Evolution Subject to an Energy Driven Fundamental Time Arrow
Helmut Tributsch
Time Arrow, Self-Organization, Maximum Entropy Production, Aim of Evolution, Consciousness, Spirit
Advances in Anthropology,
Vol.8 No.3,
ABSTRACT: Adopting a fundamental time arrow in nature, a free
energy aiming at decreasing its presence per state by generating a flow of
action, as recently derived from the principle of least action, entrains
significant consequences for understanding mechanisms in evolution and biology.
Simultaneously, the presently favoured statistical, entropic time
arrow is tolerated as a limiting case. The entropy law, which
self-organized systems follow, is deducible and time reading for feedback
processes is functioning at very short time scale during energy turnover, even
during build-up of order (decrease of entropy). As a consequence, living
systems can self-organize on molecular level and evolution has an aim. This aim is maximizing entropy and thus energy
turnover, within given constraints. Genetic mechanisms, here seen as
self-organized chemical information handling, had to deal with such a
parallel entropy (energy) aim of self-organized living structures and should be
considered superposed, adapted to it and controlling it. Since increasing
energy turnover is paralleled by an increasing ability of self-organized
systems for generating order, this explains evolution towards
higher perfection and the trend towards symbiotic energy harvesting.
Information as well, which has an energy content, can self-organize within the
neuronal structure of the brain and create a higher hierarchy of information
handling. It is recognized as consciousness and spirit, which thus can be
explained on purely materialistic basis. Evolution towards maximum energy
(entropy) turnover as a fate for human civilization, when restraints are
further decreasing, is a pessimistic prospect due to unavoidable environmental
consequences. However, evolution of spirit is a straightforward parallel
consequence and this may be considered the ultimate aim of evolution. The
introduction of a fundamental energy driven time arrow as a paradigm change is
verifiable via convincing falsification
conditions and would revolutionize our understanding of life and human
evolution within
a significantly
more friendly universe.