Study of the Electrical Parameters of a Silicon Solar Cell (n+/p/p+) under the Effect of Temperature by Optimization of the Base Thickness and the Doping Rate ()
In this work, we propose an approach to model the basic parameters of a silicon solar cell (n+/p/p+) by optimizing the doping rate and the thickness of the base using Matlab Simulink. This technique applies to electrical parameters such as the short-circuit current (Jcc) and the open-circuit voltage (Vco). These parameters are mainly related to the variations in the doping rate and the thickness of the solar cell. So, optimizing these parameters could offer the possibility of better taking into account the influence of temperature and improving the quality of the solar cell. This technique consists of determining the optimum thickness and the optimum doping rate. And this allowed us to observe using graphs the behavior of the solar cell under different values of temperature.
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Traore, S. , Diedhiou, A. , Sambou, A. and Camara, M. (2024) Study of the Electrical Parameters of a Silicon Solar Cell (n
+) under the Effect of Temperature by Optimization of the Base Thickness and the Doping Rate.
Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering,
12, 15-23. doi:
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