Green purchasing, as defined by Chan (2001) , involves the procurement of environmentally friendly products while actively avoiding those that pose harm to the environment. A green product, within this context, is one that not only fulfills consumer needs but also contributes to a more sustainable world by avoiding detrimental effects on the environment (Shamdasani, Chon-Lin, & Richmont, 1993) . These products stand out for their commendable environmental performance, utilizing materials that are safer, recyclable, and involve minimized packaging. Illustrative examples of green products encompass organic items, energy-efficient light bulbs, herbal products, and eco-friendly washing machines, among others.

Green purchasing is predominantly assessed through the lenses of green purchase intention and behavior. Green purchase intention encapsulates consumers’ readiness to invest in environmentally friendly products, serving as a window into the motivational factors that significantly influence green purchasing behavior (Ramayah, Lee, & Mohamad, 2010) . This intention reflects a proactive stance toward making environmentally conscious choices, demonstrating an individual’s commitment to aligning their consumption patterns with sustainability objectives.

The manifestation of green purchasing behavior is regarded as a sophisticated form of ethical decision-making, representing a tangible expression of socially responsible conduct. Consumers engaged in green consumption transcend the confines of private consumption, considering the broader societal ramifications of their choices. Such individuals leverage their purchasing influence as a means to effect societal change, embodying the essence of socially responsible consumerism (Moisander, 2007) . This shift towards socially responsible consumption is indicative of a growing awareness and commitment among individuals to contribute positively to environmental conservation and sustainable development.

As this study embarks on an exploration of the intricate dynamics of green purchasing behavior, it aspires to contribute not only to the theoretical understanding of this evolving paradigm but also to propose actionable marketing strategies that seamlessly integrate with the principles of sustainability. By elucidating the factors that shape consumers’ green purchasing behavior, this research endeavors to provide insights that can inform marketing initiatives geared towards fostering a more sustainable and ecologically conscious marketplace.


H1: Situational factors positively influence green consumption attitudes.

H2: Subjective norms positively influence green consumption attitudes.

H3: Perceived usefulness positively affects green consumption attitude.

H4: Reference group positively influences green consumption attitude.

2. Literature Review

Green consumption, a crucial component within the framework of collaborative governance addressing environmental issues, has emerged as a focal point in contemporary academic research, particularly in exploring the myriad factors that shape its dynamics (Zhang, 2019) . The intricate interplay of individual factors and psychological dimensions influencing consumer behavior has garnered widespread recognition and support within scholarly discourse.

Delving into the realm of consumer personal characteristics, Laukov and Wang’s (2015) perspective emphasizes the role of dependent self-construction. This construct, intricately intertwined with green consumption attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived control, serves as an indirect influencer of green consumption behavior. Furthermore, Song and Yu’s (2012) insights, derived through factor analysis, shed light on the significant impact of lifestyle characteristics such as impulsive buying tendencies, price sensitivity, and product interests on consumers’ engagement in green purchasing activities.

Turning our attention to the psychological awareness factors shaping consumer behavior, a plethora of scholars have embarked on exploring the nuanced mechanisms underlying green consumption. Pioneering works by Balderjahn (1988) and Lee (2008) assert that consumers’ attitudes towards green products and their commitment to environmental protection play pivotal roles in steering green consumption behavior. Meanwhile, Wang et al. (2015) argue that consumers’ possession of ecological knowledge emerges as a critical determinant influencing their attitudes towards products and subsequent purchase intentions.

The landscape of environmental cognition has also been scrutinized in the context of green consumption. Zhang’s (2010) research reveals a noteworthy positive correlation between the level of environmental awareness and green purchasing motivation. Extending this discourse, Sheng et al. (2018) and other scholars posit that factors such as environmental responsibility and perceived green values exert a profound influence on consumers’ willingness to embrace green products.

