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Messiaen, L., Yao, S., Brems, H., Callens, T., Sathienkijkanchai, A., Denayer, E., Spencer, E., Arn, P., Babovic-Vuksanovic, D., Bay, C., Bobele, G., Cohen, B.H., Escobar, L., Eunpu, D., Grebe, T., Greenstein, R., Hachen, R., Irons, M., Kronn, D., Lemire, E., Leppig, K., Lim, C., McDonald, M., Narayanan, V., Pearn, A., Pedersen, R., Powell, B., Shapiro, L.R., Skidmore, D., Tegay, D., Thiese, H., Zackai, E.H., Vijzelaar, R., Taniguchi, K., Ayada, T., Okamoto, F., Yoshimura, A., Parret, A., Korf, B. and Legius, E. (2009) Clinical and mutational spectrum of neurofibromatosis type1-like syndrome. JAMA, 302, 2111-2118. doi:10.1001/jama.2009.1663

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