The Combination of the Physical Ostension to the Verbal Ostension in Swimming Revealing of Professorial Action
Donia Sghaier, Hejer Ben Jomaa, Mohamed Mami, Anissa Bouassida
Ostensions, Combination, Professional Action, Clinic Didactic, PE Teachers
Creative Education,
Vol.7 No.3,
ABSTRACT: This article is interesting in the used ostensive forms by two Physical Education (PE) teachers. “Swimming” is the concerned activity. Its objective is to analyse combination moments of physical ostension to verbal ostension, and to reveal that this combination is a professorial action. The research methodology is qualitative. It is enrolled in the field of clinic didactic interactions of PE and on the clinic analysis of teaching practices of expert teachers and beginners and to perceive “the case by case” and the singular subject (Terrisse, 1999). The collection and data analysis are inscribed within one time constructed or established temporality of the professorial action: the test (Terrisse, 2000) relying on the knowledge ostension scale (Robert, 2012). Results show that the combination between teacher’s ostensive forms is a professorial gesture in swimming.