In their study of green purchase intentions, Wijekoon and Sabri (2021) subdivided personal characteristics into attitudes, emotions, motivations, perceived factors, psychological factors, social factors, personal norms, and religious factors (Table 1).

In essence, the multifaceted exploration of green consumption within the realms of individual characteristics and psychological dimensions underscores the intricate web of influences that shape environmentally conscious consumer behavior.

3. Theoretical Framework

In the continuous quest to unravel the intricate dynamics of consumer behavior

Table 1. Individual factor and its influences.

Source: https://doi.org/10.12677/SD.2022.124108.

in the domain of green purchasing, prior research has predominantly oriented its focus toward dissecting the underlying values, attitudes, and behavioral intentions concerning environmentally friendly products (Vermeir & Verbeke, 2006; Wheale & Hinton, 2007) . The theoretical frameworks that have played a pivotal role in shaping these investigations include the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) and the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). While these frameworks have undeniably provided valuable insights, there exists a niche of studies delving into alternative hierarchical models that incorporate values, beliefs, attitudes, and behavior, seeking a more nuanced understanding of the complexities involved in green consumer decision-making.

The TRA posits that individual behavior is fundamentally shaped by two primary factors: individual attitudes and social norms. Building upon this foundation, the TPB introduces perceived behavioral control as an additional determinant, representing the perceived control over one’s purchasing actions. Numerous studies have harnessed the power of the TPB to delve into consumer attitudes, intentions, and actual buying behavior concerning green products (Arvola et al., 2008; Smith & Paladino, 2010; Tanner & Kast, 2003; Tarkiainen & Sundqvist, 2005) . However, a recurring observation across the majority of these studies is the manifestation of a weak relationship between consumers’ expressed positive attitudes towards purchasing green products and their actual purchase behavior—a phenomenon commonly referred to as the attitude-behavior gap.

The efficacy of attitudes as predictors in the context of environmental consumerism remains a topic of debate, with studies suggesting that environmental concern or attitudinal variables may inadequately capture the intricacies of green purchase behavior (Bamberg, 2003) . TPB, in particular, has faced criticism for its purported oversight of the affective element influencing ethical behavior and its neglect of consumers’ habitual buying behavior (Padel & Foster, 2005) . Furthermore, the influence of various situational factors, such as economic constraints, has been overlooked, potentially complicating the relationship between environmental attitudes and behavior.

The limitations inherent in the TPB approach become palpable in its inability to comprehensively explain consumer decision-making not only during the product purchase phase but also in the post-purchase behavior realm. Models focusing on the interplay between attitudes, intentions, and behavior often disregard external effects emanating from environmental and situational factors that significantly impact consumer purchase behavior (Carrington et al., 2010) . In response to these challenges, several scholars have proposed modifications to the TPB, aiming to overcome its limitations and shed light on the reasons behind the observed attitude-behavior inconsistencies within the context of green purchasing.

Various theoretical perspectives posit that attitude alone does not singularly influence behavior; rather, other factors play a crucial role not only in impacting behavior but also in shaping the strength of the attitude-behavior relationship. Guagnano et al. (1995) introduced the Attitude-Behavior-Context (ABC) model, emphasizing that consumer green behavior is not solely influenced by attitude but is also intricately connected to contextual factors. These contextual factors, whether favorable or unfavorable, have the potential to either bolster or diminish the attitude-behavior relationship. In a parallel vein, Ölander and Thøgersen (1995) presented the Motivation-Ability-Opportunity (MAO) model, underscoring that ability and opportunity are indispensable prerequisites for eliciting green consumer behavior. This model posits that consumers’ positive attitudes translate into desired behavior only when they possess the necessary ability and opportunity to carry out the expected behavior.

More recently, Phipps et al. (2013) introduced the reciprocal deterministic theory, placing a strong emphasis on the significance of past behavior as an indicator of future sustainable behavior. This theory suggests that personal factors, such as attitude, when coupled with past sustainable behaviors and sociocultural environments, collectively influence future sustainable behavior. Consequently, consumer behavior is not solely dictated by attitude but is intricately interwoven with various other personal and situational factors, which can either fortify or weaken the attitude-behavior relationship.

Building upon the foundation of prior research, which predominantly delves into demographic factors, consumer psychological factors, and external scenarios as influencing factors of green consumption behavior, this paper adopts the Theory of Planned Behavior as its theoretical framework. The study undertakes an in-depth exploration of the influence factors of green consumption behavior, operating under the assumption that consumers possess green consumption cognition. Consumption attitude is considered a mediating variable, offering a nuanced examination of the multifaceted factors impacting green consumption behavior. With the ultimate goal of contributing practical insights for the promotion of green consumption, the study constructs a comprehensive model encapsulating the influence factors of green consumption behavior. Through this endeavor, it aspires to pave the way for a more profound understanding of the intricacies involved in fostering sustainable consumer choices.

4. Methodology

4.1. Research Design

The research conducted in this paper builds upon an extensive foundation of prior studies, employing a robust quantitative research design to delve into the intricacies of consumer attitudes and the various factors influencing green purchasing behavior. Recognizing the need for a comprehensive exploration, a meticulously crafted questionnaire served as the primary instrument for data collection, facilitating the acquisition of a substantial volume of information (Appendix 1). This deliberate choice of a quantitative approach aimed to provide a quantifiable and statistically relevant understanding of the dynamics surrounding consumer preferences in the realm of environmentally conscious choices.

The questionnaire, a pivotal tool in this research endeavor, drew inspiration from established and validated research, ensuring a solid grounding in existing academic discourse. To gauge the multifaceted aspects of consumer attitudes, the questionnaire employed a Likert scale, a well-established measurement tool renowned for its ability to quantify subjective responses. This scale allowed for a nuanced evaluation of participants’ sentiments, offering a spectrum upon which respondents could express their degrees of agreement or disagreement.

The core elements of the questionnaire design were strategically curated to encapsulate critical dimensions such as environmental awareness, environmental responsibility, and green product knowledge. These dimensions were chosen deliberately to comprehensively capture the intricate interplay between consumers’ cognitive perceptions and their resultant behavioral patterns in the context of green purchasing. The questions were meticulously framed to ensure their effectiveness in eliciting responses that authentically reflected consumers’ nuanced perspectives and actual behaviors.

Emphasizing the need for precision and relevance, the questionnaire design underwent careful scrutiny to align with the overarching research objectives. Each question was purposefully crafted to extract meaningful insights into the participants’ environmental consciousness and the factors influencing their decision-making processes. By anchoring the research in a quantitative paradigm and employing a methodically designed questionnaire, this study aspires to contribute not only to the academic discourse on green consumerism but also to offer pragmatic insights that can inform strategies for fostering sustainable consumer behaviors.

4.2. Sample

The questionnaire was distributed online through Questionnaire Star. A total of 532 questionnaires were meticulously distributed, and an impressive 96.43% effective recovery rate was achieved, resulting in the retrieval of 513 valid questionnaires. This robust response rate not only underscores the engagement and cooperation of the participants but also enhances the reliability and statistical significance of the gathered data. The meticulous recovery process aimed to ensure the integrity and accuracy of the sample, a fundamental aspect in drawing meaningful conclusions from the research.

In order to guarantee a representative and diverse sample, the research intentionally included individuals with varying demographics, encompassing different genders, ages, education levels, and incomes. This comprehensive approach to participant selection is essential for capturing a holistic view of consumer attitudes and behaviors in the context of green purchasing. The gender distribution was well-balanced, with 54.25% male and 45.75% female respondents, reflecting a proportional representation of both genders (Figure 1).

