An Approximation Algorithm for the solution of astrophysics equations using rational scaled generalized Laguerre function collocation method based on transformed Hermite-Gauss nodes ()
In this paper we propose a collocation method for solving Lane-Emden type equation which is nonlinear or-dinary differential equation on the semi-infinite domain. This equation is categorized as singular initial value problems. We solve this equation by the generalized Laguerre polynomial collocation method based on Her-mite-Gauss nodes. This method solves the problem on the semi-infinite domain without truncating it to a fi-nite domain and transforming domain of the problem to a finite domain. In addition, this method reduces so-lution of the problem to solution of a system of algebraic equations.
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Pirkhedri, A. , Daneshjoo, P. , Javadi, H. , Navidi, H. , Khodamoradi, S. and Ghaderi, K. (2011) An Approximation Algorithm for the solution of astrophysics equations using rational scaled generalized Laguerre function collocation method based on transformed Hermite-Gauss nodes.
International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics,
1, 67-72. doi: