Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology

Volume 3, Issue 2 (April 2017)

ISSN Print: 2380-4327   ISSN Online: 2380-4335

Google-based Impact Factor: 1.31  Citations  

Modeling GW Generation at Start of the Electro Weak Regime and Its Tie into the Machian Universe with Falsifiable hij Values

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DOI: 10.4236/jhepgc.2017.32026    745 Downloads   1,146 Views  


The early electro weak regime as of 10-32 seconds after the big bang is where we could see the initial formation of gravitons, gravitinos and GW. What we intend to do is to look at if Mach’s principle, and a statement of overall quantized energy state behavior of the universe can help us get hij , using initial conditions as initially presented by Mishra in 2012 we restate as . Mach’s principle was used by Mishra, and we use it to come up with conditions for a stable overall mass M contributing to GW generation/ entropy of the universe. The composition of M for gravitons would change over time from initial beginnings to the present day, but the final invariant graviton mass M we work with is a way to state initial and final numbers, N, of the constituent particles contributing to entropy of our universe. By the way of comparison this also is tied into Gravitinos, as super partners to Gravitons, as counted by N, initially, and dying out as up to the present day values. From the present, we have the Machian condition of setting, the present condition, as given by Mishra , with being the mass of a sub-system inside the universe, with N being the number of “particles”, and m being the net particle mass. We examine the consequences of Mach’s principle for the case of the mass M, contributing to GW and entropy with a case of , i.e. the total mass of the electro weak era is about the same as today’s mass, but if we look directly at the influence of SUSY physics super partners, in such a way that and there is then an equivalence between SUSY dominated early conditions and non-SUSY as equal to a constant value. i.e. if Machian physics held from early times, up to the present, it would have implications for explaining entropy, as given in, as to why it would be so much lower as of about and before the electro-weak regime than today. This leads to Equations (37)-(39) as hij values to be detected by appropriate GW detectors.

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Beckwith, A. (2017) Modeling GW Generation at Start of the Electro Weak Regime and Its Tie into the Machian Universe with Falsifiable hij Values. Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology, 3, 308-321. doi: 10.4236/jhepgc.2017.32026.

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