Furthermore, the age structure of the questionnaire survey respondents exhibited a balanced distribution, contributing to a more nuanced understanding of how different age groups perceive and engage with green consumption practices. A noteworthy 72.87% of the participants possessed an undergraduate degree or above, indicating a high level of education among the respondents (Figure 2). This demographic characteristic is particularly valuable as it suggests that the survey participants possess a foundational understanding of green consumption, aligning with national advocacy efforts, and exhibit consumption concepts in harmony with the requirements of the new era.

Figure 1. Gender distribution of respondents.

Figure 2. Education distribution of respondents.

4.3. Reliability and Validity Analysis

Using SPSS to use Cronbach’s Alpha reliability coefficient as an indicator, analyzing the Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient is greater than 0.7, the internal consistency of the data of the research variables, reliability, stability is high, and passes the reliability test. On the occasion of designing the questionnaire, we drew on the design of various mature scales and questions to basically ensure the content validity. Using SPSS software for validity analysis, the standardized loading factor is greater than 0.6, the average variance extracted is greater than 0.5, and the combined reliability is greater than 0.7, the three indicators meet the requirements, and the structural validity test is passed.

4.4. Results

In this paper, we use Stata regression analysis for the analysis of factors influencing green consumption behavior, taking situational factors, subjective norms, perceived usefulness, reference groups, as independent variables, and then hypothesis testing with 0.01 significance. The results are shown in Table 2.

The well-rounded composition of the sample, characterized by a balance in gender representation, diverse age groups, and a predominantly highly educated cohort, enhances the research’s forensic validity. This representation not only offers a comprehensive snapshot of consumer demographics but also provides a robust foundation for in-depth analysis and exploration of the research question. As a result, the findings derived from this diverse and representative sample are poised to contribute significantly to the ongoing discourse surrounding green consumerism.

The results of the regression analysis and hypothesis testing are summarized in Table 1, providing insights into the relationships between various independent variables and the dependent variable. For H1, a positive association (β = 0.193) is observed between consumption behavior and situational factors, supported by a statistically significant t-value of 3.882. H2 indicates a significant positive relationship (β = 0.252, t = 4.981) between subjective norms and the dependent variable, though the specific dependent variable is not explicitly mentioned in the table. Similarly, H3 suggests a positive impact (β = 0.211, t = 4.768) of perceived usefulness on the dependent variable. H4 reveals a positive association (β = 0.178) between the reference group and the dependent variable, supported by a statistically significant t-value of 3.524. These findings collectively

Table 2. Results of regression analysis and hypothesis testing.

imply that situational factors, subjective norms, perceived usefulness, and the reference group play influential roles in shaping the consumption behavior, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of the factors affecting the studied phenomenon.

5. Findings

5.1. Education Level

The positive correlation between education level and green purchasing behavior can be attributed to several factors that reflect the complex interplay between education, awareness, and environmental consciousness. As individuals attain higher levels of education, they are exposed to a broader range of information, including environmental issues and the impact of consumer choices on the planet. This heightened awareness often leads to a greater understanding of the importance of sustainable practices, influencing purchasing decisions.

Education fosters critical thinking skills, allowing individuals to evaluate the environmental implications of their choices. Higher education levels provide people with the tools to analyze information, discern between sustainable and unsustainable practices, and make informed decisions. Environmental education programs within academic curricula may further enhance this awareness, instilling a sense of responsibility towards the environment.

Moreover, educated individuals are more likely to stay abreast of global environmental challenges through access to diverse information sources. They may engage with scientific literature, news articles, and educational platforms that emphasize the need for eco-friendly behaviors. This continuous learning process reinforces the connection between personal choices, environmental impact, and the importance of adopting sustainable lifestyles.

Social influence within educated circles also plays a role. As individuals with higher education levels tend to interact with like-minded peers, a collective awareness emerges, promoting environmentally conscious behaviors. This social reinforcement can create a positive feedback loop, where green practices become normalized and celebrated within educated communities.

