Synthesis, Permeability and Microstructure of the Optimal Nickel-Zinc Ferrites by Sol-Gel Route
Ni-Zn Ferrite, RLF, Eddy Current, Sintering, Initial Permeability, Microstructure
Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications,
Vol.2 No.1,
ABSTRACT: The optimum ferrite can be obtained through free-microstructural defects where such defects are always encountered in the conventional ferrites often caused by chemical inhomogeneity. In this study, Ni-Zn ferrite was synthesized and fabricated by means of a sol-gel route. Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) was used to study the thermal transforma-tion of the ferrite in air. Parts of the sol-gel powder heated at elevated temperatures were characterized by X-ray dif-fraction (XRD) method and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to reveal the crystallized single-phase and the struc-ture of the obtained ferrite. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) was assisted to investigate the structure. The microstructures of the toroidal cores were obtained at two different sintering temperatures and compared with those obtained via the classic method. In addition to that, the magnetic properties were measured. The initial magnetic permeability was found to increase with the increasing of the frequency as a result of the domain wall motions and the corresponding loss was small. Therefore, a well defined polycrystalline microstructure ferrite via an easier preparation methodology as compared to the classic method is obtained.