An Efficient Priority Based Routing Technique That Maximizes the Lifetime and Coverage of Wireless Sensor Networks
Imad Salah, Mohmmad A. Alshriedeh, Saleh Al-Sharaeh
Wireless Sensor Networks; Energy-Aware Routing; Sensors Deployment; Priority Based Technique
International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences,
Vol.6 No.2,
Recent development in sensor technologies makes wireless sensor networks (WSN) very popular in the last few years. A limitation of most popular sensors is that sensor nodes have a limited battery capacity that leads to lower the lifetime of WSN. For that, it raises the need to develop energy efficient solutions to keep WSN functioning for the longest period of time. Due to the fact that most of the nodes energy is spent on data transmission, many routing techniques in the literature have been proposed to expand the network lifetime such as the Online Maximum Lifetime heuristics (OML) and capacity maximization (CMAX). In this paper, we introduce an efficient priority based routing power management heuristic in order to increase both coverage and extend lifetime by managing the power at the sensor level. We accomplished that by setting priority metric in addition to dividing the node energy into two ratios; one for the sensor node originated data and the other part is for data relays from other sensors. This heuristic, which is called pERPMT (priority Efficient Routing Power Management Technique), has been applied to two well know routing techniques. Results from running extensive simulation runs revealed the superiority of the new methodology pERPMT over existing heuristics. The pEPRMT increases the lifetime up to 77% and 54% when compared to OML and CMAX respectively.