Financial capacity, often associated with higher education, can also contribute to green purchasing behavior. Educated individuals may have greater disposable income, allowing them to prioritize environmentally friendly products and services that may sometimes come with a premium price tag.

The positive correlation between education level and green purchasing behavior is a result of increased awareness, critical thinking skills, exposure to environmental education, social influence, and financial capacity. This connection highlights the pivotal role that education plays in shaping individuals’ attitudes and behaviors towards sustainability, fostering a more environmentally conscious consumer base.

5.2. Age and Gender

The relationship between gender, age, and green purchase behavior unveils intriguing insights into the dynamics of environmental consciousness within diverse demographic groups. Research suggests that gender can significantly impact green purchasing decisions, with women often exhibiting a higher inclination towards environmentally friendly products. This inclination may stem from societal expectations regarding women’s roles as caregivers and nurturers, leading to a heightened sensitivity towards issues affecting the well-being of future generations, including environmental sustainability.

On the other hand, age plays a nuanced role in shaping green purchase behavior. Younger generations, such as Millennials and Generation Z, are frequently identified as more environmentally conscious consumers. This can be attributed to the pervasive influence of information and communication technologies, which have facilitated increased awareness about climate change and sustainability issues among younger demographics. Moreover, these generations have been exposed to educational initiatives and campaigns emphasizing the importance of eco-friendly choices, contributing to a proactive stance towards green consumption.

However, it’s essential to recognize the role of life stages within age categories. For instance, research indicates that individuals in the early stages of adulthood, regardless of age group, may prioritize practical considerations over environmental concerns due to financial constraints and other immediate priorities. As individuals age and progress through different life stages, their perspectives on green purchasing may evolve, influenced by changing priorities and experiences.

Additionally, societal shifts towards more inclusive and diverse representations in marketing and advertising have started challenging traditional gender norms. This evolving landscape acknowledges that green purchase behavior is not solely determined by gender or age but is shaped by a complex interplay of individual values, beliefs, and contextual factors.

In conclusion, while gender and age can offer valuable insights into green purchase behavior, it is crucial to approach these relationships with a nuanced understanding that considers individual variations, life stages, and evolving societal norms. The dynamics between gender, age, and green consumption reflect a multifaceted interplay of societal expectations, educational influences, and individual values, highlighting the need for targeted and inclusive sustainability initiatives that resonate with diverse consumer demographics.

5.3. Overall Results

Situational factors, subjective norms, perceived usefulness, and positive influences from reference groups affect consumers’ green consumption attitudes.

Comprehensively promoting the green and low-carbon transformation and upgrading of consumption, creating a green social atmosphere, is conducive to the public fostering a positive green consumption attitude. At the same time, mainstream media’s promotion of low-carbon behavior strengthens environmental awareness with economic development and social progress. The rise in consumption levels provides material support for green consumption. Under the subjective constraints of consumers, environmentally friendly, low-carbon, and green consumption behaviors thrive.

Technology empowers the green industry, and the booming development of the new energy industry enhances consumers’ perception of green consumption. With the prevalence of self-media, celebrities, and internet celebrities conducting live commerce with large transaction volumes, acting as opinion leaders to promote green products on e-commerce platforms has a significant impact on consumers’ consumption decisions. When family, friends, and people around tend to choose green products, consumers’ green consumption attitudes become more positive.

Balancing price and a positive consumption attitude positively influence consumers’ green consumption behavior. Although green products on the market are priced 2 - 5 times higher than ordinary products, the high frequency of online shopping by consumers during the COVID-19 pandemic, driven by considerations of personal safety and health, along with the relative affordability of green products on e-commerce platforms, leads to an increase in consumer transaction rates and volumes. This indicates that price balancing positively promotes consumers’ green consumption behavior.

The green consumption attitude is a direct factor influencing green consumption behavior. Positive attitudes promote the implementation of behavior, and situational factors, subjective norms, perceived usefulness, and reference groups indirectly influence green consumption behavior through the mediating role of green consumption attitudes.

