Impact of Chylous Ascites on Colon Cancer in Laparoscopic Surgery
Shinya Munakata, Kazuhiro Sakamoto, Kumpei Honjo, Masaya Kawai, Kiichi Sugimoto, Masakazu Ouchi, Makoto Takahashi, Yutaka Kojima, Kunihiko Nagakari, Yuichi Tomiki
Chylous Ascites, Colon Cancer, Epidemiology, Laparoscopic Surgery, Risk Factor
Open Journal of Gastroenterology,
Vol.8 No.7,
ABSTRACT: Objectives: To investigate the epidemiology and risk factors of chylous ascites. Methods: We identified the cases of 913 consecutive patients who underwenturgery for colorectal cancerat our University Hospital between January 2005and December2016. We divided the patients into thosewith and those without chylous ascites and compared the two groups by age, gender, body mass index, tumor location, T, N factor, stage, operation time, intra-operative bleeding,
and duration of postoperative hospital stay. Results: Chylous ascites developed in 8 of the 913 patients (0.8%). Neither age,
sex, tumor location, and body mass indexnor number of lymph nodeswereassociated with postoperative chylous ascites. Ascites occurred significantly less frequently in the early stage of colorectal cancer than in the late stage (p = 0.04). There was no significant difference between the groups in
operative factors, including operation time and blood loss. Postoperative hospital stays were longer in patients with chylous ascites (20.5 days) than in those
without (11 days) (p = 0.02). Conclusions: Late stage was one of the risk factors for chylous ascites in the present study. Other risks, such as tumor location and blood loss,will vary from institution
to institution.