Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Variation Characteristics and Driving Factors of Land Vegetation GPP in a Certain Region of Asia ()
Gross primary productivity (GPP) of vegetation is a critical indicator of ecosystem growth and carbon sequestration. The spatiotemporal variation characteristics of land vegetation GPP trends in a specific region of Asia from 2001 to 2020 were analyzed by Sen and MK trend analysis methods in this study .Moreover , a GPP change attribution model was established to explore the driving influences of factors such as Leaf Area Index (LAI), Land Surface Temperature (LST), Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD), Soil Moisture, Solar Radiation and Wind Speed on GPP. The results indicate that summer GPP values are significantly higher than those in other months, accounting for 60.8% of the annual total GPP; spring and autumn contribute 18.91% and 13.04%, respectively. In winter, due to vegetation being nearly dormant, the contribution is minimal at 7.19%. Spatially, GPP shows a decreasing trend from southeast to northwest. LAI primarily drives the spatial and seasonal variations of regional GPP, while VPD, surface temperature, solar radiation, and soil moisture have varying impacts on GPP across different dimensions. Additionally, wind speed exhibits a minor contribution to GPP across different dimensions.
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Xia, Z. (2024) Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Variation Characteristics and Driving Factors of Land Vegetation GPP in a Certain Region of Asia.
Open Journal of Ecology,
14, 523-543. doi:
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