Using Insulation in China’s Buildings: Potential for Significant Energy Savings and Carbon Emission Reductions
Guoliang Liu, Hans Liu
DOI: 10.4236/lce.2011.24027   PDF    HTML     9,714 Downloads   14,535 Views   Citations


Most old residential and commercial buildings in China are not insulated or not to new standards. This is true even in regions with very cold winters or regions with very hot summers. The insulation in new buildings is very poor relative to North American standards. However, insulating the exterior walls, attic roofs, and foundation walls to new standards of buildings in China would reduce the need for heating and air conditioning, and thus would save roughly 200 million tons of coal each year. This in turn would lead to a reduction in CO2 emissions of about 510 million tons per year, which is equal to about 8.4% of China’s total carbon emissions in 2006. The use of insulation in buildings will help homeowners save money, help China save energy and help the environment all at the same time. Insulation will provide a continued payback to the homeowner, not only in dollars and cents, but also by providing a more enjoyable and comfortable living environment for many years.

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Liu, G. and Liu, H. (2011) Using Insulation in China’s Buildings: Potential for Significant Energy Savings and Carbon Emission Reductions. Low Carbon Economy, 2, 220-223. doi: 10.4236/lce.2011.24027.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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