In the exploration of factors influencing consumers’ green consumption behavior, the study illuminates several noteworthy conclusions that shed light on the evolving landscape of environmentally conscious choices. As economies continue to flourish, the elevation of consumers’ spending power becomes a pivotal catalyst, steering individuals towards a heightened emphasis on life quality and product excellence. In tandem with this shift, a fascinating trend emerges—a decrease in price sensitivity among consumers, coupled with a significant surge in green consumption behavior.

The first discernible trend encapsulates the economic dynamics at play. The perpetual development of economies globally has empowered consumers, prompting a discernible upswing in their consumption patterns. With an augmented disposable income, individuals are increasingly prioritizing the enhancement of their quality of life and the pursuit of products that exemplify superior quality. This emphasis on enhanced living standards inadvertently results in a reduced sensitivity to price fluctuations, fostering a more receptive environment for the adoption of green consumption practices. As consumers become attuned to the broader implications of their choices, there is a palpable shift towards favoring products and lifestyles that are not only environmentally sustainable but also align with the broader ethos of responsible and conscientious living.

The second facet of the study delves into the societal undercurrents shaping the choices of contemporary consumers. The green ambiance within societies is steadily gaining momentum, permeating various facets of individuals’ lives. In this new era, consumers are increasingly embracing a heightened sense of social responsibility. This evolving mindset propels them towards choices that align with environmentally friendly practices. Consequently, there is a discernible inclination among consumers to opt for products that inflict minimal harm on the environment and, concurrently, a proclivity towards adopting low-carbon lifestyles.

The third and equally compelling trend revolves around the qualitative transformation of green products. The ongoing advancements in the quality of eco-friendly products are rewriting the narrative of green consumption. As the caliber of green products ascends, consumers are presented with an expanding array of choices, offering viable alternatives to commonplace, energy-inefficient products and those with a high environmental footprint. This transformative shift is accompanied by an augmentation in consumers’ perception of the utility of green products. The heightened efficacy and positive impact on the environment contribute to an increased propensity among consumers to engage in green consumption behavior.

In essence, the study underscores a dynamic interplay between economic prosperity, societal values, and the evolving landscape of green product offerings. As economies progress, consumers’ evolving priorities manifest in a pronounced shift towards green consumption, driven by an amalgamation of enhanced living standards, heightened social responsibility, and the ever-improving quality of eco-friendly alternatives. This multidimensional exploration of factors not only enriches our understanding of green consumption behavior but also provides valuable insights for businesses, policymakers, and environmental advocates seeking to foster a sustainable and responsible consumer culture.

6. Suggestion

First and foremost, a powerful strategy for promoting green purchase behavior involves raising awareness through education. By developing comprehensive educational campaigns, businesses can effectively communicate the environmental impact of products and underscore the benefits associated with choosing eco-friendly alternatives. This can be achieved through various channels, including social media, blogs, and partnerships with environmental organizations. The dissemination of information about the ecological footprint of different products and the positive effects of opting for green options are crucial in shaping consumer perceptions.

An equally impactful approach is to leverage eco-certifications and labels, thereby instilling confidence in consumers regarding the sustainability of products. Obtaining recognized certifications such as Fair Trade, Energy Star, or organic certifications adds credibility to a brand’s commitment to environmental responsibility. Clear and visible display of these labels on product packaging and in marketing materials enhances transparency and facilitates informed decision-making for environmentally conscious consumers.

Transparency in the supply chain emerges as another key strategy to promote green purchase behavior. Achieving transparency in the supply chain is a pivotal strategy to promote green purchase behavior and overall sustainability. One fundamental approach is the development of a comprehensive supply chain map, delineating key stakeholders. Establishing strong relationships with suppliers, encouraging eco-friendly practices, and employing digital technologies like blockchain enhance transparency. Conducting thorough environmental impact assessments at each stage of the supply chain, adhering to recognized certifications and standards, and fostering clear communication channels with stakeholders contribute to a more sustainable and transparent supply chain. Regular monitoring, reporting, and employee training ensure continuous improvement, aligning the entire organization with sustainability goals. Ultimately, these measures collectively build trust, assure consumers of responsible sourcing, and meet the rising demand for environmentally conscious products.

Incentivizing green choices represents a practical and effective tactic. Offering incentives such as loyalty programs, discounts, or exclusive offers for customers opting for eco-friendly options encourages a positive association with green products. By implementing a rewards system that acknowledges and appreciates environmentally conscious decisions, businesses can actively motivate consumers to make sustainable choices.

An impactful strategy that goes beyond transactional interactions is engaging in cause marketing. Aligning a brand with environmental causes creates a deeper connection with consumers. By supporting and partnering with environmental NGOs or initiatives, businesses contribute to positive environmental change. Communicating these contributions through marketing campaigns enhances brand perception, making consumers more likely to choose products associated with socially responsible brands.

Investing in product innovation is a pivotal step towards promoting green purchase behavior. Through research and development, businesses can create products with reduced environmental impact. Highlighting these innovations in marketing campaigns showcases a brand’s commitment to sustainable solutions. Features such as recyclability, energy efficiency, or the use of eco-friendly materials can be emphasized to attract environmentally conscious consumers.

Collaborating with influencers and ambassadors who align with green values is a strategy that leverages authentic advocacy. Partnering with influencers known for their commitment to environmental causes allows brands to reach wider audiences through endorsements, reviews, tutorials, or lifestyle content. The authenticity of influencers enhances brand credibility and resonates with their followers, contributing to increased awareness of green products.

Interactive marketing campaigns offer a dynamic approach to engaging and educating consumers about green practices. By developing online quizzes, interactive social media challenges, or augmented reality experiences, businesses can create memorable and educational experiences. These campaigns not only educate consumers about their ecological footprint but also make the learning process enjoyable and shareable, thereby increasing their reach and impact.

Fostering a sense of community around green initiatives is a community-based strategy. Establishing online forums, social media groups, or events where consumers can share experiences related to green living encourages a sense of belonging. The exchange of tips, challenges, and success stories within this community-building approach enhances the perception of a brand as part of a broader movement towards sustainability.

Finally, integrating sustainable packaging practices is a tangible way to minimize environmental impact. By using recycled or biodegradable materials for packaging and clearly communicating the eco-friendly attributes on product labels, businesses demonstrate a commitment to environmentally conscious practices. Consideration of packaging designs that encourage recycling or upcycling adds an extra layer to the overall sustainability efforts.

In conclusion, a comprehensive and integrated approach that encompasses education, transparency, incentives, community engagement, and sustainable practices is essential for businesses aiming to promote green purchase behavior. By implementing these strategies, businesses not only attract environmentally conscious consumers but also contribute to the global movement towards a more sustainable future. The alignment of green values with marketing efforts can enhance brand reputation, foster customer loyalty, and position businesses as leaders in environmental stewardship.

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, this study intricately explores the myriad factors influencing consumers’ attitudes towards green consumption. The interplay of situational factors, subjective norms, perceived usefulness, and positive influences from reference groups showcases the complexity of green consumer behavior. Against the backdrop of global “dual carbon” goals, nations have implemented measures that deeply embed green concepts throughout the entire consumption lifecycle.

A pivotal revelation is the transformative role of technology, empowering the green industry and enhancing consumers’ perceptions of green consumption. Influencers on self-media, celebrities, and internet platforms exert significant influence on consumers, shaping positive attitudes towards green products. This influence extends to personal circles, further contributing to a positive outlook on green consumption.

Despite the price disparity between green and ordinary products, our study illuminates a delicate balancing act between price considerations and positive consumption attitudes. The surge in online shopping during the COVID-19 pandemic, coupled with the relative affordability of green products on e-commerce platforms, results in increased transaction rates and volumes. This underscores the positive impact of attitudes and the harmonization of prices in driving consumers’ green consumption behavior.

Our exploration extends beyond individual factors to reveal evolving trends in environmentally conscious choices. Economic prosperity emerges as a key driver, with consumers prioritizing quality of life and superior product excellence over traditional price sensitivity. The societal shift towards a green ambiance is evident in heightened social responsibility, propelling consumers towards environmentally friendly practices and low-carbon lifestyles.

The qualitative transformation of green products is a game-changer, enhancing consumer perception of utility and contributing to increased engagement in green consumption behavior. In essence, the study portrays a dynamic interplay between economic prosperity, societal values, and the qualitative transformation of green product offerings.

This multidimensional exploration not only enriches our understanding of green consumption behavior but also provides valuable insights for businesses, policymakers, and environmental advocates seeking to foster a sustainable and responsible consumer culture. As economies progress, consumers’ evolving priorities manifest in a pronounced shift towards green consumption. This holistic understanding is paramount for shaping future strategies that align with the ever-evolving landscape of environmentally conscious consumer choices.

8. Contribution and Limitation

This paper aims to investigate the determinants influencing green consumption behavior. The research demonstrates that contextual factors, subjective norms, perceived usefulness, and reference groups all positively impact consumers’ inclination toward green consumption. Going beyond these findings, the article makes noteworthy contributions by proposing actionable recommendations to promote green consumption. These suggestions encompass aspects such as the production of eco-friendly goods, the advocacy for low-carbon practices, the formulation of policy mechanisms, and the strategic marketing of a green culture. By addressing consumer expectations, these innovative recommendations seek to steer and encourage green consumption behavior, contributing to the development of a more sustainable and environmentally conscious consumer landscape.

Synthesizing the review and summary of the entire article, there are still limitations in this article. Firstly, in terms of research data, most existing studies utilize cross-sectional data, such as data derived from questionnaire surveys and simulated experiments. These data are often short-term, lacking long-term data analysis. Over time, people’s experiences and the influence of additional factors may lead to changes in green purchasing intentions. Therefore, it is suggested that future research should undertake longitudinal studies, employing long-term surveys to analyze people’s green purchasing intentions at different time periods, facilitating a better understanding of the relationships between influencing factors.

Secondly, in the analysis of characteristics, the literature reviewed in this study reveals that there is a greater focus on individual characteristic factors influencing green purchasing intentions, particularly in the realms of perceived characteristics and personal normative characteristics. However, there is relatively less research on situational characteristics and product characteristics. Future studies could emphasize discussions on the impact of external situational factors and intrinsic product factors on consumers’ green purchasing intentions. For instance, external factors may include product category diversification (how facing various alternatives may affect green purchasing intentions), purchasing channels (online or offline), environmental conditions (such as air pollution index levels, urban water quality, and residential environmental conditions). Product-specific factors may include whether a product supports trial use and the brand status.

Thirdly, in terms of purchasing targets, existing studies mostly generalize the purchasing objects of green purchasing intentions to encompass all green products. There is a limited focus on researching the intentions to purchase specific categories of green products. The influences on green purchasing intentions may vary across different product categories. Future research can delve into specific product categories, such as green materials for footwear and clothing, green electronic products, or books and notebooks made from environmentally friendly recycled paper.

Lastly, existing research has conducted relatively few comparative discussions. For instance, there is limited exploration of the varying degrees of influence on green purchasing intentions among different regions (urban vs. rural), different educational levels, and workers in different industries under the same factors. Scholars in the future can conduct in-depth comparative analyses to explore how influencing factors impact various groups of people. This could involve comparing the impact of factors on individuals in urban and rural areas, individuals with different educational backgrounds, and individuals working in different industries.

Appendix 1

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.


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