Roto-Stabilizer for Superb Pitch-Related Post-Stall Maneuvers and STOL ()
Stabilizers and their control surfaces are vital components in maneuvering an
airplane during flight. However, a shortcoming of stabilizers is that they require
airstream or propeller wash for them to work properly. In this work, we
propose the concept of roto-stabilizer as viable substitution for conventional
horizontal stabilizer. A key benefit of the proposed technique is its ability to
exert powerful moment in the absence of forward airspeed or propeller wash.
Proof of principle is demonstrated via computer simulations. Results reveal
that new aerobatic maneuvers are made possible. Furthermore, when implemented
in canard configuration, it is possible to achieve ultra-STOL and
Share and Cite:
Poh, C. and Poh, C. (2018) Roto-Stabilizer for Superb Pitch-Related Post-Stall Maneuvers and STOL.
Advances in Aerospace Science and Technology,
3, 61-70. doi:
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