Chemical Composition, Minerals and Antioxidants of the Heart of Date Palm from Three Saudi Cultivars
Dina M. Trabzuni, Saif Eldien B. Ahmed, Hamza M. Abu-Tarboush
Heart of Date Palm, Composition, Minerals, Antioxidants
Food and Nutrition Sciences,
Vol.5 No.14,
ABSTRACT: The aim of
this study was to determine the chemical composition, minerals and antioxidants
of heart of date palm from three Saudi cultivars. Moisture (ranged from 80.44% -
82.82%) was the predominant component in the heart date palm. Sukkari cultivar
had the highest protein (5.27%) and ash (7.9%) compared to the other two
cultivars. Fat was low in the three cultivars. Sucrose was the predominant
sugar in the heart date palm and ranged from 7.65% - 20.25%. Potassium was the
predominant mineral in the heart date palm and was significantly (p 50 for Solleg, Sukkari and Naboat Saif were
0.12, 0.13 and 0.29 mg/ml, respectively. The results of the present study may
highlight the potential importance of heart of date palm as a product rich in
essential minerals and antioxidants. Future researches are needed to explore
other characteristics of heart of date palm which could be considered for human