Political Marketing: Exploring the Nexus between Theory and Practice in Ethiopia (Comparative Study between Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front and Coalition for Unity and Democratic Party)
Mulugeta Girma
Electorate Market, Ethiopia, Political Commitment, Political Marketing, Political Parties
Open Journal of Business and Management,
Vol.4 No.2,
ABSTRACT: The main purpose of the study was to explore the Nexus between Theory and Practice of political
marketing in Ethiopia by examining the perceptions of members of EPRDF and CUDP political party.
A mixed approach with 248 and 304 usable samples were collected from top members of two
political parties randomly and relevant data were gathered, presented and analyzed using descriptive
and inferential statistical techniques. The findings revealed that there was no formal
marketing practice used by both parties and no department responsible for establishment of political
marketing mix elements rather they seldom undertook conventionally by simply stand for
what they believe, or focused on persuading voters to agree with their preplan ideas and policies
which were relating with the selling concept and product concept.