Asia-Pacific Youth Conference on Communication Technology (APYCCT 2010 E-BOOK)


ISBN: 978-1-935068-20-4 Scientific Research Publishing, USA

E-Book 934pp Pub. Date: August 2010

Category: Computer Science & Communications

Price: $120

Title: Ultra Broadband Suppression of SSN Using Z-Bridge Planar Electromagnetic Band-Gap Structure
Source: Asia-Pacific Youth Conference on Communication Technology (APYCCT 2010 E-BOOK)(Part 5 Communication Theory and Technology) (pp 704-707)
Author(s): Zhen-ning Shen, Department of Communication Engineering, Engineering College of CAPF, Shanxi Xi'an 710086
Zi-chen Zhou, Department of Electronic Technique, Engineering College of CAPF, Shanxi Xi'an 710086
Abstract: One Z-Bridge Planar Electromagnetic Band-gap (ZP-EBG) is proposed, which can effectively suppress simultaneous switching noise (SSN), and can be used in high speed digital application. The Z-bridge with slot or meander line is used to improve the band-gap. The simulation and measurement results indicated that suppression bandwidth is broadened from 280MHz to 15 GHz. From the time domain simulation, the proposed ZP-EBG can efficiently isolate the SSN over 95% and 90%, comparing with solid reference power plane and conventional UC-EBG, respectively. Differential signal is proposed to decrease the influence on the signal integrity. In addition, the ZP-EBG is simple and can be easily designed and fabricated using a standard PCB, resulting in a low-cost process. So it can be a good power plane candidate in mixed signal circuit application.
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