Clinical, Hematological and Biochemical Health Benefit Effects of Hibiscus sabdariffa Lin Dried Calyces Beverage in Human
Ghislain Maffo Tazoho, Inocent Gouado, Mathieu Ndomou, Salomon Tchuandom Bonsi, Yvonne Mbaduet Wamba, Esther Etengeneng Agbor
Hibiscus sabdariffa Lin, Dried Calyces, Chemical Composition, Health, General Well-Being, Human
Food and Nutrition Sciences,
Vol.7 No.5,
ABSTRACT: Background/Objective: This study was carried out to investigate the health benefit effects of Hibiscus
sabdariffa Lin (H. sabdariffa L.) dried calyces beverage on some clinical, biochemical and
hematological parameters in humans. Methods: The dried calyces were harvested in the two regions
(Adamaoua and West) of Cameroon. The proximate, mineral composition and phytochemical
screening were evaluated. A standardized extraction procedure was set up and from the calyces;
we prepared a drink for 32 male volunteers’ subjects aged from 21 to 32 years, specially recruited
for the experiment. Each participant consumed 500 mL twice a day (in the morning and in the
evening) as supplement beverage during two weeks. The anthropometrics (age, height, weight,
body mass index (BMI)), clinical (systolic and diastolic blood pressure), hematological (RBC, Hb,
PCV, MCV, MCH, MCHC, WBC, Lymphocytes, MID cells, Granulocytes, platelet and MPV) and biochemical
(TC, HDL-C, LDL-C, TG, serum iron, blood glucose, creatinine, urea, ASAT and ALAT) parameters
were determined in the blood on days 0 and at the end of each week. Results: Crude protein,
lipid, fiber and ash content of calyx ranged respectively from 4.57 - 5.98, 10.10 - 11.33, 20.39 -
22.30 and 9.15% - 10.38% while the levels of minerals were ranged from 512.0 - 740.6, 77.8 -
177.7, 52.84 - 52.85, 1.10 - 2.10, 41.2 - 119.5, 3.25 - 8.20 and 0.56 - 17.5 mg/100g respectively for
Ca, Mg, K, Na, P, Fe and Zn. The phytochemical screening tests revealed the presence of alkaloids,
flavonoids, tannins, phenols and anthocyanins on methanol and aqueous extracts. A significant
increase of RBC, Hb, PCV, MPV, HDL-C, TG and creatinine and a significant decrease of WBC, MID
cells, LDL-C and TC (p H. sabdariffa L. dried calyces from Cameroon are
rich sources of crude fibers and minerals. The H. Sabdariffa L. dried calyces drink can be safely
used for people suffering for anemia. It also revealed good cholesterol lowering potential. No hepatoxicity
and no kidney damage have been observed as far as serum enzymes were concerned.