Using Rapid Prototyping Data to Enhance a Knowledge-Based Framework for Product Redesign ()
The particular characteristics of Rapid Prototyping technologies, both in terms of constrains and opportunities, often require the reconfiguration of the product model to obtain the best compliance with the product functionalities and performances. Within this field of research, a knowledge-based tool named Design GuideLines Collaborative Framework (DGLs-CF) was developed to support both the designers defining the product consistently with the manufacturing technologies and the manufacturers defining the building setup consistently with the product requirements. Present work is focused on enhancing the DGLs-CF knowledge base and on updating the DGLs-CF knowledge management by using the information gathered on some RP technologies. The added-value of this research is represented by an improvement in the Redesign/Reconfig- uration Package, the final result of the DGLs-CF adoption. This is a list of actions to be performed on the product model and on the process parameters to avoid the limitations of the technology and to exploit at best its opportunities.
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FILIPPI, S. and CRISTOFOLINI, I. (2010) Using Rapid Prototyping Data to Enhance a Knowledge-Based Framework for Product Redesign.
Intelligent Information Management,
2, 1-13. doi: