Relationship between Motivation and Job Performance at the University of Mines and Technology, Tarkwa, Ghana: Leadership Lessons
Anthony Afful-Broni
Motivation; Job Performance; Employee-Employer Relationship
Creative Education,
Vol.3 No.3,
ABSTRACT: This study examined the relationship between motivation and job performance of staff at the University of Mines and Technology, Tarkwa and the leadership lessons to be derived. A sample of 200 respondents comprising 40 senior members, 60 senior staff and 100 junior staff was employed using the purposive and simple random sampling methods. The study was guided by four research questions, and a self-developed four-point Likert structured questionnaire was the main instrument used in collecting data. The questionnaire had reliability co-efficient of 0.785, 0.765, 0.626 and 0.855 respectively. Data collected was analysed with descriptive and inferential statistics. Low monthly salaries and the general lack of motivation were the major factors that reduce morale for high performance at the University. Recommendations included the need to encourage the University Council and other stakeholders to support management in developing income generating programs internally to help provide adequate incentives and allowances for the staff of the University.