The division and bending of green and red semiconductor laser light at the same time
Remzi Yıldırım
DOI: 10.4236/ns.2011.310114   PDF    HTML     4,401 Downloads   8,199 Views   Citations


In this experimental study, the laser light was split and bended using a specially designed glass lenses at the same time. This process has been done at the atmospheric pressure and room temperature conditions. During the experiments, the semiconductor laser as a source of green and red laser diode is used. In addition, polari- zation, magnetic field, electric field or any other auxiliary materials and systems which affect laser light are not used to bend the laser light. Only transparent glass lenses that are designed specially are used in the experimental study.

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Yıldırım, R. (2011) The division and bending of green and red semiconductor laser light at the same time. Natural Science, 3, 889-894. doi: 10.4236/ns.2011.310114.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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