Assessment of Artificial Recharge Test in Jeftlik – Faria Area, West Bank
Marwan Ghanem, Amer Marei, Heinz Hoetzl, Leif Wolf, Wasim Ali, Amjad Assi
Artificial Recharge, Jeftlik Area, Faria Area, Jordan Rift Valley
Journal of Water Resource and Protection,
Vol.3 No.3,
ABSTRACT: An artificial recharge test site was selected in the Jeftlik area of the foot prints of the Faria basin, in the Upper Jordan Rift Valley. The artificial pond infiltration type of 26 meters diameter and 2.85 meters depth was used. It is a hyperbolic form of 500 cubic meters volume. The integration parameters of hydrogeological settings, hydrochemical characteristics of allocated water bodies, geophysical investigations and the potentiality of the aquifer system in the area were used for the test area selection. The test site area lies within the shallow Pleistocene aquifer of 30-50 meters saturated thickness. One groundwater well of 19 m distance and two groundwater wells of 1 km far distance were used for the system monitoring. The filled water in the test system comes from the wadi water floods brought by 1.5 km of open canal. The sub-catchment is of 3 km2. The recharge rate within the Pleistocene aquifer was determined. This experiment is tested for the water quality type fillings of the first flushing water floods, the water flood in the middle of the winter season and the pumped water from other wells far away from the experiment.